- SkyeKiwi testnet (Thanks to https://github.com/RoyTimes)
- Ternoa Testnet & Mainnet (Thanks to https://github.com/markopoloparadox)
- Turning on Rococo (Thanks to https://github.com/lreesby)
- SnowBridge on Rococo (Thanks to https://github.com/alistair-singh)
- Imbue on Rococo (Thanks to https://github.com/samelamin)
- Imbue on Kusama (Thanks to https://github.com/samelamin)
- Robonomics paraId on Rococo (Thansk to https://github.com/PavelSheremetev)
- InvArch Brainnet testnet (Thanks to https://github.com/arrudagates)
- OnFinality endpoint for Mandala (Thanks to https://github.com/alanchang124)
- OnFinality endpoint for Integritee (Thanks to https://github.com/mosonyi)
- Blast endpoint for Moonbeam (Thanks to https://github.com/albertov19)
- Rename Canvas to Contracts (Thanks to https://github.com/cmichi)
- Adjust Litentry config (Thanks to https://github.com/Kailai-Wang)
- Add GM parachain (Thanks to https://github.com/arrudagates)
- Subsquare links for Kusama (Thanks to https://github.com/wliyongfeng)
- Add Subspace Gemini (Thanks to https://github.com/nazar-pc)
- Adjust Doractory for Kusama (Thanks to https://github.com/tinydjp)
- Dolphin load-balanced endpoints (Thanks to https://github.com/grenade)
- Enable OriginTrail endpoints on Polkadot (Thanks to https://github.com/NZT48)
- Updata SORA definitions (Thanks to https://github.com/stefashkaa)
- Updata Unique endpoints (Thanks to https://github.com/gregzaitsev)
- Adjust decoded extrinsic output for unsigned
- Remove Subwallet from disallow list
- Adjust key display for disabled InputExtrinsic
- Adjust duplicate endpoint checks (trailing /)
- Not Fasttrack voting for members === 1
- Move Polkadex endpoints
- Add stats charts for API operations
- Retrieve Rococo & Westend genesis from
- Disable unreachable endpoints