Plusminus 0.7.0
Added type annotations on public methods, to aid in type checking and autocomplete.
Added sin², sin³, sin⁻¹, etc. methods for common mathematical notation such as sin²(x) for sin(x)**2, and sin⁻¹(x) for asin(x).
Dropped BasicArithmeticParser synonym for ArithmeticParser (too easily confused with BaseArithmeticParser).
Added symmetric difference set operations, supported by '∆' and '^' operators.
Added radical expressions for roots > 2, up to 9, to the ArithmeticParser class:
³√2 -> 2**(1/3) (1.259921049894873)
⁹√2 -> 2**(1/9) (1.080059738892306) -
Added Unicode variable assignment operator '←'.
Added option to allow/disallow user-defined variables in expressions.
Added better docstring to enumerate all supported parser options.
Added scan_string method, to replace deprecated scanString method.
(Many features added by @theonemusic, thanks!)