1.0.0: Released Sat Jul 16
Commit 9320d77a3d99edbdecd451577f406508d26cafbc
Miro: https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/OHloMW9ZekZOaFVvS1hzdW1iT0RNOEFnRWlyS2hocWluSnlmTlo1MlNFY3pEQXBJZTQ1N3NsNm1KbndCUFFKVHwzNDU4NzY0NTI5MzUzMzU4NjA1?share_link_id=108513521950
Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/1iu4uOUFE84ojz6Yx0MTW0/Cool-As-Organics?node-id=0%3A1
On the home page I would like to see:
- a list of fridge items that are expiring soonest
- links to recipes that use the expiring ingredients
- a button to add new items with manual or photo input
On the recipes page I would like to see:
- multiple recipe options for the selected ingredient
- tags that indicate DF, GF, vegan, etc options
- a link that takes me to the recipe website
On the product input page I would like to see:
- a form where I can input the product details (name, dates, category, etc)
- when I submit the form I would like to have some kind of confirmation that the product has been added
- after a successful submission the form is cleared ready for the next input
On the inventory page I would like to see:
- a complete list of everything in the fridge/freezer
Method | Endpoint | Description | Return value |
GET | /api/v1/products | Get a list of all products | Array of product objects |
POST | /api/v1/products | Add a new product | Array with new product id |
GET | /api/v1/recipes | Get recipes for a given ingredient | Array of recipe objects |
We completed most of the planning and during the discussion considered a pivot towards a more B2B product that operated on a larger scale and without the consumer-oriented features like recipe suggestion. However, after talking through the concept decided that it was going to be too big in scope and decided to stick with original concept.
Researched React Native as a platform for our product - specifically for the notification and photo capture features. We realized we could still implement these using React DOM.
What went well:
- planning and kanban
- setting boundaries on free time
- switching up the pair programming
- pacing
- wireframes
- good break ratio
What could be improved:
Nothing so far.
- swap pairs after lunch (ticket permitting)
- keep taking breaks
- stay away from Crew...
What went well:
- learning and asking for help e.g. tailwind, moment, formik
- code reviews
- making good progress on MVP
- good coding flow
- solo coding
- consolidating old concepts e.g. server-side API requests
- getting outside for lunch
What could be improved:
- better commit messages
- use a standard approach to commit messages i.e. present tense verb, and make them as informative (but concise) as possible
What went well:
- Achieved MVP
- Lots of learning about machine learning library, tailwind, progressive web apps, notifications, Figma
- Good progress on the webcam setup and wiring up to ML prediction algorithm
- Improved wireframes
- Code reviews
- Eating and making dumplings
- Mindful breaks and meditation, getting outside, taking naps
- Better commit messages
- Comms and checkins
What could be improved:
- Taking more fresh air breaks
- Mindless eating
- Get outside at least once AS A TEAM
- Less mindless eating
What went well:
- Pair programming
- Photo capture working
- Good progress on notifications system
- Meditation at lunchtime
- Played Crew AS A TEAM
- Timeboxing
- Consolidating Tailwind knowledge
- Code reviews
- Consistent breaks
What would be improved:
- Getting unblocked faster
- Continue with pair programming (one pair on styling / one pair on logic)
- Focus on getting style branches to PR stage
- Merge codebase in the morning and do manual testing
What went well:
- Finished features logic (stats, stocktake, and notifications)
- Pair programming
- Testing on phone and pivoting to mobile-first design
- Good pace, not stressed
What would be improved:
- More sleep (apart from Jingjing who had a great sleep)
- Considering accessibility before commiting to code
- More team input on UI styling
- More consistency with design language (scales, colors)
- Everyone on UI styling
- Look at developing scale presets for colors, font sizes, spacing, etc
- Running design choices past the team before commiting to code
- Get more sleep tonight
- Testing, testing, testing (manual)