207 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- add ingestClusterCost mutation by @zreigz in #1687
- Revert back to alpine base images by @michaeljguarino in #1684
- feat: add configurationRef to GeneratedSecret by @zreigz in #1691
- update aws efs scraper by @seemywingz in #1688
- Implement pluggable log aggregation drivers by @michaeljguarino in #1690
- Add search/filter queries for cost data by @michaeljguarino in #1695
- Downcase mgmt identifier for mgmt repo substitution by @michaeljguarino in #1696
- enhancement: Simplify resync cooldown logic by @maciaszczykm in #1698
- add upcoming releses for cert-manager scraper by @seemywingz in #1692
- feat: add stack ref information to service deployment by @floreks in #1699
- add cost management UI by @jsladerman in #1693
- make cost management tables bigger and allow y scroll by @jsladerman in #1702
- Prep 0.10.44 release by @michaeljguarino in #1700
- feat: add log driver settings to DeploymentSettings by @zreigz in #1703
- Final pre-release touches by @michaeljguarino in #1705
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix: UI tweaks by @maciaszczykm in #1704
Dependency Updates
- build(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.27.0 to 0.31.0 in /go/controller by @dependabot in #1706
Other Changes
Full Changelog: v0.10.43...v0.10.44