This program ContraKit is a Docker-based program to optimize the contraction order for tensor network.
Originally this is a warpper of wonderful Julia package OMEinsumContractionOrders. However, the Julia-based package is not perfectly accessible for all developer and researcher in the field of tensor network.
Our target is to make the optimization AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE, and can be easily utilized for everyone.
Later, when the image is stable, we will try to upload an Image to bypass this procedure. For now, to achieve this:
docker build -t contrakit -f .\Dockerfile .
# or for Makefile:
make build
See: Basic Tutorial part, you need to give a file.
docker run --mount type=bind,source=".",target=/app contrakit \
./examples/net.yaml ./tmp/res.yaml
# or
make run
Here, ./examples/net.yaml
is the input file, and ./tmp/res.yaml
is a generated output file.
To contract a tensor network, you may have a lot of tensors. In ContraKit
, All of them will be regarded as number. Users are expected to provide ContraKit
with all necessary information regarding the tensor network.
To delivery this information, YAML
is a human-friendly interface to achieve this task. In the YAML
file, all edges are labeled with number while you can use arbitary string
to label tensors(vertices).
As an example, we can use the following YAML
to represent the figure.
The corresponding YAML
file is
A: [1,2,3] # `A` can be arbitary string, expect negative integer
B: [3,2,5] # The order is important for users, but not ContraKit
C: [6,3,4]
D: [6,7,8]
E: [5,7,8]
output: [1,4] # the legs of output
chi : 5
D : 2
1: 6 # Number is availble
2: chi # Variable are OK
3: D^2 # Julia math notation
4: chi*D # This is also available
5: chi*D
6: chi*D
7: chi*D
8: D^2
We also use YAML
file to input and output the contraction order. It is very simple to understand what to do.
For example,
Step: 1
Input: ((5, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8))
Output: (5, 6)
Input: ("E", "D")
Output: (-4,)
Step: 2
Input: ((5, 6), (3, 2, 5))
Output: (6, 3, 2)
Input: (-4, "B")
Output: (-3,)
Step: 3
Input: ((6, 3, 2), (6, 3, 4))
Output: (2, 4, 3)
Input: (-3, "C")
Output: (-2,)
Step: 4
Input: ((1, 2, 3), (2, 4, 3))
Output: (1, 4)
Input: ("A", -2)
Output: (-1,)
The output of ContraKit will also take the similar forms.
Currently, we are using TreeSA(sc_target=29, βs=0.1:0.1:20,ntrials=5, niters=30, sc_weight=2.0)
in OMEinsumContractionOrders. A general user interface is under development.