Version 4.0.0 - 20.01.2022r
- Multithreading support for collecting files to check(2/3x speedup on 4 thread processor and SSD) - #502, #504
- Add multiple translations - Polish, Italian, French, German, Russian ... - #469, #508, 5be
- Add support for finding similar videos - #460
- GUI code refactoring and search code unification - #462, #531
- Fixed crash when trying to hard/symlink 0 files - #462
- GTK 4 compatibility improvements for future change of toolkit - #467, #468, #473, #474, #503, #505
- Change minimal supported OS to Ubuntu 20.04(needed by GTK) - #468
- Increased performance by avoiding creating unnecessary image previews - #468
- Improved performance due caching hash of broken/not supported images/videos = #471
- Option to not remove cache from non existent files(e.g. from unplugged pendrive) - #472
- Add multiple tooltips with helpful messages - #472
- Allow caching prehash - #477
- Improve custom selecting of records(allows to use Rust regex) - #489
- Remove support for finding zeroed files - #461
- Remove HashMB mode - #476
- Approximate comparison of music - #483
- Enable column sorting for simple treeview - #487
- Allow hiding upper panel - #491
- Make UI take less space - #500
- Add support for raw images(NEF, CR2, KDC...) - #532
- Image compare performance and usability improvements - #529, #528, #530, #525
- Reorganize(unify) saving/loading data from file - #524
- Add "reference folders" - #516
- Add cache for similar music files - #558
Virustotal results:
- Windows CLI - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/eb0a2ba7c70648006106190dbfd363ba59c734269bf84226b484e819b5ee8dc8?nocache=1 (1 false positive)
- Windows GUI - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/85f3023741449d357ee8ed1f7ce5248a1dcc4b5c039993a9ec5c04996f9ee415?nocache=1
Appimage is only provided without gtk theme bundled(use gtk from OS) due bug - linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy-plugin-gtk#27