This library is used to analyze and smartly reorder phonemes of an audio sequence to form any desired sentence. The goal of this library is to generate Sentence Mixing Youtube poops (example).
Entry file is
Here are examples of applications based on the library:
SM library is using Montreal Forced Aligner, a powerful tool used to timestamp words and phonemes in a subtitled audio file.
- Download release executable version 1.1.0 Beta 2
- Extract it as
To use the library, you have to provide a json configuration file. Here are all the fields to add into it:
: Path to dictionnary file. This dictionnary associates every words of a language to associated phonemesalign_exe
: MFA executable filetrained_model
: pre-trained model MFA will use. Should be a ZIP filelang
: three languages are supported for the moment:fr
: Path to dictionary declaring the consonant and vowel phonemesfolder
: Folder where the Youtube subtitles will be stored
This config file should be passed through the function prepare_sm_config_file
Example for French language:
: choosefr/fr.dict
dictionary in SM-Dictionaries repoalign_exe
: choose french prosodylab model among MFA pretrained modellang
: choosefr/fr_consonant_vowel.dict
consonant vowel dict in SM-Dictionaries repo
Please refer to this section of SM-Dictionaries.