- The current market lacks an accessible platform for analyzing product environmental impacts:
- Consumers need transparency on product sustainability.
- Difficulties in identifying eco-friendly alternatives.
- Insufficient motivation for consumers to prioritize sustainability. Our Solution
- EcoLens aims to bridge this gap by providing detailed reports and sustainable choices, aligning with the competition's goal of using Generative AI to improve productivity and decisionmaking.
1. Clone the repository by running : git clone https://github.com/pratyushk512/ecolens-devReapers-SIT
on terminal.
2. Navigate to /frontend/
and run npm i
to install node_modules and all dependencies.
3. Run npm run dev
to start frontend server.
4. Navigate to /backend/
and run npm i
to install node_modules and all dependencies.
5. Navigate to /backend/src/
and run nodemon index.js
to start backend server.
- Login/Signup from HOME page.
- Click Scan Product. You will be directed to scan page.
- Import or Capture image from camera and upload the file. Report will be generated of that product.
- Click Previous Scans to view past scanned products.
- Click Rewards then Business Partner if you want generate QR codes as a business otherwise Consumer to claim rewards.
- Frontend: React, TailwindCSS, Shadcn/UI
- Backend: Node.js with Express.js
- Database: MongoDB, Cloudinary
- APIs: Google Cloud Vision API for product analysis, Gemini API for report generation.
- AI-Driven Analysis: Uses Generative AI to analyze product images and generate detailed impact reports.
- Sustainability Scores: Highlights CO2 emissions, resource usage, and recycling feasibility.
- Eco-Friendly Alternatives: Suggests greener options to the user.
- Reward System: Collaborates with eco-friendly brands to reward users with discounts and points so that people use this platform.
- Pratyush Kumar : Backend Developer (Backend Logic and define routes)
- Rahil Raipuria : Frontend Developer (Reward section including QR scanner, Capturing of Image via file upload and real time)
- Rajdeep Paul : Frontend Developer (Home Page, QR Code generator)
- Subham Singh : Frontend Developer (Landing Page, Previous Reports, Auth Page)
- Google Cloud Vision Documentation : https://cloud.google.com/vision/
- Gemini API Documentation : https://ai.google.dev/gemini-api/docs
- Shadcn/UI Documentation : https://ui.shadcn.com/docs