I accept any tips or donations of a cup of coffee to help keep me motivate but you don't have to if you don't want to. Thanks. https://ko-fi.com/protieusz
Update: July 9, 2023. Got featured in https://kbd.news/Smile36-2056.html
Update: July 7, 2023
A special thank you to for sponsoring my Rev 8 of the Smile 36 GRIN layout keyboard that has every thing working compared to Rev 1 which has the issue of the rows not working.
Initial order arrived with easily scratch matte black silk screen on all 5 pcbs. Functionality wise, the pcb work with no issues, continuity check outs. I reported the issues to the representative for my sponsorship and he was kind enough to replace the whole order with a new color pcb of my choice and so I picked purple. Around 1 week ish, my pcb reprints enter production and was shipped by DHL free of charge to my address. The results were awesome. The purple pcbs were bright in color, shiny and the outline cuts were smooth with no sharp edges. Ordering the pcbs from PCBWay was very easy. You just specify the pcb dimensions, the pcb thickness, the color you want and leave most of the settings to default. After you uploaded the gerber files, the status will be in review and an engineer will review your designs and goes into production when it is a passed. Shipping wise, it has very many options ranging for express to budget shipping. Prices are in USDs. Here is the direct link for ordering from PCBWay. [(https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Smile_36_GRIN_Layout_Custom_Keyboard_1b3776b9.html)]. Rev 8 gerber files will be upload to Github soon or you can download from the PCBWay link.
The following are the pictures of my brand new Smile 36 Rev 8 with no more handwiring fixes.
This work is a non-commercial fan creation of custom keyboard case and PCB in the shape of SpongeBob & Patrick Star from the SpongeBob SquarePants series. It is made out of love and respect for the SpongeBob SquarePants series. All rights to SpongeBob SquarePants and related content are owned by Nickelodeon and its associated companies. The images, names, storylines and other elements of SpongeBob SquarePants used in this work are the property of their respective copyright holders. Unauthorized commercial use is strictly prohibited. The SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star case files will NOT be made public to copyright issues and will be use for private only.
Please print and use the open sourced files at your own risk.
Update: October 8, 2024. Patrick Star Smile 36 case inspired by Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Some hiccup accident while soldering the mcu. Mcu was soldered on the wrong side. Tried hot plate and hot air and the damn mcu pcb will not come off. All the mcu components came off. So then I gave up on desoldering the mcu and soldered a new mcu on the correct side and it works. There is hope if you have accidentally "F" up on the mcu. My top and bottom case was created to accomodate 2 mcu soldered on top and bottom side of the Smile36 PCB. Just make sure you desolder all the components on the mcu PCB and use a yellow tape to prevent any future shorts.
Update: October 4, 2024. Smile 36 case inspired by SpongeBob SquarePants. Featured on KBDnews
Final Smile 36 with no case yet. Note: Case has not been tested yet. As a matter of fact, use everything here at your own risk! No support given.
Bottom side using another spare pcb as bottom plate.
Converted From Handwire To PCB Using EasyEDA
Current Rev 5 pcb has fixed the issues of Rev 1 and also by adding multi layer pads, thru holes for the mcu solder pads, larger pads for easier soldering, added more screw holes in the middle of the pcb so less flexy and stability. However the Rev 5 pcbs will be untested since I do not have the funds to do a re-print. Hence the are for public and print, use for at your own risks! Don't come to me and bitch about it. It is what it is. No support will be given. Having said that the Rev 5 pcb should work. Auto routed and no DRC errors. Good luck and have fun.
Added a case STEP file that was used for handwire version. Please modify the STEP file to match the pcb version.
Rev 1: My very 1st pcb design, forgot that smd pads only works on 1 layer and not both layers so all my rows are not connected, so had to salvaged it by handwired it to the mcu and it works.