Dropzone Assistant is a suite of Python applications to help Dropzone Commander players manage their figurines and armies. I've set up this open-source project in Python so that it can be easily maintained and modified by the community. Additionally, by using Kivy for graphics support, it should be easily compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, OSX, and Linux.
StatViewer is a simple app to view unit stats. Unit core stats were taken from the 2018 Michigan GT spreadsheet.
ArmyBuilder is a remake of the "Fighting Forces of the Reconquest" army builder. This will include new unit stats and be modified to fit the Dropzone Commander 2.4.1 army building rules. I am hoping to release this in February 2019. I am planning to include a utility to import FFoR army lists.
Dropzone Commander and all related names, concepts, and images are TM and Copyright by Hawk Wargames, now TTCombat. Used without permission (permission pending!)