scModules is an R package for advanced processing and visualization of single-cell RNA-seq and TCR-seq data. It integrates multiple genomic information (e.g., copy number aberration (CNA)) and statistical algorithms (e.g., non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)) to provide semi-automated end to end analyses that are NOT available in the popular single-cell package Seurat. Currently, four modules are developed. The methodologies have been tested in several high-impact publications including Cell and Science. scModules enhances our ability to extract accurate genomic and cellular information from single-cell data and discover new cancer biology.
- An Integrative Model of Cellular States, Plasticity, and Genetics for Glioblastoma (Neftel, Laffy et al., 2019, Cell)
- Developmental and oncogenic programs in H3K27M gliomas dissected by single-cell RNA-seq (Filbin, Tirosh et al., 2018, Science)
- Decoupling genetics, lineages, and microenvironment in IDH-mutant gliomas by single-cell RNA-seq (Venteicher, Tirosh et al., 2017, Science)
You can install the development version of scModules from GitHub with:
if (!require(devtools)) {
devtools::install_github("qizongtai/scModules", ref = "development")
Module1: Cell type annotation
Module2: Malignant cell identification by copy number aberration (CNA)
Module3: cell state (metaprogram) annotation by NMF
Module4: TCR clonotype analysis
Module1 provides functions to pre-process scRNA-seq data from Cellranger outputs and assign cell types for each cell.
imports the Sparse Matrix outputs from Cellranger and convert it into a regular Matrix.create_metadata()
creates a matrix to store the meta data (features) for the cells.add_metadata()
adds new metadata to the existing metadata. It also checks the cell IDs when merging; If cell IDs doesn’t match between original and added metadata, users will have an option to proceed or stop theadd_metadata()
checks if cell IDs in gene-cell matrix and metadata are matched in order. It returns a logical value.match_mtx_meta()
check if cell IDs in gene-cell matrix and metadata are matched in order. It also checks the cell IDs when merging; If cell IDs doesn’t match between original and added metadata, users will have an option to proceed or stop the match_mtx_meta function. It returns a matched gene-cell matrix.
transforms the the cpm values into log2 space. Formular is log2(cpm/scale +1). By default, the scale is 10 for single cell RNA-seq data. Need to change scale to 1 if bulk RNAseq data.norm_row()
row-wise(gene-wise) z-score normalization for the gene-cell matrix. Center opitons are mean and median. There is no scaling by default.
calculates the percentage of counts originating from a set of features.filter_cell_bymeta()
filter cells in the gene-cell matrix by the feature settings from metadata. It returns both the filtered gene-cell matrix and metadata. It checks cells IDs before filtering and requires same number of cells.filter1_cell()
filters cells in the gene-cell matrix by user-specified settings. It returns a cell-filtered mtx.count.filter2_gene()
filters genes in the gene-cell matrix by user-specified settings. Note, it returns a gene-filtered mtx.cpm.
detects doublets using four well-developed method: three methods (scdDblFinder, hybrid score from scds, doubletCells algorithm from scran) are based on single cell experiment objects and one method (DoubleFinder) is based on Seurat object. Doublets were identified by combining the results of these alternative methods. For each method, we set the expected doublet rate at 0.6%, per 500 cells per sample. Cells classified as doublets by all three single cell expereiemnt based methods or all four methods. (Micheal: at least two methods if the three).
identifies the highly variable genes based on stand deviation. The number of gene is defined by argument.run_pca()
runs a PCA dimensionality reduction on a gene-cell matrix.extract_pc()
extracts the first 2 (by default) principal components (PCs) from the PCA object returned by run_pca function. Number of PCs extracted can be change by npc.run_umap()
runs the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) dimensional reduction on a gene-cell matrix. It returns an umap obj = matrix: cells x umap.2dimensions. As n_neighbors increases, UMAP connects more and more neighboring points when constructing the graph representation of the high-dimensional data, which leads to a projection that more accurately reflects the global structure of the data. At very low values, any notion of global structure is almost completely lost. As the min_dist parameter increases, UMAP tends to "spread out" the projected points, leading to decreased clustering of the data and less emphasis on global structure.
computes the k.param nearest neighbors for a given feature-cell matrix or cell-feature matrix (set transposed =T in this case). It also computes the weight for edges using 1-correlation ecoefficiency. The graph based clustering methods can be chosen from Louvain, walk_trap and infomap by parameters. clustering options are infomap, louvain and walktrap.snn_cluster()
computes the k.param nearest neighbors for a given feature-cell matrix or cell-feature matrix (set transposed =T in this case). It also computes shared nearest neighbors (SNN) and construct a SNN graph by calculating the neighborhood overlap (Jaccard index) between every cell and its k.param nearest neighbors. clustering options are infomap, louvain and walktrap.wide_gcluster()
transforms the data.frame from long format to wide one.
finds markers differentially expressed in each cluster or identity group by comparing it to all of the others. For each comparison, a new UMI matrix was created containing only the relevant cells. It was then log2(CPM/10+1)-transformed, filtered to only keep highly expressed genes, and mean-centered. P-values were corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg method.
calculates the signature score for the given geneset. For each cell, a relative expression score was defined by subtracting the average expression of the gene signature in a cell by that of a control gene set. The control gene set was defined by dividing all analyzed genes into 30 bins by average expression level, and for each gene in the gene signature randomly sampling 100 genes from the same bin. highest cell signature score less than (1 + conf_int)* the second highest signature.type_score()
assigns cell type to individual cells by the highest signature score of a cell type. Cell will be classified as unresolved if highest cell signature score less than (1 + conf_int)* the second highest signature.
infers copy-number alterations from single-cell RNA-seq datarefCorrect()
converts relative CNA values to absolute values + computed ininfercna()
if reference cells are provided
calcualte a parameter to identify cells with high CNAs + computed incnaScatterPlot()
calcualte a second parameter to identify cells with high CNAs + computed incnaScatterPlot()
finds malignant subsets of cellsfindClones()
identifies genetic subclonesfitBimodal()
fits a bimodal gaussian distribution + used infindMalignant()
+ used infindClones()
filters genes by their genome featuressplitGenes()
splits genes by their genome featuresorderGenes()
orders genes by their genomic positionuseGenome()
changes the default genome configured with infercnaaddGenome()
configures infercna with a new genome specified by the user
to plot a heatmap of CNA valuescnaScatterPlot()
to visualise malignant and non-malignant cell subsets
Module3 provides functions for NMF decomposition and identification of metaprograms across multiple samples or patients.
performs NMF on gene x cell matrix and output gene.cluster.df, named(cell barcode) vector(cluster) and heatmap(gene x cell)jac_mat()
calculates Jaccard index for each pairwise cluster comparisonjac_heatmap()
transforms jaccard values(df) to jaccard correlation heatmap(mtx)
extracts metaprograms from clustering of individual programs
plots gene programs during collection of metaprograms
More functions will be intergared. to be continued
Module4 provides functions for TCR clonetype expansion estimates (clonality + TCR richness + Gini index) and enrichment analysis.
Functions are ready and need to be intergared. to be continued
- July 08, 2022 Version 0.1.0: Initial release; essential functions are integrated for scRNA-seq analysis and visualization.
- August 08, 2022 Version 0.1.1: Functions from Module2 and 3 are integrated.
- to be continued