Lightweight standalone PHP library that was created to make work with $jsLayout
in Magento 2 less spaghetti, and more object-oriented.
composer require pragmatic-modules/jslayout-parser
Add new layout processor by implementing LayoutProcessorInterface
, and inject it into layoutProcessors
File: etc/frontend/di.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<type name="Magento\Checkout\Block\Onepage">
<argument name="layoutProcessors" xsi:type="array">
<item name="example_processor" xsi:type="object">Pragmatic\Example\Block\Checkout\ExampleProcessor
Inject Pragmatic\JsLayoutParser\Model\JsLayoutParser
into processor and parse $jsLayout
for selected root component.
You can find a list of available component methods below.
namespace Pragmatic\Example\Block\Checkout;
use Magento\Checkout\Block\Checkout\LayoutProcessorInterface;
use Pragmatic\JsLayoutParser\Api\ComponentInterface;
use Pragmatic\JsLayoutParser\Model\JsLayoutParser;
class ExampleProcessor implements LayoutProcessorInterface
/** @var JsLayoutParser */
private $jsLayoutParser;
public function __construct(JsLayoutParser $jsLayoutParser)
$this->jsLayoutParser = $jsLayoutParser;
public function process($jsLayout) : array
/** @var ComponentInterface $component */
$component = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if ($shippingAddress = $component->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
$jsLayout['components']['checkout'] = $component->asArray();
return $jsLayout;
Parse $jsLayout
into nested component objects tree.
is name of the component out of $jsLayout['components']
that will be used as a base path for any operations.
Returns root Component
- asArray( )
- getComponentName( )
- getParent( )
- remove( )
- hasChild( string $componentName )
- getChild( string $componentName )
- addChild( ComponentInterface $component )
- removeChild ( string $componentName )
- hasNestedChild ( string $path, string $childSeparator = '.' )
- getNestedChild ( string $componentName, string $childSeparator = '.' )
- moveNestedChild ( string $sourcePath, string $destinationPath, string $childSeparator = '.' )
- removeNestedChild ( string $path, string string $childSeparator = '.' )
- hasChildren ( )
- getChildren ( )
- isChildOf ( ComponentInterface $component )
- getComponent ( )
- setComponent ( string $component )
- getConfig ( )
- setConfig ( array $config, bool $replace = false )
- getDataScope ( )
- setDataScope ( string $dataScope )
- getDisplayArea ( )
- setDisplayArea ( string $displayArea )
- getLabel ( )
- setLabel ( $label )
- getProvider ( )
- setProvider ( string $provider )
- getSortOrder ( )
- setSortOrder ( string $sortOrder )
- getValidation ( )
- setValidation ( array $validation )
- getFilterBy ( )
- setFilterBy ( ?array $filterBy )
- isVisible ( )
- setIsVisible ( bool $visible )
- isRequired ( )
- setIsRequired ( bool $required )
Recursively converts component object and all of its nested children into a plain array that can be returned through $jsLayout
$component = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if ($shippingAddress = $component->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
$jsLayout['components']['checkout'] = $component->asArray();
Get component name in layout.
Returns string.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
$componentName = $checkout->getComponentName(); // returns 'checkout'
In associative $jsLayout
array components are stored as nested key-value pairs, where value are arrays with nested
children. It is not possible to determine parent's key within child scope. The same array might be used in multiple
places within jsLayout, so recursive searching is not an option.
In other words, you must know the name before retrieving component:
$componentName = 'checkout';
$checkout = $jsLayout['components'][$componentName];
and once you get into child scope, there is no way to dynamically tell what's the parent key:
$steps = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['steps'];
// $steps tells you nothing about parent
The closest you can get to the parser behaviour is by doing:
$checkout = [
'componentName' => 'checkout',
'data' => $jsLayout['components']['checkout']
$componentName = $checkout['componentName'] // 'checkout'
Get parent component.
Returns ComponentInterface
if parent exists.
Returns NULL if parent does not exist.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
$parent = $checkout->getParent(); // returns null
if($steps = $checkout->getChild('steps')) {
$parent = $steps->getParent(); // returns $checkout object
$checkout = $jsLayout['components']['checkout'];
$parent = null;
if(isset($checkout['steps'])) {
$steps = $checkout['steps'];
$parent = $checkout;
Remove component with all descendants from the component tree.
This method has no return value.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($steps = $checkout->getChild('steps')) {
if(isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['steps'])) {
Check if component has a child with a given name.
Returns bool.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($checkout->hasChild('steps')) {
// do something
if($checkout->hasChild('non-existing-child')) {
// this won't execute
if(isset($jsLayout['component']['checkout']['children']['steps'])) {
// do something
if(isset($jsLayout['component']['checkout']['children']['non-existing-child'])) {
// this won't execute
Get component child.
Returns ComponentInterface
if child exists.
Returns NULL if child does not exist.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($child = $checkout->getChild('steps')) {
// do something with child
if(isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps'])) {
$child = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps'];
// do something with child
Add new component as a child of the current component object.
This method throws Exception
if component with the same name is already a child of current component.
Returns self on success.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
/** @var \Pragmatic\JsLayoutParser\Model\ComponentFactory */
$child = $this->componentFactory->create([
'componentName' => 'example',
'data' => [
'component' => 'Magento_Ui/js/form/element/abstract',
'label' => 'Example component',
'provider' => 'checkoutProvider'
if(!$checkout->hasChild('example')) {
if(!isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['example'])) {
$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['example'] = [
'component' => 'Magento_Ui/js/form/element/abstract',
'label' => 'Example component',
'provider' => 'checkoutProvider'
Remove child from the component.
This method throws Exception
if child does not exist within component.
This method has no return value.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($checkout->hasChild('steps')) {
if(isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps'])) {
Check if component has a nested child with a given path.
By default, children are separated by a dot. This behaviour can be adjusted by passing custom separator as a second argument.
Returns bool.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
// do something
) {
// do something
Get component nested child.
By default, children are separated by a dot. This behaviour can be adjusted by passing custom separator as a second argument.
Returns ComponentInterface
if nested child exists.
Returns NULL if nested child does not exist.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($shippingAddress = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
// do something with $shippingAddress
)) {
$shippingAddress = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
// do something with $shippingAddress
Move nested child from source to destination.
By default, children are separated by a dot. This behaviour can be adjusted by passing custom separator as a third argument.
This method throws Exception
if source or destination does not exist.
This method has no return value.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress') &&
) {
$checkout->moveNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress', 'steps');
$checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress'); // false
$checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shippingAddress'); // true
) && isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps'])
) {
$steps = &$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
$shippingAddress = $steps['shipping-step']['children']['shippingAddress'];
$steps['shippingAddress'] = $shippingAddress;
); // false
); // true
Remove nested child by path.
By default, children are separated by a dot. This behaviour can be adjusted by passing custom separator as a third argument.
This method throws Exception
if source or destination does not exist.
This method has no return value.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
$checkout->hasNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress'); // false
)) {
); // false
Check if component has children.
Returns true if at least one child exists, returns false otherwise.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
$checkout->hasChildren() // returns true
(isset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']) &&
count($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']) > 0); // returns true
Get component children.
Returns array of components.
Returns empty array if component has no children.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
$checkout->getChildren(); // returns array with 'steps' component
$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children'] ?? [] // returns array with 'steps' component
Check if component is child of given component.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
$steps = $checkout->getChild('steps');
$steps->isChildOf($checkout); // returns true
In associative $jsLayout
array components are stored as nested key-value pairs, where value are arrays with nested
children. It is not possible to determine parent within child scope.
Get UI Component of given component object.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($shippingAddress = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
$component = $shippingAddress->getComponent(); // returns 'Magento_Checkout/js/view/shipping'
)) {
$shippingAddress = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
$component = $shippingAddress['component'] // 'Magento_Checkout/js/view/shipping'
Set UI Component of given component object.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($shippingAddress = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress')) {
)) {
$shippingAddress = &$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
$shippingAddress['component'] = 'Vendor_Module/js/view/shipping';
Get component configuration.
Returns array.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
$config = $regionId->getConfig();
/** $config is an array:
'customScope' => 'shippingAddress',
'template' => 'ui/form/field',
'elementTmpl' => 'ui/form/element/select',
'customEntry' => 'shippingAddress.region',
)) {
$regionId = &$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
$config = $regionId['config'];
Set component configuration.
Configurations are merged together by default. Previous values remain intact except the ones that have the same keys as $config
values have higher priority and can be used to replace parts of existing configuration.
Entire component configuration can be overwritten by $config
by using $replace = true
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
$config = $shippingAddress->setConfig([
'template' => 'Vendor_Module/form/field'
)) {
$regionId = &$jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
$regionId['config']['template'] = 'Vendor_Module/form/field';
Get component data scope.
Returns string or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
$dataScope = $regionId->getDataScope(); // returns 'shippingAddress.region_id'
)) {
$dataScope = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['region_id']['dataScope'] ?? null; // 'shippingAddress.region_id'
Set component data scope.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
)) {
['region_id']['dataScope'] = 'shippingAddress.some_region';
Get component display area.
Returns string or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($shippingFieldset = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset')) {
$displayArea = $shippingFieldset->getDisplayArea(); // returns 'additional-fieldsets'
)) {
$displayArea = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['shipping-address-fieldset']['displayArea'] ?? null; // 'additional-fieldsets'
Set component display area.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($shippingFieldset = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset')) {
)) {
['shipping-address-fieldset']['displayArea'] = 'summary';
Get component label.
Returns string, Magento\Framework\Phrase
, or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$label = $postcode->getLabel(); // returns 'Zip/Postal Code'
)) {
$label = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['label'] ?? null; // 'Zip/Postal Code'
Set component label.
should be either string, Magento\Framework\Phrase
, or null.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$label = $postcode->setLabel(__('ZIP'));
)) {
['postcode']['label'] = __('ZIP');
Get component provider.
Returns string or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$provider = $postcode->getProvider(); // returns 'checkoutProvider'
)) {
$provider = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['provider'] ?? null; // 'checkoutProvider'
Set component provider.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
)) {
['postcode']['provider'] = 'vendorProvider';
Get component sort order.
Returns string, or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$sortOrder = $postcode->getSortOrder(); // returns '110'
)) {
$sortOrder = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['sortOrder'] ?? null; // '110'
Set component sort order.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
)) {
['postcode']['sortOrder'] = '150';
Get component validation rules.
Returns array or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$validation = $postcode->getValidation(); // returns ['required-entry' => true]
)) {
$validation = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['validation'] ?? null; // ['required-entry' => true]
Set component validation rules.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
'required-entry' => true,
'max_text_length' => 6
)) {
$validation = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['validation'] = [
'required-entry' => true,
'max_text_length' => 6
Get component filter by configuration.
Returns array or null.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
$filterBy = $regionId->getFilterBy();
// returns
// [
// 'target' => '${ $.provider }:${ $.parentScope }.country_id',
// 'field' => 'country_id',
// ]
)) {
$filterBy = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['region_id']['filterBy'] ?? null;
Set component filter by configuration.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($regionId = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.region_id')) {
)) {
['region_id']['filterBy'] = null;
Get component visibility.
Returns bool.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
$isVisible = $postcode->isVisible(); // returns true
)) {
$isVisible = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['postcode']['visible'] ?? false; // true
Set component visibility.
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($postcode = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.postcode')) {
)) {
['postcode']['visible'] = false;
Get component required
Returns bool.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($street = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.street')) {
$isRequired = $street->isRequired(); // returns true
)) {
$isRequired = $jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']
['street']['required'] ?? false; // true
Set component required
Returns self.
$checkout = $this->jsLayoutParser->parse($jsLayout, 'checkout');
if($street = $checkout->getNestedChild('steps.shipping-step.shippingAddress.shipping-address-fieldset.street')) {
)) {
['street']['required'] = false;