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Integrase cryptic site analysis

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Tools and pipelines for various off-target detection assays:

  • CHANGE-Seq
  • Cryptic-Seq
  • Integration site mapping assay from Durant et al. 2022

Local Setup

It is important that poetry is not installed in the same environment as your package dependencies. We recommend using the "official" installer:

curl -sSL | python3 -

If you already have poetry installed, make sure it is version 1.7.0 or greater:

poetry --version

We recommend using the miniforge installer. Download the installer for your operating system and run it. For example:

chmod +x

If you already have mamba installed, make sure it is version 1.3.0 or greater:

mamba --version
  • Get a local copy of the tbChaSIn repo
git clone [email protected]:tomebio/tbChaSIn.git
cd tbChaSIn
  • Create and activate the environment
bash scripts/ -A [-m micromamba]

You can also activate the environment manually:

mamba activate tbChaSIn
  • Install pytomebio (developer mode)
cd src/python && poetry install
  • If you plan to run the Snakemake workflows, ensure realpath is available


brew install coreutils

On Ubuntu 16.04 or higher:

sudo apt-get install coreutils
  • To be able to use any of the tools that interact with the Benchling warehouse, you need to configure SSL/TLS as described here.

Running Code Checks

To run code checks, execute:

bash scripts/ [-f] [-l]

This will run:

  1. Unit test for Python code and Snakemake plumbing (with pytest)
  2. Linting of Python code (with ruff)
  3. Code style checking of Python code (with ruff)
  4. Type checking of Python code (with mypy)
  5. Code style checking of Shell code (with shellcheck)
  6. Code style checking of Snakemake code (with snakefmt)

If the optional -f flag is specified, then the Python and Snakemake files will be automatically formatted prior to applying the checks. Similarly, use the -l flag to fix any lints that can be fixed automatically.


The Nextflow workflows are designed to run either locally or using AWS Batch. To facilitate this, we must consider that input files (e.g., FASTQs and references) may be stored remotely (e.g., in AWS S3) and "staged" (i.e., Nextflow manages the automatic downloading of remote inputs to the local system) at runtime.

The minimal information to run the pipeline is:

  • The CTB ID of the experiment, which is used to look up the experiment metadata in Benchling
  • The root location of the references used in the experiment
  • The root location of the FASTQ files for the experiment

The workflow runs the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the metadata from Benchling for the given CTB ID, specified by the --ctb_id option, and create a "metasheet" (aka a sample sheet).
    1. If you already have a metasheet in the correct format, you can specify it using --metasheet rather than using the --ctb_id option.
  2. For each sample in the metasheet:
    1. If the genome build is not known, then use the mapping between species and genome build (specified by the --genomes_json option) to determine it, or fall back to the default genome (specified by the --default_genome option).
    2. Map the genome build to a reference using the mapping specified by the --references_json option, otherwise assume the reference has the same name as the genome build, or fall back to the default reference (specified by the --default_reference option) if the genome build is not known>
    3. If the reference is specified as a relative path, then resolve it to an absolute path using the root folder specified by the --references_dir option. Note that --references_dir may specify a URI, such as an S3 bucket.
    4. Determine the names of the FASTQ files using the pattern string specified by --fastq_name_pattern. This pattern string can contain variables of the form ${var}, which are replaced with the value from the corresponding column in the metasheet. There is also a special ${read} variable with the read number for the FASTQ (1 or 2).
    5. If --fastq_name_pattern specifies a relative path, then resolve it to an absolute path using the root folder specified by --fastq_dir, which may also specify a URI, such as an S3 bucket.
  3. Load each sample in the metasheet into a native Groovy object.
  4. Run all of the sample-specific steps in the pipeline in parallel over all the samples.
  5. Aggregate the per-sample results and run the aggregate steps in the pipeline.

Run the Pipeline

Reference Preparation

CRISPR Reference Preparation


Integrase Reference Preparation

For Integrase samples, a reference genome (e.g. GRCh38.p14) is modified to append:

  1. The full length attB sequence
  2. The full length attP sequence
  3. The full length attB-containing plasmid sequence

The script will build the reference for you:

bash scripts/ \
  [-i <reference folder URI> | -g <genome_name>] \
  [-n <reference name>] \
  [-D <root dir> | -G <genomes_dir> -R <references_dir>] \
  [-A] \
  attB.fasta attP.fasta plasmid.fasta


  • -i specifies the folder from which the genome files can be downloaded. Right now, this is assumed to be an NCBI URI, and defaults to The folder must contain a <name>_genomic.fna.gz file with the genome sequence, and a <name>_assembly_report.txt file with the contig names, where <name> is the folder name (e.g. GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14 in the default URI).
  • -g specifies the genome name. Use this instead of -i if the genome files already exist in the genomes folder. Alternatively, the script will try to infer the NCBI URI from the genome name.
  • -n specifies the name of the reference to create. This defaults to the genome name.
  • -D specifies a root directory where both genomes and references will be stored, in the <root>/genomes/ and <root>/references directories, respectively. This defaults to the system temp dir and is not required if you specify both -G and -R.
  • -G specifies the directory where genomes are downloaded.
  • -R specifies the directory where references are created.
  • -A specifies that alt contigs should not be included in the final reference.

All the files for a reference are created in a directory with the reference name, and with all files prefixed with the reference name. For example, with reference name GRCh38.p14_PL2312, the reference directory will contain:

  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.dict
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.gtf
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.amb
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.ann
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.bwt
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.fai
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.gzi
  • GRCh38.p14_PL2312.fasta.gz.pac

Execution (Nextflow)

The Cryptic-seq pipeline has been ported to Nextflow, and this is now the preferred method of execution. For the other pipelines, use Snakemake. For regression testing, the Nextflow workflow can run a wrapped version of the original Snakemake workflow using the -profile snakemake option.

Building Docker images

Each process uses a single Docker image, but multiple processes can use the same image. Each environment configuration file in mamba/ corresponds to a Docker image. To build all the Docker images, run:

bash scripts/ [-m] [-v VERSION] 

The -m option builds images that are compatible with an ARM Mac. The -v option specifies the version with which to tag the images, and must match the docker_image_version parameter in nextflow.config.

To build a specific image, run the following command, where <target> is the name of the environment configuration file without the .yml extension.

bash scripts/ [-m] [-v VERSION] <target>

To be able to run the Snakemake version of the workflow, you'll need to build a single "monolithic" Docker image instead. Run the following from the root directory of the project:

docker build \
  -f docker/Dockerfile.snakemake \
  -t tomebio/cryptic-seq:1.0 .

On an ARM-based Mac, some additional options are required:

docker build \
  -f docker/Dockerfile.snakemake \
  -t tomebio/cryptic-seq:1.0 \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --load .

Setting secrets

If you plan to use CTB IDs to fetch metadata from benchling, then you must configure secrets for the Benchling Warehouse credentials:

nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_USERNAME 'username'
nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_PASSWORD 'password'
nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_HOST ''
nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_PORT '5432'
nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_DBNAME 'warehouse'
nextflow secrets set WAREHOUSE_SSLMODE 'verify-ca'

Note: make sure to enclose the secret in single-quotes.

Running the workflow

nextflow run \
  src/nextflow/cryptic-seq \
  [--metasheet <metasheet.[xlsx|txt]> | --ctb_id <ctb_id>] \
  --references_json <references.json> \
  --reference_dir <ref_dir> \
  --annotation_reference <name_or_path> \
  --fastq_dir <fastq_dir> \
  [--fastq_name_pattern <pattern>] \
  [--output_dir <output_dir> ] \
  [--prefix <output_prefix>] \
  [-with-report report.html] \
  # this option configures the pipeline for running locally
  -profile local \
  # this option only required on ARM Mac
  [-profile rosetta] \
  # this option only required on linux systems where it is required to run docker as root
  [-profile linux]  
  # this option causes the snakemake workflow to be run
  [-profile snakemake] \
  # this option provides the global config when running the snakemake workflow
  [--global_config <config_yml> ]

The most common options are:

  • --metasheet specifies the sample sheet. Alternatively, --ctb_id can be used to specify a CTB ID in benchling from which to create the metasheet. This may require specifying --genomes_json, which is a mapping between species and reference name.
  • --references_json specifies a file that contains mappings between genome build and path to the folder that contains the reference (FASTA file and BWA index).
  • --reference_dir specifies the root folder that contains references. This is only necessary if --references_json contains relative paths.
  • --annotation_reference the name of, or path to, the reference to use in the annotate_sites step when searching for exact site sequence hits in the genome.
  • --fastq_dir is the root directory where FASTQ files live. The FASTQ file names may be specified in the metasheet fq1 and fq2 columns as relative paths under the fastq_dir, or the --fastq_name_prefix option may be specified with a glob expression that can contain placeholders for any of the columns in the metasheet, as well as the special read placeholder which has a value of 1 for read 1 files and 2 for read 2 files, e.g. **/{sample_name}*/*_R{read}_*.gz.
  • --output_dir is the directory where pipeline outputs will be published. It defaults to the directory where the workflow is launched.
  • --output_prefix is the name of the subdirectory within output_dir where pipeline outputs will be published, and is also used to name the run-level outputs. It defaults to the name of the metasheet (without extension).

To see the full list of options that can be set, run:

nextflow run src/nextflow/cryptic-seq -h

Note that the options that are specific to the nextflow command only start with one dash (e.g., -with-report) while options that override workflow parameters start with two dashes (e.g. --metasheet).

Instead of (or in addition to) setting options on the command line, you can also put them in a configuration file. Options specified on the command line override those in config files.


metasheet = "my_samples.txt"
references_json = "my_references.json"
trim_Tn5 = true
nextflow run \
  src/nextflow/cryptic-seq \
  -c example.config \
  --fastq_dir my_fastq_dir
  --output_dir my_output_dir
  -profile local

Execution (Snakemake)

Execute the following command to run the pipeline. pipeline is the name of one of the pipelines in the src/snakemake folder. Note that the -d argument is only required if you are executing the script from somewhere other than the root folder of the tbChaSIn project.

bash scripts/ \
    [-d /path/to/snakemake/dir] \
    -p <pipeline> \
    -c /path/to/config.yml \
    [-g /path/to/global_config.yml] \
    -o /path/to/output \
    -t /path/to/large/temp/directory

See Reference Preparation for how to prepare the reference genome.


There are two configuration files: run and global.

The run config is required and provides metadata for the samples to be processed. The run config is organized at three levels: run, group, and sample level. The run level contains configuration that applies to all groups and samples, for example tool-level parameters. The group level contains configuration that applies to related samples, for example the guide for specific CRISPR samples, or tool-specific parameters recommended for integrase samples. The sample level contains configuration that applies to each sample, for example the name, replicate number, and paths to the input FASTQs.

Config Key Description Level Required Default
name The name of the group Group Yes NA
ref_fasta The absolute path to the reference FASTA, with accompanying BWA index files and FASTA index Group Yes NA
attachment_sites The list of attachment sites (<name>:<left-seq>:<overhang>:<right-seq>) Group Yes NA
name The name of the sample Sample Yes NA
replicate The replicate number (e.g. 1, 2, 3) Sample Yes NA
fq1 The absolute path to the FASTQ for read 1 (R1) Sample Yes NA
fq2 The absolute path to the FASTQ for read 2 (R2) Sample Yes NA

The global config is optional and overrides default values for parameters that apply to all samples. The global parameters are specific to each workflow.


The following steps are performed in the CHANGE-Seq pipeline:

  1. Convert FASTQ to BAM, trim and annotate the leading attachment sites. Keep only read pairs where the left/right side of the same attachment site are found.
  2. Search for the Tn5 mosaic end in the reads trimming it and all subsequent bases (due to short inserts). All reads kept.
  3. Align the reads.
  4. Mark duplicates (no UMIs).
  5. Collect various sequencing quality control metrics.
  6. Collate putative integration sites per sample.
  7. Collate putative integration sites across samples.

An example config.yml for CHANGE-Seq is shown below:

  - name: bxb1
    ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
      - name: BxbI_alone_rep1_S10
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep1_S10/BxbI_alone_rep1_S10_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep1_S10/BxbI_alone_rep1_S10_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_alone_rep2_S11
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep2_S11/BxbI_alone_rep2_S11_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep2_S11/BxbI_alone_rep2_S11_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_alone_rep3_S12
        replicate: 3
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep3_S12/BxbI_alone_rep3_S12_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_alone_rep3_S12/BxbI_alone_rep3_S12_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attB_rep1_S16
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep1_S16/BxbI_attB_rep1_S16_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep1_S16/BxbI_attB_rep1_S16_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attB_rep2_S17
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep2_S17/BxbI_attB_rep2_S17_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep2_S17/BxbI_attB_rep2_S17_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attB_rep3_S18
        replicate: 3
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep3_S18/BxbI_attB_rep3_S18_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attB_rep3_S18/BxbI_attB_rep3_S18_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attP_rep1_S13
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep1_S13/BxbI_attP_rep1_S13_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep1_S13/BxbI_attP_rep1_S13_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attP_rep2_S14
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep2_S14/BxbI_attP_rep2_S14_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep2_S14/BxbI_attP_rep2_S14_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: BxbI_attP_rep3_S15
        replicate: 3
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep3_S15/BxbI_attP_rep3_S15_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/BxbI_attP_rep3_S15/BxbI_attP_rep3_S15_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep1_S25
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep1_S25/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep1_S25_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep1_S25/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep1_S25_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep2_S26
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep2_S26/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep2_S26_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep2_S26/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep2_S26_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep3_S27 
        replicate: 3
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep3_S27/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep3_S27_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep3_S27/HEK293c12_BxbI_attP_rep3_S27_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz

The following steps are performed in the Cryptic-Seq pipeline:

  1. Convert FASTQ to BAM, trim and annotate the leading UMIs
  2. Trims the start of R1s for the Tn5 mosaic end, keeping only read pairs where the Tn5 mosaic end was found in R1.
  3. Trims the start of R2s for the leading attachment site, keeping only read pairs where the attachment site was found in R2.
  4. Search for the Tn5 mosaic end in the R2, trimming it and all subsequent bases (due to short inserts). All reads kept.
  5. Align the reads.
  6. Clip reads in FR pairs that sequence past the far end of their mate.
  7. Mark duplicates using the UMIs.
  8. Collect various sequencing quality control metrics.
  9. Collate putative integration sites per sample.
  10. Collate putative integration sites across samples.

An example config.yml for CRYPTIC-Seq is shown below:

  - name: Bxb1attP
    ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep1-Sid3_S3
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep1-Sid3_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep1-Sid3_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep2-Sid8_S8
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep2-Sid8_S8_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attP-rep2-Sid8_S8_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
  - name: Bxb1attB
    ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep1-Sid4_S4
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep1-Sid4_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep1-Sid4_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep2-Sid9_S9
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep2-Sid9_S9_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-Bxb1attB-rep2-Sid9_S9_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
  - name: attBalone
    ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep1-Sid2_S2
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep1-Sid2_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep1-Sid2_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep2-Sid7_S7
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep2-Sid7_S7_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attBalone-rep2-Sid7_S7_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
  - name: attPalone
    ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep1-Sid1_S1
        replicate: 1
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep1-Sid1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep1-Sid1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
      - name: JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep2-Sid6_S6
        replicate: 2
        fq1: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep2-Sid6_S6_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        fq2: /path/to/cryptic-seq/fastqs/JM-CS004a-N7-attPalone-rep2-Sid6_S6_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz

The global parameters supported for Cryptic-seq are listed in the following table. A configuration file with the default values is provided.

Config Key Description Default
read_structure_r1 R1 read structure for fgbio FastqToBam, made up of '<number><operator>' pairs 11M+T
read_structure_r2 R2 read structure for fgbio FastqToBam, made up of '<number><operator>' pairs +T
trim_Tn5 Whether to trim the Tn5 mosiac end sequence from the start of R1 True
trim_Tn5_max_mismatches Maximum number of mismatches to allow Tn5 trimming 1
trim_att_max_mismatches Maximum number of mismatches to allow leading attachment site trimming 4
umi_from_read_name Set to True if the UMI is found in the read name instead of the sequence False
Durant et al.

The following steps are performed in the Durant et al. pipeline:

  1. uses fastp to trim adapters (r1: custom, r2: nextera)
  2. uses tomebio-tools durant trim-leading-r2 to keep only reads where R2 starts with the sample-specific stagger and inner donor primer
  3. aligns to the genome, which includes attB and attD
  4. keeps only reads that:
    • R1 and R2 must each have at least one alignment to the genome (non-donor)
    • If R1 has an alignment to the donor, it cannot have too many mapped bases to the donor, otherwise it is assumed to be a linear plasmid template (default: 55bp)
    • R2 must have an alignment to the donor on the forward strand
  5. re-aligns these reads to the genome without attB and attD
  6. does not de-duplicate
  7. uses the tomebio-tools durant find-sites tool to find integration sites. Keeps templates that:
  • both R1 and R2 map to the genome
  • the template length is 1kb or smaller (implies R1 and R2 map to the same contig!)
  • R1 has enough mapped bases (default: 25bp) For a given template (read pair), the following must be true to be considered an integration:

An example config.yml for Durant et al. is shown below:

- name: Durant
  ref_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14.full/GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
  genome_fasta: /path/to/GRCh38.p14/GRCh38.p14.fasta
  min_aln_score: 20
  inter_site_slop: 10
  - name: SRR21306552
    replicate: 1
    bio_rep: 2
    tech_rep: 2
    stagger: ''
    donor_inner_primer: CAGCGAGTCAGTGAGCGAGG
    umi_length: 0
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306552_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306552_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306553
    replicate: 2
    bio_rep: 2
    tech_rep: 1
    stagger: T
    donor_inner_primer: CAGCGAGTCAGTGAGCGAGG
    umi_length: 0
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306553_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306553_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306554
    replicate: 3
    bio_rep: 1
    tech_rep: 1
    stagger: ATCGAT
    donor_inner_primer: TCGATCGAGGTTGCATTCGG
    umi_length: 0
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306554_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306554_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306560
    replicate: 4
    bio_rep: 5
    tech_rep: 1
    stagger: T
    donor_inner_primer: CAGCGAGTCAGTGAGCGAGG
    umi_length: 0
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306560_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306560_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306561
    replicate: 5
    bio_rep: 2
    tech_rep: 3
    stagger: ''
    donor_inner_primer: CAGCGAGTCAGTGAGCGAGG
    umi_length: 0
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306561_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306561_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306626
    replicate: 6
    bio_rep: 4
    tech_rep: 1
    stagger: CGAT
    donor_inner_primer: TCGATCGAGGTTGCATTCGG
    umi_length: 12
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306626_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306626_2.fastq.gz
  - name: SRR21306627
    replicate: 7
    bio_rep: 3
    tech_rep: 1
    stagger: T
    donor_inner_primer: TCGATCGAGGTTGCATTCGG
    umi_length: 12
    fq1: /path/to/SRR21306627_1.fastq.gz
    fq2: /path/to/SRR21306627_2.fastq.gz

*** Important ***: ref_fasta is the genome with attD, while genome_fasta does not contain attD.


Python toolkit

All custom scripts used by these workflows are written in python and available as a command line toolkit called pytomebio. To add a new tool:

  • Create a <tool>.py file in the appropriate package within
  • Add the tool to the TOOLS dict in
  • Add any new dependencies to pyproject.toml

Converting Snakemake to Nextflow

We follow a two-step process:

  1. Wrap the Snakemake pipeline using snk inside a Docker container and call it from a Nextflow process.
  2. Convert each Snakemake rule to a corresponding Nextflow process and write a "native" Nextflow workflow.

The workflow then has the option of running either the "native" version or the Snakemake version. This is useful to be able to compare the results for regression testing.

Adding a process

To add a new step to the workflow, create a new process in the appropriate file in one of the subfolders of src/nextflow. The process should have the following directives:

  • label corresponding to the Docker image that should be used
  • tag "${}" for processes that run on individual samples
  • label 'global' for processes that run on the aggregated results
  • ext resource: value to specify resource requirements that are above the base level of 1 CPU, 2 GB memory, and 100 GB of disk space

Each process needs to have an associated Docker image. You can use one of the existing images by giving your process the associated label directive. If you need to create a new image:

  • Create a new Mamba configuration file in mamba/
  • Create a new target in Dockerfile
  • Add the necessary configuration for the new image in src/nextflow/<workflow>/nextflow.config

Integration tests

From src/nextflow/cryptic-seq run:

REF_DIR=<ref_dir> PROFILES=local,test[,rosetta|linux] pytest --git-aware tests/integration/

where ref_dir is the root directory for references.


Integrase cryptic site analysis






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  • Python 79.5%
  • Nextflow 11.4%
  • Shell 5.4%
  • Groovy 2.6%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%