####twitter: @_polikin
Every librairie is called by mixin. So, you can call @import "_core"
and until you include a mixin, nothing will be output. No dependencies!
Now with:
- Susy Responsive Grid (http://susy.oddbird.net/)
- Ceaser CSS3 Animations (https://github.com/jhardy/compass-ceaser-easing)
- Animate.sass (https://github.com/polikin/animate.sass)
- GetSkeleton Grid (https://github.com/theresponsiveness/GetSkeleton1200-or-960 & http://getskeleton.com/)
- Jacket Sass (https://github.com/Team-Sass/jacket/)
No need to install any gems.
#####Available on Bower
bower install core
#####Why should I use Core?
Well, the main idea here is that Core import some libs that we probably use everytime in our project.
So, with Core you don't have to install any gems. Everything is up to date and ready to be import.
Per example. You want to use Susy for your project. Then, your co-worker has need to work on the same project.
Until Core, he should install the gem on his computer.
If not, the compilation failed. With Core, you drop the folder core
in your project and you're good to go.
@import "_core"
- everything (GetSkeleton Grid, Susy Grid, Ceaser, Custom mixins)
@import "_core/src/_susy"
- Susy grid only
@import "_core/src/_ceaser"
- CSS3 easing animations only
@import "_core/src/_responsive-grid"
- GetSkeleton Grid only (Refer to https://github.com/theresponsiveness/GetSkeleton1200-or-960)
image size
image height
image width
center absolute
prefix, suffix, prefix & suffix
placeholder color
@include ceaser-transition(all, 800ms, $easeInQuad);
reference: https://github.com/jhardy/compass-ceaser-easing
The only thing you have to do is to create susy variables and you're good to go!
@import "animate/_shared";
@import "animate/_animations";
@include animations(fading-entrances);
- entrances animations family
@include animations(fading-entrances/fadeInRight);
- specific animation
reference: https://github.com/polikin/animate.sass