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tables with positivity constraint on values, parametric on specs
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tahina-pro committed Jan 1, 2025
1 parent d464606 commit 41b4524
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Showing 5 changed files with 694 additions and 230 deletions.
127 changes: 124 additions & 3 deletions src/cbor/spec/CBOR.Spec.Util.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -399,6 +399,27 @@ let rec list_sorted_append_chunk_elim
| _ :: l1' -> list_sorted_append_chunk_elim order l1' l2 l3

let rec list_for_all_filter
(#t: Type)
(p: t -> bool)
(l: list t)
: Lemma
(requires (List.Tot.for_all p l))
(ensures (List.Tot.filter p l == l))
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: q -> list_for_all_filter p q

let list_for_all_mem_filter
(#t: Type)
(p: t -> bool)
(l: list t)
: Lemma
(requires (forall x . List.Tot.memP x l ==> p x))
(ensures (List.Tot.filter p l == l))
= List.Tot.for_all_mem p l;
list_for_all_filter p l

let rec list_for_all_filter_invariant
(#t: Type)
(p: t -> bool)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1603,6 +1624,109 @@ let rec list_fold_ext_idem
list_filter_not_in_fold f a h l2';
list_fold_ext_idem f (f a h) (list_filter_not_in h q) (list_filter_not_in h l2')

let list_length_as_fold_op
(t: Type)
(accu: nat)
(_: t)
: Tot nat
= accu + 1

let rec list_length_as_fold
(#t: Type)
(l: list t)
(accu: nat)
: Lemma
(ensures (
List.Tot.fold_left (list_length_as_fold_op _) accu l == List.Tot.length l + accu
(decreases l)
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: q -> list_length_as_fold q (accu + 1)

let list_for_all_as_fold_op
(#t: Type)
(f: (t -> bool))
(accu: bool)
(x: t)
: Tot bool
= accu && f x

let rec list_for_all_as_fold
(#t: Type)
(f: (t -> bool))
(accu: bool)
(l: list t)
: Lemma
(ensures (List.Tot.fold_left (list_for_all_as_fold_op f) accu l == (accu && List.Tot.for_all f l)))
(decreases l)
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| a :: q -> list_for_all_as_fold f (accu && f a) q

let list_fold_filter_op
(#t: Type)
(#accu_t: Type)
(f: t -> bool)
(phi: accu_t -> t -> accu_t)
(accu: accu_t)
(x: t)
: Tot accu_t
= if f x
then phi accu x
else accu

let rec list_fold_filter
(#t: Type)
(#accu_t: Type)
(f: t -> bool)
(l: list t)
(phi: accu_t -> t -> accu_t)
(accu: accu_t)
: Lemma
(ensures (List.Tot.fold_left phi accu (List.Tot.filter f l) == List.Tot.fold_left (list_fold_filter_op f phi) accu l))
(decreases l)
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| a :: q ->
if f a
then list_fold_filter f q phi (phi accu a)
else list_fold_filter f q phi accu

let notp (#t: Type) (p: t -> bool) (x: t) : Tot bool =
not (p x)

let rec list_no_repeats_filter
(#t: Type)
(f: (t -> bool))
(l: list t)
: Lemma
(requires (List.Tot.no_repeats_p l))
(ensures (List.Tot.no_repeats_p (List.Tot.filter f l)))
[SMTPat (List.Tot.no_repeats_p (List.Tot.filter f l))]
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| a :: q -> list_no_repeats_filter f q

let union_as_list
(#t: Type)
(l1 l2: list t)
(f2: (t -> bool))
: Lemma
(requires (
List.Tot.no_repeats_p l1 /\
List.Tot.no_repeats_p l2 /\
(forall x . f2 x == true <==> List.Tot.memP x l2)
(ensures (
let l' = List.Tot.append (List.Tot.filter (notp f2) l1) l2 in
List.Tot.no_repeats_p l' /\
(forall x . List.Tot.memP x l' <==> (List.Tot.memP x l1 \/ List.Tot.memP x l2))
= Classical.forall_intro (List.Tot.mem_filter (notp f2) l1);
Classical.forall_intro (List.Tot.append_memP (List.Tot.filter (notp f2) l1) l2);
List.Tot.no_repeats_p_append_intro (List.Tot.filter (notp f2) l1) l2

let rec list_length_filter (#t: Type) (f: t -> bool) (l: list t) : Lemma
(List.Tot.length (List.Tot.filter f l) <= List.Tot.length l)
= match l with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1710,9 +1834,6 @@ let rec wf_list_for_all_exists_eq (#t1 #t2: Type) (p: t1 -> t2 -> bool) (l1: lis
wf_list_existsb_eq (p a) l2;
wf_list_for_all_exists_eq p q l2

let notp (#t: Type) (p: t -> bool) (x: t) : Tot bool =
not (p x)

let rec wf_list_sum (#t: Type) (l: list t) (f: (x: t { List.Tot.memP x l /\ x << l }) -> nat) : Tot nat (decreases l) =
match l with
| [] -> 0
Expand Down
112 changes: 89 additions & 23 deletions src/cddl/spec/CDDL.Spec.AST.Base.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module CDDL.Spec.AST.Base
module Spec = CDDL.Spec.All
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Cbor = CBOR.Spec.API.Type
module Map = CDDL.Spec.Map

irreducible let sem_attr : unit = ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1156,7 +1157,7 @@ and spec_wf_parse_map_group
| WfMZeroOrOne g s ->
spec_wf_parse_map_group env g s /\
Spec.map_group_is_productive (map_group_sem env g)
Spec.MapGroupFail? (Spec.apply_map_group_det (map_group_sem env g) Cbor.cbor_map_empty)
| WfMLiteral cut key value s ->
spec_wf_typ env value s
| WfMZeroOrMore key value s_key s_value ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1708,9 +1709,9 @@ let string64 = Spec.string64
module U64 = FStar.UInt64

let table
([@@@strictly_positive] key: Type)
([@@@strictly_positive] value: Type)
= (list (key & value)) // { List.Tot.no_repeats_p ( fst l) }) // the refinement is NOT strictly positive, because of `List.Tot.memP`, so we need to use a serializability condition, see below
(key: Type0)
([@@@strictly_positive] value: Type0)
= Map.t key value

let target_elem_type_sem
(t: target_elem_type)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1770,37 +1771,98 @@ noeq
type rectype (f: [@@@strictly_positive] Type -> Type) =
| Y of f (rectype f)

// FIXME: WHY WHY WHY do I need to do this? It seems that `strictly_positive` heavily impedes normalization and unification
let rec target_type_positively_bounded
(bound: name_env)
(kbound: name_env)
(t: target_type)
: GTot bool
= match t with
| TTDef s -> s `name_mem` bound
| TTPair t1 t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 ->
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t1 &&
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t2
| TTTable t1 t2 ->
target_type_bounded kbound t1 &&
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t2
| TTArray a
| TTOption a ->
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound a
| TTElem _ -> true

let rec target_type_positively_bounded_incr
(bound bound': name_env)
(kbound kbound': name_env)
(t: target_type)
: Lemma
name_env_included bound bound' /\
name_env_included kbound kbound' /\
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t
target_type_positively_bounded bound' kbound' t
[SMTPatOr [
[SMTPat (name_env_included bound bound'); SMTPat (name_env_included kbound kbound'); SMTPat (target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t)];
[SMTPat (name_env_included bound bound'); SMTPat (name_env_included kbound kbound'); SMTPat (target_type_positively_bounded bound' kbound' t)];
= match t with
| TTPair t1 t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 ->
target_type_positively_bounded_incr bound bound' kbound kbound' t1;
target_type_positively_bounded_incr bound bound' kbound kbound' t2
| TTTable t1 t2 ->
target_type_positively_bounded_incr bound bound' kbound kbound' t2
| TTArray a
| TTOption a ->
target_type_positively_bounded_incr bound bound' kbound kbound' a
| TTElem _
| TTDef _ -> ()

let rec target_type_sem'
(#bound: name_env)
([@@@strictly_positive] env: target_spec_env bound)
(#kbound: name_env)
(kenv: target_spec_env kbound)
(t: target_type)
: Pure Type0
(requires target_type_bounded bound t)
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t
(ensures fun _ -> True)
= match t with
| TTDef s -> env s
| TTPair t1 t2 -> target_type_sem' env t1 & target_type_sem' env t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 -> target_type_sem' env t1 `either` target_type_sem' env t2
| TTArray a -> list (target_type_sem' env a)
| TTTable t1 t2 -> table (target_type_sem' env t1) (target_type_sem' env t2)
| TTOption a -> option (target_type_sem' env a)
| TTPair t1 t2 -> target_type_sem' env kenv t1 & target_type_sem' env kenv t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 -> target_type_sem' env kenv t1 `either` target_type_sem' env kenv t2
| TTArray a -> list (target_type_sem' env kenv a)
| TTTable t1 t2 -> table (target_type_sem kenv t1) (target_type_sem' env kenv t2)
| TTOption a -> option (target_type_sem' env kenv a)
| TTElem e -> target_elem_type_sem e

let rec target_type_sem'_correct
(#bound: name_env)
(env: target_spec_env bound)
(#kbound: name_env)
(kenv: target_spec_env kbound)
(t: target_type)
: Lemma
(requires target_type_bounded bound t)
(ensures (target_type_sem' env t == target_type_sem env t))
[SMTPat (target_type_sem' env t)]
target_type_positively_bounded bound kbound t /\
target_spec_env_included kenv env
target_type_bounded bound t /\
target_type_sem' env kenv t == target_type_sem env t
[SMTPat (target_type_sem' env kenv t)]
= match t with
| TTTable t1 t2
| TTPair t1 t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 -> target_type_sem'_correct env t1; target_type_sem'_correct env t2
| TTUnion t1 t2 -> target_type_sem'_correct env kenv t1; target_type_sem'_correct env kenv t2
| TTTable t1 t2 ->
target_type_sem'_correct env kenv t2
| TTOption a
| TTArray a -> target_type_sem'_correct env a
| TTArray a -> target_type_sem'_correct env kenv a
| TTElem _
| TTDef _ -> ()

Expand All @@ -1809,17 +1871,17 @@ let target_type_sem_rec_body
(env: target_spec_env bound)
(new_name: string { ~ (name_mem new_name bound) })
(s: name_env_elem)
(t: target_type { target_type_bounded (extend_name_env bound new_name NType) t })
(t: target_type { target_type_positively_bounded (extend_name_env bound new_name NType) bound t })
([@@@strictly_positive] t': Type0)
: Tot Type0
= target_type_sem' (target_spec_env_extend bound env new_name NType t') t
= target_type_sem' (target_spec_env_extend bound env new_name NType t') env t

let target_type_sem_rec
(bound: name_env)
(env: target_spec_env bound)
(new_name: string { ~ (name_mem new_name bound) })
(s: name_env_elem)
(t: target_type { target_type_bounded (extend_name_env bound new_name NType) t })
(t: target_type { target_type_positively_bounded (extend_name_env bound new_name NType) bound t })
: Type0
= rectype (target_type_sem_rec_body bound env new_name s t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2238,9 +2300,13 @@ and spec_of_wf_map_group
(eval_literal key)
(spec_of_wf_typ env s)
// | WfMZeroOrMore key value s_key s_value ->
// Spec.mg_zero_or_more_match_item
| _ -> admit ()
| WfMZeroOrOne _ s' ->
(spec_of_wf_map_group env s')
| WfMZeroOrMore key value s_key s_value ->
(spec_of_wf_typ env s_key)
(spec_of_wf_typ env s_value)

let spec_env_extend_typ
(e: wf_ast_env)
Expand Down

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