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This README shows how to prepare the whole setup for controlling analogue intercom via Wi-Fi using your Raspberry Pi & Android Smatphone.

Stuff you need

  1. Raspberry Pi or other device with GPIO connected to your LAN
  2. S3-C relay 1
  3. BC547 b NPN transistor 1
  4. 1kOm resistor
  5. breadboard (if you don't have soldering iron) or pcb universal board
  6. wires

Server side

You need to have python 2.7 on your device. Raspbian usually have installed package, so just to be sure you have correct version of python run the:

python --version
Python 2.7.13

If you wish to change the default pin 2 or time 3 of opening function just check arguments of open() function and set proper arguments in Keep in mind that the scheme works only on pins without pull-up resistors.

To run server just go to the server catalogue from this repository to your folder, and run it:

cd server
sudo python

Android smartphone

There is existing apk in the repo under the hodor-remote-control/app/build/outputs/apk/ which you can copy to your device 4, but if you want to build it yourself, you need to have the Android SDK and execute:

cd hodor-remote-control
./gradlew assembleDebug

It will generate apk file in folder mentioned above.

To use app just run the hodor app, set your Raspberry Pi ip and press Open the door

Schematic diagram

scheme If you encounter problems with reseting your control device you probably need also backflow diode on relay.


scheme scheme

1: You can use different one, but keep in mind you may need to chage the scheme

2: Default value is 10

3: Default value is 3 seconds

4: If you have problem with installation just check out the web how to enable installation of unknown sources


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