Release notes
- Bump to powsybl core 4.4.0-RC1 (#274)
- Size and viewbox computed and inserted in SVG (#270)
- Introduce bus connection nodes (#241, #265), which replace
- bus breaker connection nodes for bus breaker topology
- fictitious disconnectors for node breaker topology
- Standardize ids of fictitious nodes (internals, bus connections, transformers) and of transformer edges (#266, #267)
- Generalize the use of the Point object, replacing List for snakelines (#249)
- Various fixes:
- Remove 0 degree rotations (#259)
- TopologicalStyleProvider correction and optimization (#269)
- Fix display of buses directly connected to a bus (#248)
- Fix bugs in substation layouts (#263)
- Fix snakelines overlapping transformers and labels unexpected rotation (#260)
- Force layout: avoid duplicating force in case of duplicated edge (#264)
- Test parameter to allow overriding test references (#268)
- Add slack link in README.md (#257)