This is the code produced as part of the paper Long Horizon Forecasting With Temporal Point Processes
"Long Horizon Forecasting With Temporal Point Processes" Prathamesh Deshpande, Kamlesh Marathe, Abir De, Sunita Sarawagi. WSDM 2021. arXiv:2101.02815
Specified in requirements.
We have provided all the datasets used in our experiments here.
Please download the data/
folder add place it in the DualTPP directory.
To run the code to reproduce the results, please use this script [ Under development, more datasets will be soon added to the script].
All the outputs will be stored in the <output_dir>
The numbers reported in Table 2 of the paper will be stored in output_dir/results_<dataset_name>.json
and output_dir/results_<dataset_name>.txt
Under Development
For any queries related to library versions, datasets, script, and results please contact us here:
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +91 9043751980