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Practical Collaborative Percpetion

This is the official code release for Practical Collaborative Perception: A Framework for Asynchronous and Multi-Agent 3D Object Detection


We propose an asynchronous collaborative 3D object detection method that achieves comparable performance with Early Fusion and consumes as little bandwidth as Late Fusion.

Qualitative performance on the [V2X-Sim dataset]( Blue points are LiDAR points collected by the ego vehicle. Gray points are LiDAR points collected by other agents which are displayed for visualization purposes only. Orange stars denote the MoDAR points broadcast by other connected agents. Green solid and dashed rectangles respectively represent ground truth visible and invisible to the ego vehicle. Red rectangles are the detections made by the ego vehicle using our method.


Our a new framework for collaborative 3D object detection, called lately fusion, takes objects detected by other connected agents, including connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) and intelligent roadside units (IRSU), and fuse them with the raw point cloud of the ego vehicle. Our method is the combination of late fusion that exchanges connected agents' output (i.e., detected objects) and early fusion that fuses exchanged information at the input of the ego vehicle, thus its name lately.

The fusion at the input of the ego vehicle is done using MoDAR. In details, objects detected by other connected agents are interpreted into 3D points with addition features (e.g., objects' dim, class, confident score). Then, these interpreted 3D points, which are referred to as MoDAR points, are transformed to the ego vehicle's frame where they are concatenated with the raw point cloud obtained by the ego vehicle.

To account for the asynchronization among connected agents, each detected object is assigned a predicted velocity so that they can be propagated from the timestep when it was detected to the timestep that is queried by the ego vehicle. This velocity prediction is based on scene flow predicted by our previous work called Aligner.

Compared to the other collaboration frameworks, including early fusion, late fusion, mid fusion, our method has the following advantages:

  • achieving competitive performance with respect to early fusion (99% of early fusion's mAP in V2X-Sim dataset)
  • not requiring that connected agents are in sync
  • consuming as much bandwidth as late fusion
  • requiring minimal changes made to single-agent detection models
  • straightforwardly supporting heterogeneous networks of detection models

Results of experiments on the V2X-Sim dataset to compare our method against other collaboration method in both syncrhonous (agents obtain and process point cloud at the same time) and asynchronous setting (0.2 seconds latency between the ego vehicle and others) are shown in the table below

Colab Method Sync (mAP) Async (mAP) Bandwidth Usage (MB) Weight
None 52.84 - 0 pillar_car
Late 70.48 67.80 0.01 -
Mid-DiscoNet 78.70 73.10 25.16 pillar_mid_sync
Early 78.10 77.30 33.95 pillar_early_sync
Ours 79.20 76.72 0.02 pillar_colab_async


  1. Getting Started
  2. Qualitative Result
  3. Reproduce Our Result
  4. Citation

Getting Started


Our codebase is based on OpenPCDet. Please refer to their installation instruction for setting OpenPCDet.

Our models use dynamic voxelization provided by torch_scatter

pip install torch-scatter -f

Please modify the version of PyTorch and CUDA according to your machine.

To interface with the V2X-Sim dataset, please install nuscenes-devkit

pip install nuscenes-devkit==1.1.9

Get The Data

We use V2X-Sim 2.0 for our experiment. This dataset can be downloaded here. As our models use only point clouds, the download of the full dataset is unnecessary. The zip files that are required are


Let the following environment variables representing the directory of OpenPCDet and V2X-Sim dataset



Please unzip the downloaded files into $DIR_V2X. The directory structure should look like

├── maps
├── sweeps
└── v2.0-trainval

If you don't download, please remove $DIR_V2X/lidarseg.json to avoid error when loading the dataset using nuscenes-devkit.

Qualitative Result

To use our models in inference mode, please download the following models

  • PointPillar for connected vehicles here
  • SECOND for IRSU here
  • Collaborative model based on PointPillar backbone for the ego vehicle here

and place them in $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools/pretrained_models

The prediction of a scene of V2X-Sim dataset is generated and visualized sample-by-sample by

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/workspace

python --scene_idx 0

Qualitative result on the V2X-Sim dataset

Note that this visualization can be run on the mini partition of V2X-Sim as well. If this is what you want, please unzip the mini partition of V2X-Sim to $DIR_V2Xand replace trainval in the line 29 of $DIR_OpenPCDet/workspace/ with mini.

Reproduce Our Result

If you just want to evaluate our models, you can skip the training of single-agent models and collaborative model. The weights of these models are provided here (or in the table above). Please download them and put them in $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools/pretrained_models.

Prepare V2X-Sim dataset for training

To parse data of the roadside unit for training and evaluation

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet

python -m pcdet.datasets.nuscenes.v2x_sim_dataset --create_v2x_sim_rsu_infos --training --version v2.0-trainval

After this command was executed, you should find two files full_v2x_sim_infos_10sweeps_train.pkl, full_v2x_sim_infos_10sweeps_val.pkl in $DIR_V2X

To parse data of the connected vehicles for training and evaluation

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet

python -m pcdet.datasets.nuscenes.v2x_sim_dataset_car --create_v2x_sim_car_infos --version v2.0-trainval

The outpuf of this command are full_v2x_sim_car_infos_10sweeps_train.pkl, full_v2x_sim_car_infos_10sweeps_val.pkl which are also stored in $DIR_V2X.

Train Single-agent Model

All trainings in this section is done on one NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU.

To train detection model of the road-side unit

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools

python --cfg_file cfgs/v2x_sim_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_rsu.yaml --batch_size 4 --workers 0 --epochs 20

To train detection model of connected vehicles

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools

python --cfg_file cfgs/v2x_sim_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_car.yaml --batch_size 2 --workers 0 --epochs 20

Generate Exchange Database

After finished training single-agent models for IRSU and CAV, the resulting models are used to generate database of exchanged MoDAR points to train the collaborative model used by the ego vehicle.

You can skip this step by downloading the database we generated here

Copy weights of trained single-agent models


cp $DIR_OUTPUT/v2x_pointpillar_basic_rsu/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_20.pth $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_rsu_ep20.pth

cp $DIR_OUTPUT/v2x_pointpillar_basic_car/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_19.pth $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_car_ep19.pth

Generate exchange database

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/workspace

python --model_type car --ckpt_path ../tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_car_ep19.pth --training 1

python --model_type car --ckpt_path ../tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_car_ep19.pth --training 0

python --model_type rsu --ckpt_path ../tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_rsu_ep20.pth --training 1

python --model_type rsu --ckpt_path ../tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_rsu_ep20.pth --training 0

Train Collaborative Model

This training is done on one NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU.

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools
python --cfg_file cfgs/v2x_sim_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_ego.yaml --batch_size 4 --workers 0

Evaluate Collaborative Model

cd $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools

cp $DIR_OUTPUT/v2x_pointpillar_basic_ego/default/ckpt/checkpoint_epoch_20.pth $DIR_OpenPCDet/tools/pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_lately.pth

python --cfg_file cfgs/v2x_sim_models/v2x_pointpillar_basic_ego.yaml --batch_size 8 --workers 0 --ckpt pretrained_models/v2x_pointpillar_lately.pth


  title={Practical Collaborative Perception: A Framework for Asynchronous and Multi-Agent 3D Object Detection},
  author={Dao, Minh-Quan and Berrio, Julie Stephany and Fr{\'e}mont, Vincent and Shan, Mao and H{\'e}ry, Elwan and Worrall, Stewart},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01462},