Genome analysis pipeline that follows GATK best practices from Broad Institute. This pipeline goes through: alignment, processing BAM files, variant calling, and copy number calling.
See the scripts folder for ready-to-run scripts.
- BWA (Alignment)
- SAMtools (Alignment)
- Octopus (SNV-calling)
- Strelka2 (SNV-calling also)
- HATCHet (Copy-number calling)
Human reference genome downloaded from:
Index the files (not sure if necessary, but was running into a [E::bwa_idx_load_from_disk] fail to locate the index files
error when I didn't)
$ bwa index hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta.gz
Read groups example:
-R "@RG\tID:HG5H.2\tSM:045F16\tLB:library1\tPL:illumina\tPU:HG5HWDSXX.2"
, tPU
are obtained from fastq files.
is name of the fastq file.
Use bwa-mem
to map to reference
$ bwa mem -t 4 -R "@RG\tID:HG5H.2\tSM:043F13\tLB:library1\tPL:illumina\tPU:HG5HWDSXX.2" hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta.gz /data/compbio/melkebir/ElKebir/043F13_CGGCGTGA-GCGCCTGT_L002_R1_001.fastq /data/compbio/melkebir/ElKebir/043F13_CGGCGTGA-GCGCCTGT_L002_R2_001.fastq > 043F13.bam
samtools sort bamfile.bam -o bamfile.sorted.bam
samtools index bamfile.bam
gatk --java-options -Xmx12G MarkDuplicates -I 045F16.sorted.bam -O 045F16.dedup.bam -M 045F16.dedup.metrics.txt
gatk --java-options " -Xmx12G" MarkDuplicates -I 043F13.sorted.bam -O 043F13.dedup.bam -M 043F13.dedup.metrics.txt
Get the following .vcf
files and their corresponding index files (.dict
, .idx
) from GATK resource bundle:
(dbsnp and 1000G were also avaialble in original UCSC ftp server, but I got them all from GATK bundle for consistency)
and IndexFeatureFiles
for dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf
(to solve block compression format error...see here:
Deviation from Octopus paper: the Octopus paper uses .vcf.gz
files but we used unzipped .vcf
files because of block compression error, and GATK doesnt support zipped files (GATK documentation also does it this way)
See bcftools documentation:
Take union of all SNVs from samples 1 through 4. --force-samples
will combine sample columns that have the same name, and append an index in front of the new colun (according to their order in the command)
bcftools merge -Ov -m none sample1/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz sample2/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz sample3/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz sample4/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz -o combined.vcf --force-samples
Get intersection of VCF files. dir
is the name of a new directory this command will create. Inside, read
for more information about what each file is. Usually, if you have two files, there will be four files created:
- All SNVs unique to file1, taken from file1.
- All SNVs unique to file2, taken from file2.
- SNVs common to both file1 and file2, taken from file 1.
- SNVs common to both file1 and file2, taken from file 2.
bcftools isec -p dir -f PASS sample3/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz sample4/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz
Supports multi-sample. Use script
sacrifices some accuracy for speed.
Does not support multi-sample (but has a workaround that improves recall: Illumina/strelka#59.
Use script
This provides the following information:
- What gene does the SNV occur in.
- What is the type/function of the mutation (i.e., synonymous, missense, stop_gained?)
- The actual nucleotide change and/or protein change
snpEff also lets you use your own reference genome if needed. This script uses a downloaded genome.
java -Xmx4g -jar snpEff.jar -v sus11.1 /scratch/data/output.vcf > Sus11.1_annotated.vcf
(documentation incomplete) We use HATCHet for copy number calling.
(documentation incomplete) Python implementation:
R implementation (heuristic):
I used deconstructSigs to create and normalize a trinucleotide count matrix. Then, I used that as input for signature-estimation-py.
Be sure to grant access to your script before running it with bash. For instance:
chmod u+x
u means user x means executable
Finding matching genes from a genelist.
grep -w -F -f genelist.txt Sus11.1_genes.gff3 > overlapping_genes.gff3
Take one column from a file, use a delimiter to split up a column, sort, and count each unique value.
grep -v "\#" output_concat_annotated.vcf | cut -f8 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sort | uniq -c
Manipulate files using awk (i.e., appending "chr" in front of every value in a column)
awk '{ print "sample\t" $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t" }' desig_strelka2_concat_input_header.txt | less
Print something in the first line of a file (i.e., a header)
awk 'BEGIN { print"chr\tpos\tref\talt\tgene\ttype" } {split($8,a,"|"); print $1"\t"$2"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"a[4]"\t"a[2] }' output_concat_annotated.vcf | grep -v "\#"
- [] Document how to find statistics for bam/vcf files
- Clarify difference between
- Copy number calling pipeline
- [] Finish documentation for mutational signatures
- [] Finish documentation for CNA calling and SNVs