Releases: ppy/osu
This is mostly a maintenance release. We're deep in development of the foundations required for future gameplay support (including easily expandable modular game modes). There should be a few larger things coming this week, so stay tuned!
- Fixes issues with key counter.
- Replay playback! Drag an .osr file into the window. Note that you will need to reimport all beatmaps before this works (so consider deleting your database and starting from scratch). We will not be providing migration/upgrading support for game databases this early in development.
- Autoplay! Select from mod select menu #436.
- New version footer in options overlay #446.
- F1-F3 work to actuate buttons on song select #447.
- Better internal handling of mods (allows them to actually do stuff) #448.
- Improved CI-enforced coding standards and reduced framework suggestions/warnings/errors to zero (osu! game project has around 300 left to address).
Delta patches should be working again... from the next release! (this one pushes the fix for the backend).
Mostly an interim release. Now logging update failures so we can see why deltas aren't working any more.
- Improve performance of mod select #430
- Fix random selecting filtered maps #431
- Fix accuracy counter's initial display #433
- Fixes for drawing screen #437
osu!taiko and replay playback are getting close :).
Update: Figured delta patching problem!
Trying to get my own stuff done but ended up spending all my time getting others' code up to standard. Progress was still made.
- Mod select overlay now works (but mods do not yet affect gameplay) #385.
- Song select options button now works #418.
- Tournament drawings screen is in (ready for taiko world cup) #427.
- Added logging of update errors so we can figure why deltas patches stopped working #428.
- Better resilient on beatmap import. Also now deletes .osz file on successful import #412.
- Can no longer find spaces/special characters in password box by using ctrl-left ctrl-right #425.
- Hitting enter after filling in username/password now performs login #426.
Keeping it hot.
- Popup dialogs are now a thing. Shift+Delete at song select if you wanna see it in action.
- Ability to disable the input overlay during gameplay.
- Ability to disable the mouse wheel during gameplay.
- Only difficulties from the currently selected game mode show up in song select.
- Song select is sorted by beatmap title for now.
Second build today to test delta updating and fix some minor issues. And delta still no work :(.
- Popup dialogs are now a thing. Shift+Delete at song select if you wanna see it in action.
- Ability to disable the input overlay during gameplay.
- Ability to disable the mouse wheel during gameplay.
- For whatever reason delta updates are failing on this update. I have no idea why (debugging does not show an issue).
Working on some larger features which may take a bit longer to get out (think replay playback and more). Stay chill and patient.
- FIxes deleting beatmaps leaving some remnants in database.
- Reduces memory pressure.
- Brings dependencies up-to-date.
- Improves startup time.
Many internal changes, not so much visible to an end-user.
- Adds ability to delete beatmaps (Shift+Delete at song select).
- Adds the ability to use tab to traverse textboxes (login panel only at the moment).
- Improves appearance of difficulty panels and the star difficulty display.
- Brings back performance optimisations reverted last build.
- Fixes all known memory leaks.
- Improves beatmap import performance.
New things:
- Adds play mode loading/metadata screen.
- Adds window location saving.
- Adds borderless/exclusive full screen (options menu or alt-enter to cycle).
- Song select panels fade in again, making for a smoother experience.
- Can use space to skip.
- More consistent sound effects in song select.
- Spinners are slightly more visible (design is changing soon though).
Known issues:
- That there is a bug with window size being set incorrectly after exiting full screen.
- There is a memory leak when retrying or playing too many maps that you may notice over long sessions.
- Performance optimisations were reverted while we fix some regressions surrounding them.
- Fixed double hitsounds playing at end of sliders.
- Fixed updater not always working when delta patching.
- New chat design (F8 to activate; make sure you're logged in).
- Better looking notifications.
- Smoother transition when retrying a beatmap.