OpenFermion v1.0
This release is for the stable 1.0 version of OpenFermion. Significant changes from the 0.11 release have been made. The most notable changes are listed below.
MajoranaOperator <-> FermionOperator with Jordan-Wigner + Bravyi-Kitaev options, get_majorana acts like get_fermion operator.
Is_contextual for confirming if a Hamiltonian is contextual
SymbolicOperator coefficients are sympy.Expr objects
Partitioning schemes for measuring fermionic 1- and 2-RDMs
Functionality for the Hartree-Fock project
Spatial -> spin-orbital integrals
Extended RPA
Constructing a pure 2-body (reduced Hamiltonian) from 1-body and 2-body InteractionOperator.
Construct antisymmeterized 2-electron integrals + coulomb + exchange matrices
Verified phase estimation utilities
Merging of OpenFermion-Cirq into OpenFermion
Reorganize package (#620) (new submodules: chem, linalg, circuits, functionals, transforms)
Sample data is integrated with package for testing.
Reorganize utils
Deprecation of Readthedocs as the documentation host. Docs are now generator by tensorflow-docs and hosted at