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post: journal entry week starting 17 June 2024
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practicalli-johnny committed Jun 21, 2024
1 parent d448c42 commit 7cefa7c
Showing 1 changed file with 132 additions and 0 deletions.
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions docs/posts/2024/june/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
title: Conjure LSP bug & Cycling video editing
date: 2024-06-17
- practicalli
- practicalli
- clojure
- conjure
- neovim
- cycling

**Thoughts for the week**

Updated to Kitty 0.35.1 easily and switching between dark and light themes working instantly again.

Diagnosed a 'new buffer' error with Conjure when using Neovim 0.9.0 and when opening a Clojure file, although everything works well in 0.10.0. EDIT: The maintainer added a fix to the `develop` branch for testing.

[#582 REVIEW: Conjure throws new Buffer error]({target=_blank .md-button}

Video editing of footage taken by the front mounted camera on my bicycle. Advanced cycle training at Gravesend at the start of June.
[:fontawesome-brands-youtube: Bigfoot Cycling Club at Gravesent Cyclopark](

A few days away from the computer to work on the garden as its nice and sunny.

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## Conjure & Clojure LSP

Language Server Protocol in Neovim is very good, although there are occasional breaking changes that plugin maintainers keep on top of.

I migrated to Neovim 0.10.0 a few weeks after it was release and everything is working very well.

A change in Conjure Clojure Plugin was made to disable diagnostics in the REPL log which included support for a breaking function name. There is now a fix in the `develop` release for Conjure that also supports Neovim 0.9.0.

[#582 Conjure throws new Buffer error]({target=_blank .md-button}

## Neovim

Continuing to tidy up the AstroNvim configuration in [practicalli/astro]( so all my plugin configuration overrides are within a specific file or `lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua`

### Neogit

Moved ++spc++ ++"g"++ ++"s"++ which-key menu override to the central key mapping override config in `lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua`, i.e. `["<leader>gs"] = { "<cmd>Neogit<cr>", desc = "Status (Neogit)" },`

Move the neogit plugin config from `lua/community.lua` to `lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua`.

Added `graph_style = "unicode"` for elegantly rendered commit graphs (e.g. [vim-flog](

!!! EXAMPLE "Cleaned up Neogit overrides"
```lua title="lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua"
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "sindrets/diffview.nvim" },
opts = {
disable_signs = true, -- duplicate signs if enabled
graph_style = "unicode", -- elegant commit graph
integrations = { diffview = true },

### Noice and Notifications

Move Noice options to `lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua`. It only has one option to set a boarder around LSP popups, e.g. ++spc++ ++"l"++ ++"d"++ diagnostics popup.

`nvim-notify` adds options to show message popups fro the bottom upward (less distracting to me), a quicker time-out for showing the message (++spc++ ++"f"++ ++"n"++ to see notification history) and fewer message types, `level = 3`.

opts = function(_, opts)
local utils = require "astrocore"
return utils.extend_tbl(opts, {
presets = {
lsp_doc_border = true, -- add a border to hover docs and signature help
-- nvim-notify controls how messages are displayed
opts = {
top_down = false,
timeout = 2000, -- shorter display duration, default 3000
-- log messages level - default 5 (everything), 1 (minimum)
level = 3,
-- background_color = "#000000",

## Advanced Cycle Training

Bigfoot trip to Gravesend Cycle park for 3 hours of advanced cycle training. Activities include

- pursuit: lead rider cycles off to catch the pack from behind
- cornering: hitting the apex of the corner tight, using drops of handlebar to get really tight
- cornering in pairs: ensuring there is enough room for your partner
- cornering fast: solo cornering as fast as you can
- slalom: last rider weaves in between all riders in front, first solo and then as triple groups
- pacing: outer line of riders drop back whist inner line of riders take brief turns at front before joining outer line at front. Last rider in outer line joins inner line after call from last rider

Video editing of the footage taken by the front mounted camera on my bicycle done using [Blender video editing tool](

[Inkscape]( drawing tool was used to create section screens for the video, e.g. introduction slide and a slide for each activity. Inkscape slides are SVG images, exported to PNG images for use with Blender video editing.

[:fontawesome-brands-youtube: Bigfoot Cycling Club at Gravesent Cyclopark - 2 minute highlight](

[:fontawesome-brands-youtube: Bigfoot Cycling Club at Gravesent Cyclopark - 6 minute highlight]({target=_blank .md-button}

[Bigfoot at Cyclopark - all activities]({target=_blank .md-button}

Thank you.

[:globe_with_meridians: Website]({target=_blank .md-button}

[:fontawesome-brands-github: GitHub Org]({target=_blank .md-button}
[:fontawesome-brands-github: practicalli-johnny profile]({target=_blank .md-button}

[:fontawesome-brands-mastodon:]({target=_blank .md-button}
[:fontawesome-brands-twitter: @practical_li]({target=_blank .md-button}

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