A software project base to demonstrate Timer peripheral usage.
- Use Timer to fade LED brightness and generate PWM signals.
The application has been tested and should work with the following platforms:
- Thinnect TestSystemBoard tsb0
- Add project as submodule to the https://github.com/thinnect/node-apps.git project. Put it under 'node-apps/apps' directory.
- Open terminal and navigate to 'node-apps/apps/kfs-siggen' directory and type 'make tsb0' to build project.
- EFR32 Application Note on Timers https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/application-notes/AN0014.pdf
- EFR32MG12 Wireless Gecko Reference Manual (Timer p672) https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/reference-manuals/efr32xg12-rm.pdf
- Timer API documentation https://docs.silabs.com/mcu/latest/efr32mg12/group-TIMER
- ARM RTOS API https://arm-software.github.io/CMSIS_5/RTOS2/html/group__CMSIS__RTOS.html