This is Prestaconcept's Symfony distribution packaged with everything you need to build website with PrestaCMS.
-> based on Symfony 2.3
Sandbox is also deployed for a live demonstration :
📖 Documentation is available on
📋 Issues are managed in prestaconcept/open-source-management to centralize our open source activity.
install composer globally or do a :
curl -sS | php
create database and a database user (optional if you use root db user in step 4)
go to your working directory :
cd path/to/site
run :
composer create-project presta/symfony-prestacms . --dev --stability=dev
This will give you the last development version. -
answer database questions
answer remove versioning info = yes if you want to version your project
create a virtual host with
or other names if you want, but change config in app/config/bundles/presta_cms_core.yml -
run :
make configure
do a :
app/console doctrine:database:drop --force
if you created a database in step 2 -
run :
make install
set proper permissions on app/cache, app/logs and web/uploads. See Symfony documentation
point to english version of your site or the french one
- Website
- page structure
- page factory
- run :
make refresh
to refresh our content
📖 Documentation is available on
✏️ Vagrant box is internal at prestaconcept. If you want to use it, join us at prestaconcept.
💬 If you need help about this project you can post a message on our google group
Pull requests are welcome.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed already.
This project is supported by PrestaConcept
Lead Developer : @nicolas-bastien
Released under the MIT License