Created by Gunjan Dhanuka and Pranjal Singh
- An all-in-one solution for CRT admins, doctors and nurses, students and campus junta and the shopkeepers.
- Anyone can see the total number of positive cases on the campus and their names on the home page.
- The CRT Admin can add doctors, shopkeepers, patients or approve them if they register themselves.
- The Campus Junta can easily get essential delivered through them by the Order System. (Payment Portal is not present as of now)
- The Doctors can view all of their appointments and patient-data in one place.
- The Student can view his Appointments as well as his Orders. Also they can update their status if they get Covid Positive or Recover from it.
- The CRT Team can also find out who is unvaccinated and encourage them to get it at the earliest.
- Anyone on the campus can create a Resident/Student account.
- Signup their account. Then Login (No approval Required).
- Can register/view/approve/reject/delete doctor who are available for the Campus Junta.
- Can admit/view/approve/reject/discharge resident/student (discharge patient when treatment is done).
- Can Generate/Download Invoice pdf (Generate Invoice according to medicine cost, room charge, doctor charge and other charge).
- Can view/book/approve Appointment (approve those appointments which is requested by patient).
- Can register/view/approve/reject Shopkeepers (but order amount is hidden from admin).
- Apply on the CovidCare portal. Then Login (Approval required by portal admin, Then only doctor can login).
- Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile ) assigned to that doctor by admin.
- Can view their discharged(by admin) patient list.
- Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
- Can delete their Appointment, when doctor attended their appointment.
- Apply on the CovidCare portal. Then Login (Approval required by portal admin, Then only shopkeeper can login).
- Can receive orders from different patients and view their contacts and address.
- Can view their orders and contact the customer incase of any ambiguity.
- Can delete the Order, after they have finished delivering the order.
- Create account in the portal. Then Login. No approval from admin required.
- Can view assigned doctor's details like ( specialization, mobile, address).
- Can view their booked appointment status (pending/confirmed by admin).
- Can book appointments.(approval required by admin)
- Can set their Covid Status (Vaccinated, Quarantined, Requested Testing, etc.)
- Can update their Covid Status when infected or recovered.
- Can make orders to the Shopkeepers whose list they can view.
- Can contact shopkeeper using the phone number incase of any doubts.
Install Python(3.7.6) (Dont Forget to Tick Add to Path while installing Python)
Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it
Move to project folder in Terminal. Then run following Commands :
pip install -r requirements.txt
py makemigrations
py migrate
py runserver
- Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your Pc
- In file, You have to give your email and password
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your email password'
EMAIL_RECEIVING_USER = '[email protected]'
- Login to Gmail through host email id in your browser and open following link and turn it ON:
- Anyone can register as the Admin now, which is obviously not desired for real-life deployment. So make sure to block that route after adding all the CRT Admins.
Incase of any queries, feel free to reach out at [email protected] or [email protected]