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Releases: ppy/osu


19 Dec 11:33
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Add Christmas festivities (ppy/osu-resources#350 by @peppy)

One Christmas at a time, we will make lazer the festive paradise it deserves to be.

Special thanks to nekodex for the new track and pishifat for helping make the beatmap that fuels the lighting system. Also to everyone else who gave feedback along the way.

Code Quality


Implement basic bookmark support in editor (#30960 by @bdach)


Front-loaded as "basic" support because:

  • Bookmarks only display on bottom timeline. I thought a bit about having them show on the top timeline too, but I'm not sure I can fit it in there and not make the timeline even more oversaturated with info than it already is.
  • Hotkeys from stable work, with slight alterations:
  • Ctrl-B to add a bookmark
  • Ctrl-Shift-B to remove the closest bookmarks (all within 2s of current timestamp)
  • Alt- to seek to previous bookmark
  • Alt- to seek to next bookmark
  • The only exposed way to mutate the bookmarks from the UI that is not the hotkey is in the timing menu. That's different from stable where there are bookmark controls near the bottom timeline, but again, not sure how to make that happen without cluttering things further.

Allow choosing different background/audio files for individual difficulties (#30860 by @frenzibyte)

Smaller changes

  • Preserve effect point specifications when creating blank difficulties (#30973 by @frenzibyte)
    • Fixes kiai time and scroll speed specifications being lost when creating a new difficulty. Scroll speed specifications are only retained when creating a new difficulty for the same ruleset as the original beatmap.
  • Fix adjusting control point offset after undo/redo causing catastrophic failure (#31109 by @peppy)
  • Change the way "current" points are hinted on timing screen (#31110 by @peppy)
    • | Before | After |
      | :---: | :---: |
      | osu! 2024-12-13 at 10 46 43 | osu! 2024-12-13 at 10 45 41 |


  • Fix player settings overlay cog overlapping skin elements (#31106 by @peppy)
    • This brings it down to be in line with the flowing elements that usually do their best to not get in the way.

Gameplay (osu!)

  • Use time-based resume overlay when playing osu! on touchscreen (#31156 by @frenzibyte)
    • The "click to resume" overlay does not work on touchscreen devices as the idea is to point with a pointer and press a key / mouse button to resume.

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Add convert to stream functionality for juice streams (#30763 by @Darius-Wattimena)

Gameplay (osu!taiko)

  • Update recommended difficulty for osu!taiko (#31103 by @Joehuu)
  • Implement considerations for Relax within osu!taiko diffcalc (#30591 by @Lawtrohux)
  • Adjust DifficultyValue curve to avoid lower star rating of osu!taiko being too inflated (#31067 by @YaniFR)


Improve multiplayer room status handling (#30838 by @smoogipoo)

Thanks to this change, you can now see whether players in a multiplayer room are currently playing a map or not on the listing.


Add ability to filter out currently playing rooms (#31073 by @bdach)



Fix increased CPU usage when game is in the background (ppy/osu-framework#6451 by @smoogipoo)

Smaller changes


Enable beatmap exports on iOS (#31037 by @frenzibyte)

Bump OpenTabletDriver to (ppy/osu-framework#6465 by @jamesbt365)

Pulls in detection & support improvements for tens of tablet models.

Smaller changes
  • Fix iOS app configuration missing certain specifications (#31162 by @frenzibyte)
    • Fixes some iOS submission guideline failures.


Allow using "quick retry" shortcut in more cases from results screen (#31108 by @peppy)

Fixes "quick retry" hotkey not working for autoplay, but also allows using it for other replays when the replay is already guaranteed to be local (ie. on the second playback).

Skin Editor

Fix player settings overlay appearing while in skin editor (#31105 by @peppy)

Also stops the settings appearing if the mouse is too far away from the window.


  • Fix lookups of hit circle slider pieces potentially using wrong source skin (#31052 by @peppy)
    • Visible on some maps with partial beatmap skins included:
Before After
2024-12-10 22 10 33@2x 2024-12-10 22 09 13@2x


Add recommended difficulty numerical value near filter in beatmap listing (#31101 by @Joehuu)

Kapture 2024-12-12 at 15 37 57

Smaller changes

  • Fix top score statistics section total score display being terminally broken (#31041 by @bdach)
    • Fixes total score displaying completely wrong and mangled values on languages that use spaces as thousands separators.
  • Expose high precision mouse toggle when searching for "sensitivity" and other keywords (#31139 by @peppy)
  • Add missing mania tooltip overlay for 4k and 7k (#31084 by @NicholasChin28)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2024.1208.0...2024.1219.2


09 Dec 02:06
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  • Improve menu/context-menu sample playback (#30910 by @nekodex)
    • Updates menus to use new samples and fixes various cases where samples were previously not being played (e.g. when navigating menubars and submenus)


Sort public chat channels alphabetically, private channels based on recent messages (#30874 by @peppy)

Code Quality


Fix placing objects via touch in editor not working sometimes (#30411 by @frenzibyte)


Collapse sample point indicators into dots if they cannot be displayed in full (#29896 by @OliBomby)

Improve visual appearance of mania selection blueprints (#30512 by @bdach)

This isn't by all means supposed to be the end product, it's 80% of the target result in my mind in 20% of the time. Placement blueprints are all unchanged because attempting to access anything skinnable in the placement blueprint, before there is a DHO placed in an actual column, is hell. So I'm leaving that for later.

before after
osu_2024-11-05_15-30-51 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-02
osu_2024-11-05_15-30-59 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-09
osu_2024-11-05_15-31-07 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-16
osu_2024-11-05_15-31-15 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-24
osu_2024-11-05_15-31-25 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-32
osu_2024-11-05_15-32-11 osu_2024-11-05_15-33-55

Fix osu!mania notes disappearing on seek to their end time (#30755 by @bdach)

Change some beatmap default settings to match stable (#30826 by @peppy)

Do not deselect objects when control-clicking without hitting anything (#30947 by @bdach)

I checked a few apps to see what they do in this type of scenario and it's a very mixed bag but I think this behaviour makes sense.

Smaller changes

  • Fix slow performance of polygon generation tool (#30214 by @minetoblend)
  • Fix timing point truncation causing mis-snaps on compatibility-exported lazer beatmaps (#30607 by @OliBomby)
  • Deactivate new combo toggle on deselecting objects (#30756 by @bdach)
  • Add snapping info to the osu!catch selected objects inspector (#30766 by @Darius-Wattimena)
  • Fix editor grid settings not displaying decimal portion in slider tooltips (#30859 by @frenzibyte)
  • Fix hitobjects' samples getting in bad state when changing selection between objects (#30881 by @peppy)


Bring back borderless mode for macOS and Linux (ppy/osu-framework#6264 by @Susko3)

Smaller changes


Increase idle time before gameplay loads when hovering controls (#30602 by @peppy)

Fix occasional flash when quick exiting / retrying from player (#30623 by @peppy)

Don't play fail animation if restarting on fail (#30862 by @frenzibyte)

Fixes red flashes.

Fix pause shortcut on multiplayer no longer requiring hold (#30861 by @frenzibyte)

Add a toggle for star fountains during gameplay (#30894 by @HenintsoaSky)

Adds an option under Gameplay > General that allows users to enable/disable star fountains during gameplay.

Fix "watch replay" button sometimes not loading the replay on first click (#30895 by @peppy)

Delay back button appearance when performing a quick restart (#30863 by @frenzibyte)

Fix quick retry transition from results screen looking a bit wrong (#30970 by @peppy)

Fix score no longer being saved when quick-restarting after pass (#30937 by @frenzibyte)

Smaller changes

  • Do not show timing distribution graph in offset control if there's not enough timed hits (#30622 by @bdach)
  • Fix black layer not fading fast enough when exiting quickly from quick restart (#30680 by @peppy)
  • Fix key counter not updating activation state on initial load (#30718 by @frenzibyte)
  • Adjust beat synced animation to be smoother in skip and break overlay (#30794 by @Fivoka)
  • Fix beatmap load not continuing when settings slider is focused (#30799 by @peppy)
  • Clear previous LastLocalUserScore when returning to song select (#30905 by @peppy)

Gameplay (osu!)

Implement new osu! mod "Bloom" (#30299 by @jhk2601)

This mod dynamically adjusts the cursor size as your combo increases, similar to how No Scope functions. The idea is for it to play as a sort of "reverse flashlight". I think it plays well and adds an interesting dynamic where your cursor essentially becomes an obstacle you have to work around sometimes, see attached video to get a better idea.


Gameplay (osu!mania)

Fix stage line alignment in mania not matching stable (#30590 by @frenzibyte)

Before After
CleanShot 2024-11-12 at 04 08 43 CleanShot 2024-11-12 at 04 07 32

Make mania award SS even if there are GREAT judgements (#29640 by @smoogipoo)

Allow setting osu!mania scroll speed to single decimal precision (#30832 by @peppy)

Gameplay (osu!taiko)


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16 Nov 05:04
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A hotfix exclusively for linux users. Note: may require a manual download if your linux install is already borked.

Full Changelog: 2024.1115.2...2024.1115.3


15 Nov 15:35
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15 Nov 08:24
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New new osu!mania ruleset selection sample (ppy/osu-resources#345 by @nekodex)

Smaller changes

  • Fix old looping samples not stopping when replacing a SkinnableSound's Samples (#30389 by @bdach)
  • Increase ducking duration when selecting osu!mania ruleset (#30423 by @nekodex)
    • Extends the duck duration to sit better with the new longer osu!mania selection sample.

Code Quality


  • Remove estimations where score data is available for osu! difficulty calculations (#27691 by @Finadoggie)
  • Cap effective miss count to total hits (#30455 by @smoogipoo)
  • osu!taiko: Implement stamina consideration for Mono (single-coloured) patterns. (#30460 by @Lawtrohux)
  • osu!taiko: Bring back convert nerf to fix overweighted taiko difficulty (#30456 by @smoogipoo)
  • Reset effectiveMissCount when calculating pp (#30518 by @Givikap120)
  • Split diffcalc workflow to add concurrency group (#30566 by @smoogipoo)
  • Clamp estimateImproperlyFollowedDifficultSliders for lazer scores (#30544 by @Finadoggie)
  • Fix NaN PP counter values while SR is 0 (#30618 by @Natelytle)
  • Clamp estimateImproperlyFollowedDifficultSliders for lazer scores (#30544 by @Finadoggie)


Add key binding for cycling grid type (#26303 by @OliBomby)

Using the tool boxes on the right frequently is quite annoying, so I also added a keybind for cycling the grid type (H). I chose this key because its right next to the grid spacing cycle hotkey (G) and unused. It makes sense to group the grid property changing hotkeys physically close on the keyboard. An alternative hotkey could be like Shift+G or Shift+G, Ctrl+G is taken.

There's also a test for the grid placement tool in here which apparently got left behind when I was splitting up this PR into parts. I guess it can't hurt to have it so here it is.

Fix drawing slider with touch inserts a random control point at beginning (#30263 by @frenzibyte)

Add toggles and hotkeys for configuring sample addition bank (#28863 by @OliBomby)

This PR adds a new left toolbox for configuring the sample addition bank of the selected hit objects. The toggles for the sample bank now only affect the hitnormal sample of the selection.

The hotkeys are Alt-Q~R. This differs from stable's Ctrl-Q~R because those hotkeys are already taken by other tools in lazer.
Using Alt-Shift-Q~R sets both sample bank and sample addition bank simultaneously, like previous functionality.
The same hotkeys are also added to the sample edit popover on the timeline.

Improve scale/rotate popover UX to better match user expectation (#30315 by @OliBomby)

Added keyboard step values to the slider bars which match the keyboard step in stable. This is especially nice to use with ppy/osu-framework#6390

Also made the popovers close when you press Enter (or Spacebar). This matches the behaviour in stable so now all the scale/rotate muscle memory should carry over nicely to lazer.

Add support for "auto" sample bank additions in the editor (#29648 by @OliBomby)

Keep sidebars expanded by default (#30387 by @peppy)

They will not only contract if the user chooses to have them contract (new setting in the View menu) or if the game isn't wide enough to allow full interaction with the playfield while they are expanded.

Allow scaling down to 5% in popover scale dialog (#30482 by @peppy)

Remember origin settings for scale/rotation popover (#30484 by @peppy)

Fix drum roll editor blueprint size & input handling (#30511 by @bdach)


Fix effect point scroll speeds below 0.1x not being encoded properly (#30509 by @bdach)

Add ability to hide breaks from timeline (#30505 by @peppy)

This was another IRL request from a mapper / team member. The rationale here is that it can be very annoying to map with break time enabled if you have a large gap in the beatmap you are trying to fill with hitobjects, as you are placing objects on top of a very gray area:

Add ability to automatically move already-placed objects when changing timing settings (#28382 by @Hecatia-Lapislazuli)

Smaller changes

  • Fix split control point context menu option not showing up on newly created control points (#30189 by @OliBomby)
  • Ensure at least one scale popover axis is active at any time (#30219 by @bdach)
  • Add breathing room to seek back between control points in editor (#30328 by @TaterToes)
  • Fix timeline blueprints sometimes causing crashes due to current placement blueprint becoming unsorted (#30377 by @bdach)
  • Fix osu!mania flip operations sometimes not preserving selection in mania editor (#30284 by @bdach)
  • Fix several cases of deselection not correctly terminating drag operations on slider selection blueprint (#30294 by @bdach)
  • Fix editor sidebar resizing on hover repeatedly when polygon popover is opened (#30450 by @Joehuu)
  • Fix catcher size and hyperdashes indication on adjusting CircleSize (#30300 by @Darius-Wattimena)
  • Fix drum rolls losing width on strong state toggle in editor (#30508 by @bdach)


Fix argon song progress bar tooltip showing during active gameplay (#30199 by @bdach)

Decrease the time it takes to quick retry by ~650 ms (#30261 by @peppy)

Removes an arbitrary delay from the quick retry process. Now it is only limited by load speed (which will improve in the future).

Remove hold-to-confirm delay when pausing using keyboard shortcuts (#30309 by @peppy)

This keeps coming up (latest case) so I think we need to listen to users and make this change. Matches stable behaviour.

Make quick restart even faster (#30603 by @peppy)

This is a second pass at refining the quick restart experience.

  • More arbitrarily induced delays are culled
  • Settings are hidden now (since interacting with them is nigh impossible given the faster restart speed)
  • Some animations are hidden to make the process less jarring
  • Parallax is disabled to stop the background displacing weirdly

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!)

Fix slider ticks and repeats incorrectly moved to position of head when strict tracking and any conversion mod that moves objects is active (#30281 by @bdach)

Fix cursor rotating with barrel roll mod active (#30326 by @jhk2601)

Some may argue that cursor rotation is intended behavior but it looks odd and feels pretty janky, especially on abnormal cursors like the issue describes. Would be better if cursor rotation could be adjusted in existing switch stat...

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09 Oct 11:15
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Code Quality

Daily Challenge


  • Refactoring: SpeedEvaluator refactoring (#29294 by @Givikap120)
  • Refactoring: Merged multipliers that do the same thing (#29293 by @Givikap120)
  • Refactoring: Removing DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER from OsuStrainSkill (#29291 by @Givikap120)
  • Uncap speed OD-accuracy scaling (#30088 by @stanriders)
    • A small fix to make accuracy scaling on low ODs a bit more harsh
  • Various speed distance difficulty calculation changes (#29980 by @tsunyoku)
  • Make diffcalc workflow recreate comment on completion (#30132 by @smoogipoo)
  • Implement a bunch of rhythm difficulty calculation fixes (#28871 by @stanriders)
  • Slight aim skill multiplier rebalance (#29998 by @tsunyoku)
  • Include sliders in accuracy pp if slider head accuracy is in use (#27063 by @tsunyoku)
  • Save master state when running diffcalc workflow (#30135 by @smoogipoo)
  • Remove combo scaling from Aim and Speed from osu! performance calculation (#16280 by @apollo-dw)
  • Statistical accuracy PP and difficulty scaling for the osu!taiko ruleset (#20963 by @Natelytle)
  • Bump difficulty calculator versions (#30139 by @bdach)
    • In order for the new star difficulty to be shown to users on the next release.


Make editor flip, rotate, and scale tools revolve around the grid center (#26311 by @OliBomby)

Changes how the Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J flip mechanic works. It now takes into account the origin and rotation of the grid to flip around that axis. This makes it easy to map symmetric patterns which are off-angle or not around the center of the playfield.

Also the Ctrl+R rotation tool uses the grid origin as the center of the playfield.
The precision scale tool uses the grid origin as the center of the playfield and uses the grid rotation for axis constrained scaling (for scaling only along the X or Y axis)

Fix scaling sliders ignoring the scale origin (#29942 by @minetoblend)

Makes sure that when scaling sliders with the scale box, they are scaled relatively to the scale origin instead of the slider head.


Freeze select box buttons position on press (#29950 by @minetoblend)

Will freeze the position of the SelectBox buttons in place when one of the buttons was clicked until the clicked button is no longer hovered. This ensures that buttons can be pressed repeatedly without having to reposition the mouse on every click.

Especially when rotating the selection by 90 degrees, the buttons moving around on each press was a major pain point for me since I often wanna rotate by 180 degrees and just wanna double click the button for that.


Support scaling around center when scaling with select box (#29949 by @minetoblend)

Will scale around the center when pressing alt while scaling things with the select box.


Add to existing selection when dragging with control pressed (#29918 by @bdach)


Add button to centre editor grid to current hit object (#30069 by @peppy)

Add hotkey hints to editor menus (#29691 by @bdach)


Redesign editor setup screen with new "form" controls (#30099 by @bdach)


Also contains some assorted drive-by fixes. See commit messages for details.

Move setup screen background preview to appropriate form control (#30109 by @bdach)


When adding a new combo colour, use the last colour as a starting point (#30110 by @peppy)

Also opens the popover automatically because you always want to edit it.

Smaller changes

  • Fix timing points being blocked by buttons in the editor (#29766 by @SchiavoAnto)
  • Fix slider end drag marker being in incorrect position for stacked sliders (#29893 by @bdach)
  • Fix occasional crash when changing samples of hitobjects (#29933 by @bdach)
  • Refactor placement blueprints to not be limited to hit objects (#29986 by @OliBomby)
    • This makes it possible to make placement tools which add something other than a hit object.
  • Fix argon volume-aware hitsounds not correctly playing immediately after object placement (#29970 by @bdach)
  • Use minimum enclosing circle as selection centre for scale and rotate (#29938 by @OliBomby)
  • Ensure selection is preserved when moving selected objects between osu!mania columns (#29899 by @bdach)
  • Ensure sliders are snapped when changing path types (#30063 by @bdach)
  • Fix various distance snap grid weirdness around unsnapped objects (#30062 by @bdach)
  • Fix editor timestamp URLs not working when they contain a space (#30024 by @peppy)
  • Initialise colours section with default combo colours if none present (#30108 by @bdach)
  • Fix improper handling of decimal separator in "form" number boxes / sliders (#30113 by @bdach)
  • Only allow seek to next/previous object via keybinding if there is no selection (#29860 by @bdach)
    • Fixes a key bind conflict.
  • Fix "Center on selected object" button not changing grid coordinates (#30134 by @bdach)
  • Add grid placement tool (#26313 by @OliBomby)
    • Adds the 'Grid' placement tool to the left tool box. Hover it for details on how to use (there's a few different ways you can make use of this powerful tool).



Add progress tooltip for ArgonSongProgressBar (#30078 by @CloneWith)

Tooltip style example

Smaller changes

  • Implement beat-synchronized animation in skip overlay (#29925 by @nekupaw)
  • Fix score being cloned in async method causing random errors (again) (#29966 by @bdach)
  • Continue displaying storyboard even if fully dimmed in specific circumstances (#29967 by @bdach)
  • Avoid client updates (and update notifications) from appearing in more gameplay cases (#30073 by @peppy)

Gameplay (osu!)

Fix several issues in interactions between playfield-altering mods and the replay analysis feature (#29841 by @bdach)

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Fix osu!catch fruit rotation animation being applied too late (#29894 by @peppy)

Now Playing

Shuffle playback order in global playlist by default (#29917 by @bdach)


  • Update shader preloader with missing shader usages (#30018 by @peppy)
  • Fix difficulty settings sliders attempting to reprocess all hitobjects on every instantaneous change (#30114 by @bdach)


Rollback iOS workload to last known working version (#30121 by @smoogipoo)

We can build iOS again, yay!

Smaller changes

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07 Sep 14:49
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Beatmap Listing

  • Fix artist / title searches not working as expected (#29745 by @Ianlucht)



  • Fix stall when attempting to import replay after hitting nothing (#29715 by @bdach)


Fix game not running on earlier macOS versions (ppy/osu-framework#6370 by @smoogipoo)

Fix file associations breaking with new updater (#29743 by @smallketchup82)


Fix collections dropdown overflowing in the results screen (#29742 by @SchiavoAnto)

Song Select

Fix beatmap difficulties not being split out on first load (#29762 by @peppy)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2024.906.1...2024.906.2


06 Sep 10:57
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Code Quality

  • Remove dead row attribute classes (#29531 by @bdach)
  • Remove requirement of base calls to ensure user skin container layouts are retrieved (#29564 by @peppy)
  • Provide API context earlier to api requests in order to fix missing schedules (#29656 by @peppy)

Daily Challenge

Fix mod icons potentially showing incorrectly during intro animation (#29560 by @peppy)

Show intro animation only once per session (#29542 by @frenzibyte)

Smaller changes

  • Fix play count using a different colour than osu-web (#29585 by @424ever)


Add "polygon" hit circle creation tool (#28538 by @bdach)

Improve performance of drawing editor grids (#29476 by @EVAST9919)

Fix grid/distance snap keyboard bindings being back-to-front (#29528 by @smoogipoo)

Redesign timing table tracking (#29532 by @bdach)

This change removes some behaviours of the timing screen that were (in my view) causing overall jankness, and manifested in actual issues. The general spirit of the change is "don't try to do too much for the user".

So now:

  • On entering the screen, the timing point active at the current instant of the map is selected. This is the only time where the selected point is changed automatically for the user.
  • If there is no control point selected, the table will autoscroll to the latest timing group, unless the user manually scrolled the table before.
  • If the selected control point changes, the table will autoscroll to the newly selected point, regardless of whether the user manually scrolled the table before.
  • A new button is added which permits the user to select the latest timing group. As per the point above, this will autoscroll the user to that group at the same time.

Further timeline usability tweaks (#29545 by @peppy)

Based on general feedback over the last while.

Before After
osu Game Tests 2024-08-21 at 07 47 39 osu Game Tests 2024-08-21 at 07 47 11

Add ability to change slider length by dragging slider tail (#25953 by @OliBomby)

This adds the ability to drag the slider tail by dragging a new half-circle blueprint display. You can also hold shift to change the velocity rather than the duration.

Fix osu!mania hold notes playing a sound at their tail (#29612 by @peppy)

Hide scroll speed changes for rulesets which don't use them (#29448 by @OliBomby)

Allow play/pause with spacebar while placing hitobjects (#29440 by @OliBomby)

Add more ways to seek to sample points (#28737 by @OliBomby)

This adds some new hotkeys (which are customisable from settings):

  • Ctrl-Left/Right to jump between hit objects.
  • Ctrl+Shift-Left/Right to jump between sample settings (and open the edit panel immediately).

Fix kiai display on summary timeline not always displaying correctly (#29667 by @EVAST9919)

Fix path control points losing curve type on save, reload or undo (#29446 by @OliBomby)

Smaller changes

  • Make break periods in bottom timeline transparent (#29445 by @OliBomby)
  • Fix crash on attempting to edit particular beatmaps (#29534 by @bdach)
  • Fix timeline snapping ignoring nearby timing points (#29435 by @OliBomby)
  • Fix incorrect bank set / sample addition logic (#29533 by @bdach)
  • Improve performance by using optimised circle rendering in demanding places (#29660 by @EVAST9919)
  • Fix incorrect osu!catch snap display when previous object is a juice stream (#29681 by @peppy)


Fix Android safe areas no longer working (ppy/osu-framework#6363 by @hwsmm)

Smaller changes


Change "hold for menu" button to only show for touchscreen users by default (#29508 by @peppy)

This also increases the visibility on touch platforms (it used to be positional based, which doesn't make much sense). If you still want this to show you can use a new setting to set it to always display.

Fix legacy key counter position not matching stable (#29536 by @frenzibyte)

Fix resume overlay appearing behind HUD/skip overlays (#29540 by @frenzibyte)

Add star fountains/bursts when entering "kiai" mode (#29556 by @frenzibyte)

Add shadow around break overlay to ensure it's visible against bright backgrounds (#29615 by @peppy)

Add beat-synced animation to break overlay (#29616 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

  • Fix legacy combo counter bounce animation not always playing (#29474 by @peppy)
  • Fix beatmap offset control not working correctly when calibrating from quitting gameplay (#29702 by @peppy)

Gameplay (osu!)

Apply current cursor scale to cursor trail (#29515 by @TheOmyNomy)

Current Stable PR
current-trail stable-trail pull-request-trail

Add a replay analysis overlay (#27334 by @Sheppsu)

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Fix catcher trail during dash/hyperdash not being consistently spaced (#29503 by @peppy)

Fix autoplay generator not considering circle size (#29646 by @smoogipoo)

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Remove mouse input from mania touch controls (#29654 by @smoogipoo)

Smaller changes


Remove extra background box in multiplayer screens (#29467 by @EVAST9919)

Improves render performance for lower end hardware.

Smaller changes

  • Fix event leak in Multiplayer implementation (#29653 by @peppy)
  • Add automatic downloading support when spectating a multiplayer room (#29680 by @peppy)
    • See inline commentary for commentary.

Next Release

  • Update framework (#29690 by @peppy)
    • Pulls in beta bass libraries (macOS / windows) and localisation updates.


  • Trigger request failure on receiving a null response for a typed APIRequest (#29695 by @peppy)
    • RFC. Seems like about what we'd want. Any kind of issue which results in deserialising not being feasible should be considered a failure for a typed APIRequest as far as I'm concerned.

Overlay Mod Select

  • Mod customization header/panel changes (#29626 by @Fabep)
    • Removed on click event for the mod customization header, As of #29618 .

Renamed ModCustomisationPanelState, since only mods set the "old" Expanded panel state.

Further suggestions that could be applied to this area:

  • Refactor mods that use the ExpandedByMod state to set parameters directly, for example copy attributes from current map when you enable difficulty adjustments.
  • Keep colourprovider.light4 on the header when the mod customization panel is expanded. (I attempted to add this, but I am too stupid to understand how to remove it when the hover is lost & the panel is collapsed). 😃


  • Fix per-frame allocations in BeatmapCarousel (#29688 by @peppy)
    • | Before | After |
      | :---: | :---: |
      | JetBrains Rider 2024-09-04 at 04 54 23 | JetBrains Rider 2024-09-04 at 05 31 06 |
  • Fix high performance session potentially getting stuck after multiplayer spectator (#29701 by @peppy)
    • Thanks to @smoogipoo for the call on this. All makes sense no...
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16 Aug 18:50
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Fix grid snap slider placement double-click not making new segment if anchor not hovered (#29433 by @OliBomby)


Fix custom skin sprites no longer working (#29458 by @peppy)


Fix preview play button having incorrect click area (#29438 by @Joehuu)

Full Changelog: 2024.816.0...2024.817.0


16 Aug 10:26
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Highlight mentions in chat (#29314 by @peppy)

2024-08-07 01 18 27@2x

2024-08-07 01 19 24@2x

Code Quality

Remove "Special" ManiaActions for center columns (#29342 by @cl8n)

Smaller changes

Daily Challenge

Fix insane slowdown when scrolling the new leaderboard display (#29228 by @peppy)

Add daily challenge stats display to user profile overlay (#29157 by @frenzibyte)

CleanShot 2024-07-28 at 06 33 33

Fix clicking the beatmap import notification at the daily challenge screen exiting to main menu (#29322 by @peppy)

Add intro screen for daily challenge (#29323 by @peppy)

Culmination of a community suggestion on discord, with some code from frenzi and final touches applied by me. There's still a lot I'd like to improve about this but spent long enough on it so want to go with what I have for now.

Start playing the daily challenge track during the intro (and automatically download) (#29347 by @peppy)

Add sound design for daily challenge intro animation (#29368 by @nekodex)

Adds a new sample for the daily challenge button, plus some sfx to augment the animation, topped off with some ducking.

Fix daily challenge notification spam (#29363 by @peppy)

Notification will now only show:

  • Once per room.
  • Only if game was opened or user logged in within 30 minutes of the room going live.

Note that the second point here changes (simplifies) the behaviour by always showing, even in the game-started case. Previously it would only show if logging in. I think this aligns better.

Smaller changes


Always show timing points in timeline when at the timing screen (#29211 by @peppy)

Show breaks behind objects in timeline (#29231 by @peppy)

osu! 2024-08-01 at 10 44 56

Run stacking while performing movement in osu! composer (#28792 by @bdach)

Allow object deletion with middle mouse (#29286 by @peppy)

This is in addition to Shift + Right-click.

I think middle mouse feels more natural and is a good permanent solution to this issue.

Note that this also allows triggering the context menu from placement mode. Until now it's done nothing. This may be annoying to users with muscle memory but I want to make the change and harvest feedback. I think showing the context menu is more correct behaviour (although arguably it should return to placement mode on dismiss?).

Show object inspector values during placement (#29366 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

  • Close context menus when deselecting items in editor (#29279 by @normalid-awa)
  • Ensure the "Change Difficulty" menu uses up-to-date difficulty names (#29428 by @peppy)
  • Fix PathControlPointVisualiser eating inputs when no control points are selected (#29434 by @OliBomby)
  • Fix grid snap slider placement double-click not making new segment if anchor not hovered (#29433 by @OliBomby)


Fix keys getting stuck on unpause (ppy/osu-framework#6347 by @frenzibyte)

Fix pause input handling in osu! not working like stable (#29250 by @frenzibyte)

In stable, when you press the resume cursor, if there's a spinner then it's aware that you're currently pressing a key, but if there's a hit circle it does not respond to the press of that key. This broke recently but is now fixed.

Add key counter support for classic/legacy skins (#29027 by @normalid-awa)


Add "press enter" hint to in-gameplay chat box (#29281 by @kstefanowicz)

I don't know how to get to a multiplayer game in a debug build, so I was not able to confirm if this works.

Fix DT/HT sounding worse than they should (ppy/osu-framework#6354 by @OliBomby)

A thing which was supposed to be applied wasn't. This may also fix latency when using DT/HT.

Add option to hide song progress time/text (#29372 by @ArijanJ)


Smaller changes

  • Move combo counter to ruleset-specific HUD components container (#26249 by @frenzibyte)
  • Fix crash on changing skins when classic mod is enabled and game is rewound (#29406 by @peppy)
  • Fix some characters ('.', ',') being misaligned in legacy counters (#29426 by @peppy)
    • If you look closely, this causes a bit more (sub-pixel) vertical movement when numbers change, but it matches stable so I think it's fine.
  • Fix beatmap skin always overriding ruleset HUD components (#29427 by @frenzibyte)

Gameplay (osu!)

  • Interpolate parts in local space to avoid broken cursor trails (#29253 by @Cai1Hsu)
  • Fix hit object coordinates being truncated to int values (#29362 by @peppy)

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Fix fruit positions getting mangled when exploded from the plate (#29403 by @smoogipoo)

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Fix error on parsing osu!mania replays with 18 or more keys (#29388 by @cl8n)

Smaller changes

Adds support for classic osu!mania combo counter, as well as a very basic implementation for "Argon" skin to increase its usability (cc @peppy for adding animations to the argon one if wanted).

This does not include turning the combo colour to yellow during a hold note, especially since hold notes don't have ticks anymore, which makes the yellow state look odd.


Argon preview (again, not final):


Main Menu

  • Remove daily challenge tooltip from main menu (#29417 by @peppy)
    • Now that we have a nice intro screen for the daily challenge, it's generally thought that we want to "spoil" the beatmap until the intro is shown.

Also I was never a huge fan of having a tooltip on a main menu button.. just feels a bit odd.

Mod Select

Flash customise button on mod overlay when it becomes available (#29212 by @peppy)

I want to make it more visible when it becomes enabled, since some users (myself included) may overlook it. Just a helpful little nudge.

Allow horizontal scrolling on mod select overlay anywhere on the screen (#29249 by @peppy)

Hover to expand mod customise panel (#29136 by @Cai1Hsu)


Smaller changes

  • Fix mod panels overflowing into the column borders (#29254 by @smoogipoo)
  • Fix customise button on mod overlay initially showing flash layer indefinitely (#29259 by @Joehuu)


Allow searching settings by more dropdown items' names (#29273 by @Joehuu)

Before After
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 2 51 55 PM Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 2 49 06 PM
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 2 52 28 PM Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 2 49 21 PM
<img width="483" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 2 52 48 PM" src="
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