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@peppy peppy released this 14 Nov 04:20
· 8495 commits to master since this release

Code Quality

  • Update country code names to match database (#25217 by @peppy)
  • Fix some new nullable inspections (#25301 by @peppy)
  • Improve log output surrounding score submission (#25300 by @peppy)
  • Clean up mod usability flags (#25328 by @bdach)
  • Rename and invert flags for slider classic behaviours (#25341 by @peppy)
  • Refactor KeyCounterDisplay to use autosize (#25411 by @peppy)


Fix editor not prompting before saving beatmap for export (#25223 by @peppy)

Fix various osu!catch distance snap grid breakage (#25240 by @bdach)

Fix slider velocity changes not being undone correctly (#25307 by @bdach)

Decouple metronome tick playback from pendulum movement (#25316 by @peppy)

I originally wanted the sounds to match the visuals, but it turns out that mappers want the sound to play immediately. So now it will always play, regardless of whether the pendulum passes the centre point or not.

Smaller changes

  • Fix right clicks on timeline potentially not working as expected (#25304 by @peppy)
  • Select text in beat divisor popover automatically (#23823 by @peppy)
  • Automatically refresh the verify screen's issue list on re-entering it (#25376 by @peppy)
  • Fix editor crash when creating a new difficulty in a non-existent beatmap (#25380 by @frenzibyte)


Fix releasing mouse buttons outside of window not working in relative mode (ppy/osu-framework#6036 by @Susko3)

Fix mouse not working as expected on iOS (ppy/osu-framework#6041 by @Susko3)

Smaller changes


Enforce minimum gameplay sample volume of 5% (#25185 by @bdach)

osu!stable's sample volume floor is actually 8%, but it is enforced in what seem to be completely stupid ways (in the UI it's 5%, but actual playback takes place at minimum 8%). Since that seems weird and bad, and basically nobody seems to know about it (source: a brief discussion I had with the NAT today), and it seems there should be no harm in actually having the cap be 5% without weird gymnastics or lying to the users, that's what I ended up doing.

Add ability to quick retry using Ctrl-R (#25235 by @peppy)

Fix quick retry immediately after completion marking score as failed (#25264 by @bdach)

Allow argon's key counter display to be rotated while keeping text upright (#25349 by @Joehuu)

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!)

Fix repeat circles on sliders not correctly getting dimmed (#25221 by @peppy)



Fix all spinner ticks being alive and causing performance degradation (#25333 by @peppy)

Continue to play spinner bonus sounds when MAX display occurs (#25343 by @peppy)

Fix osu! (slider) combo not matching expectations when classic mod is disabled (#25342 by @peppy)

Until now, the max combo of sliders has been lower than expected due to the tail not giving a combo. This has been fixed, so now max combo will match classic mod (and stable). This will make cross-comparisons much saner.

Implement basic touchscreen detection (#25348 by @bdach)

The "touch device" mod will now be shown when using touch input, both at song select and during gameplay.

Smaller changes

  • Fix out-of-order judgements when missing a slider head (#25218 by @peppy)
    • Would sometimes lead to unstable total score calculations.

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Add support for "argon" default skin to expand columns when on mobile devices (#25336 by @peppy)

Should ease those looking to play the game on mobile until we (potentially) have a better solution in the future.

If this works out well, we can consider rolling it out to other skins.

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Gameplay (osu!taiko)

Apply same changes to "argon" osu!taiko barline design that were applies to osu!mania (#25222 by @peppy)

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Update the last played date of a beatmap when importing a replay by the local user (#25303 by @peppy)

With this change, importing beatmaps scores from stable will now choose a more correct "Last Played" date for beatmaps based on the most recent score imported. This also applies when importing one of your own scores at any point.

Main Menu

SFX improvements for ButtonSystem/MainMenu (#25395 by @nekodex)

Makes the main menu feel a bit more polished IMO while also reducing the ability to spike playback volume by spamming stuff.

Smaller changes


  • Make FreezeFrame and Transform Incompatible (#25233 by @Termincc)
  • Fix StopUsingBeatmapClock() applying adjustments to track it was supposed to stop using (#25253 by @bdach)
  • Fix another potential crash in bubbles mod (#25334 by @peppy)



Update user profile overlay to show more than one tournament banner (#25287 by @frenzibyte)

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Add ability to view kudosu rankings (#25388 by @Joehuu)


  • Fix iOS AOT compilation failure due to SharpCompress library upgrade (#25236 by @peppy)
  • Do not revert to default value when double-clicking disabled slider (#25230 by @bdach)
  • Fix skin editor freezing game if opened during active gameplay (#25265 by @bdach)
  • Update installer to latest release (#25385 by @peppy)


Automatically select existing search text when opening settings (#25286 by @frenzibyte)

Allows for a better search experience, as a user usually wants to find a new setting each time they come to the settings screen.

Add "disable taps during gameplay" to touch input settings and related UI (#25366 by @Susko3)

This fixes the previous "disable clicks" toggle from also affecting touch input.

Smaller changes

Skin Editor

Add skin editor context menu items to reset rotation and scale (#25375 by @peppy)

Fix skin editor not clearing undo history on skin change (#25406 by @bdach)

Add "export" item to skin editor menu (#25408 by @peppy)

Add support for adjusting size of skin elements (#25402 by @peppy)

Dragging a skin elements from an edge will now adjust size, not scale. This allows resizing elements which support it without stretching them (which looked really bad).

Support is limited for now, but we can easily roll this out to more components in the future.

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Add "player name" skin component (#25374 by @peppy)

Update "Argon" skin gameplay counters to new design (#25226 by @frenzibyte)

Smaller changes

  • Correctly apply slider velocity into slider ball animation rate (#25191 by @frenzibyte)
  • Fix legacy sprite texts not matching stable with respect to fixed width (#25267 by @bdach)
  • Fix non-matching legacy skin animation capabilities and frame rates (#25190 by @frenzibyte)
  • Fix potential texture corruption when cropping gameplay textures of weird aspect ratios (#25318 by @peppy)

Song Select

Fix left side of carousel blocking volume adjust hotkeys (#25243 by @bdach)

Fix cut/copy not working in song select search filter textbox (#25277 by @Susko3)

Change osu!mania conversion mod ordering to be more appeasing (#25338 by @peppy)

Smaller changes


  • Use current date as default value for tournament date text boxes (#25227 by @frenzibyte)
  • Fix incorrect assertion placement in spinner rotation tracker (#25311 by @bdach)
  • Fix TestScenePlayerMaxDimensions texture loading process bottlenecking CI (#25272 by @frenzibyte)
  • Address some flaky tests from recent times (#25315 by @peppy)
  • Fix key binding row fire-and-forgetting writes (#25323 by @bdach)
  • Attempt to support quotes in handling of GH comment body (#25403 by @smoogipoo)


Support displaying team seeds in tournament client (#25274 by @frenzibyte)

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Split tournament player lists more equally (#25398 by @peppy)

Requested by OWC team.

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Smaller changes

  • Change tournament date text box parsing to use invariant culture info (#25279 by @frenzibyte)


New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2023.1013.0...2023.1114.0