Telegram group for this repo
is an NPM module to wrap around the IPFS APIs used by plebbit. It is used in all clients: CLI, Electron (desktop GUI) and web.
- CID:
- IPNS name: hash of a public key, the private key is used by subplebbit owners for signing IPNS records, and by authors for signing posts and comments
- Pubsub topic: the string to publish/subscribe to in the pubsub and
- IPNS record:
- IPNS signature: ipfs/notes#249
- Plebbit signature types:
- Plebbit encryption types:
Note: IPFS files are immutable, fetched by their CID, which is a hash of their content. IPNS records are mutable, fetched by their IPNS name, which is the hash of a public key. The private key's owner can update the content. Always use IPFS files over IPNS records when possible because they are much faster to fetch.
Address: string // a plebbit author, subplebbit or multisub "address" can be a crypto domain like memes.eth, an IPNS name, an ethereum address, etc. How to resolve ENS names
Publication {
author: Author
subplebbitAddress: string // all publications are directed to a subplebbit owner
timestamp: number // number in seconds
signature: Signature // sign immutable fields like author, title, content, timestamp to prevent tampering
protocolVersion: '1.0.0' // semantic version of the protocol
Comment extends Publication /* (IPFS file) */ {
parentCid?: string // same as postCid for top level comments, undefined for posts
content?: string
title?: string
link?: string
linkWidth?: number // author can optionally provide dimensions of image/video link which helps UI clients with infinite scrolling feeds
linkHeight?: number
linkHtmlTagName?: 'a' | 'img' | 'video' | 'audio' // author can optionally provide the HTML element to use for the link
spoiler?: boolean
flair?: Flair // arbitrary colored string added by the author or mods to describe the author or comment
// below are added by subplebbit owner, not author
previousCid?: string // each comment/post is a linked list of other comments/posts with same comment.depth and comment.parentCid, undefined if first comment in list
postCid?: string // helps faster loading post info for reply direct linking, undefined for posts, a post can't know its own CID
depth: number // 0 = post, 1 = top level reply, 2+ = nested reply
thumbnailUrl?: string // optionally fetched by subplebbit owner, some web pages have thumbnail urls in their meta tags
thumbnailUrlWidth?: number // subplebbit owner can optionally provide dimensions of thumbails which helps UI clients with infinite scrolling feeds
thumbnailUrlHeight?: number
Vote extends Publication {
commentCid: string
vote: 1 | -1 | 0 // 0 is needed to cancel a vote
CommentEdit extends Publication {
commentCid: string
content?: string
deleted?: boolean
flair?: Flair
spoiler?: boolean
reason?: string
CommentModeration extends Publication {
commentCid: string
commentModeration: {
flair?: Flair
spoiler?: boolean
pinned?: boolean
locked?: boolean
removed?: boolean
reason?: string
author?: {
flair?: Flair
banExpiresAt?: number
SubplebbitEdit extends Publication {
subplebbitEdit: CreateSubplebbitOptions
MultisubEdit extends CreateMultisubOptions, Publication {}
CommentUpdate /* (IPFS file) */ {
cid: string // cid of the comment, need it in signature to prevent attack
edit?: AuthorCommentEdit // most recent edit by comment author, commentUpdate.edit.content, commentUpdate.edit.deleted, commentUpdate.edit.flair override Comment instance props. Validate commentUpdate.edit.signature
upvoteCount: number
downvoteCount: number
replies?: Pages // only preload page 1 sorted by 'topAll', might preload more later, only provide sorting for posts (not comments) that have 100+ child comments
replyCount: number
flair?: Flair // arbitrary colored string to describe the comment, added by mods, override comment.flair (which are added by author)
spoiler?: boolean
pinned?: boolean
locked?: boolean
removed?: boolean // mod deleted a comment
reason?: string // reason the mod took a mod action
updatedAt: number // timestamp in seconds the IPNS record was updated
protocolVersion: '1.0.0' // semantic version of the protocol
signature: Signature // signature of the CommentUpdate by the sub owner to protect against malicious gateway
author?: { // add to, override with if any
subplebbit: SubplebbitAuthor
lastReplyTimestamp?: number // needed for active sort in frontend
lastChildCid?: number // needed to fetch reply updates using subplebbit.postUpdates
Author {
address: string
shortAddress: string // not part of IPFS files, added to `Author` instance as convenience. Copy address, if address is a hash, remove hash prefix and trim to 12 first chars
previousCommentCid?: string // linked list of the author's comments
displayName?: string
wallets?: {[chainTicker: string]: Wallet}
avatar?: Nft
flair?: Flair // (added added by author originally, can be overriden by
subplebbit?: SubplebbitAuthor // (added by CommentUpdate) up to date author properties specific to the subplebbit it's in
SubplebbitAuthor {
banExpiresAt?: number // (added by moderator only) timestamp in second, if defined the author was banned for this comment
flair?: Flair // (added by moderator only) for when a mod wants to edit an author's flair
postScore: number // total post karma in the subplebbit
replyScore: number // total reply karma in the subplebbit
lastCommentCid: string // last comment by the author in the subplebbit, can be used with author.previousCommentCid to get a recent author comment history in all subplebbits
firstCommentTimestamp: number // timestamp of the first comment by the author in the subplebbit, used for account age based challenges
Wallet {
address: string
timestamp: number // in seconds, allows partial blocking multiple authors using the same wallet
signature: Signature // type 'eip191' {domainSeparator:"plebbit-author-wallet",authorAddress:"${authorAddress}","{timestamp:${wallet.timestamp}"}
// ...will add more stuff later, like signer or send/sign or balance
Nft {
chainTicker: string // ticker of the chain, like eth, avax, sol, etc in lowercase
timestamp: number // in seconds, needed to mitigate multiple users using the same signature
address: string // address of the NFT contract
id: string // tokenId or index of the specific NFT used, must be string type, not number
signature: Signature // proof that author.address owns the nft
// how to resolve and verify NFT signatures
Signature {
signature: string // data in base64
publicKey: string // 32 bytes base64 string
type: 'ed25519' | 'eip191' // multiple versions/types to allow signing with metamask/other wallet or to change the signature fields or algorithm
signedPropertyNames: string[] // the fields that were signed as part of the signature e.g. ['title', 'content', 'author', etc.] client should require that certain fields be signed or reject the publication, e.g. 'content', 'author', 'timestamp' are essential
Signer {
privateKey?: string // 32 bytes base64 string
type: 'ed25519' | 'eip191' // multiple versions/types to allow signing with metamask/other wallet or to change the signature fields or algorithm
publicKey?: string // 32 bytes base64 string
address: string // public key hash, not needed for signing
ipfsKey?: IpfsKey // a Key object used for importing into IpfsHttpClient
Subplebbit /* (IPNS record Subplebbit.address) */ {
address: string // validate subplebbit address in signature to prevent a crypto domain resolving to an impersonated subplebbit
title?: string
description?: string
roles?: {[authorAddress: string]: SubplebbitRole} // each author address can be mapped to 1 SubplebbitRole
pubsubTopic?: string // the string to publish to in the pubsub, a public key of the subplebbit owner's choice
lastPostCid?: string // the most recent post in the linked list of posts
lastCommentCid?: string // the most recent comment (posts and replies included), last comment is often displayed with a list of forums
posts?: Pages // only preload page 1 sorted by 'hot', might preload more later, comments should include Comment + CommentUpdate data
statsCid?: string
createdAt: number
updatedAt: number
features?: SubplebbitFeatures
suggested?: SubplebbitSuggested
rules?: string[]
flairs?: {[key: 'post' | 'author']: Flair[]} // list of post/author flairs authors and mods can choose from
protocolVersion: '1.0.0' // semantic version of the protocol
encryption: SubplebbitEncryption
signature: Signature // signature of the Subplebbit update by the sub owner to protect against malicious gateway
SubplebbitSuggested { // values suggested by the sub owner, the client/user can ignore them without breaking interoperability
primaryColor?: string
secondaryColor?: string
avatarUrl?: string
bannerUrl?: string
backgroundUrl?: string
language?: string
// TODO: menu links, wiki pages, sidebar widgets
SubplebbitFeatures { // any boolean that changes the functionality of the sub, add "no" in front if doesn't default to false
// implemented
noUpvotes?: boolean
noPostUpvotes?: boolean
noReplyUpvotes?: boolean
noDownvotes?: boolean
noPostDownvotes?: boolean
noReplyDownvotes?: boolean
requirePostLink?: boolean // require be defined and a valid https url
requirePostLinkIsMedia?: boolean // require be media, e.g. for imageboards
// not implemented
noVideos?: boolean
noSpoilers?: boolean // author can't comment.spoiler = true their own comments
noImages?: boolean
noVideoReplies?: boolean
noSpoilerReplies?: boolean
noImageReplies?: boolean
noPolls?: boolean
noCrossposts?: boolean
noAuthors?: boolean // no authors at all, like 4chan
anonymousAuthors?: boolean // authors are given anonymous ids inside threads, like 4chan
noNestedReplies?: boolean // no nested replies, like old school forums and 4chan
safeForWork?: boolean
authorFlairs?: boolean // authors can choose their own author flairs (otherwise only mods can)
requireAuthorFlairs?: boolean // force authors to choose an author flair before posting
postFlairs?: boolean // authors can choose their own post flairs (otherwise only mods can)
requirePostFlairs?: boolean // force authors to choose a post flair before posting
noMarkdownImages?: boolean // don't embed images in text posts markdown
noMarkdownVideos?: boolean // don't embed videos in text posts markdown
markdownImageReplies?: boolean
markdownVideoReplies?: boolean
SubplebbitEncryption {
type: 'ed25519-aes-gcm' //
publicKey: string // 32 bytes base64 string
SubplebbitRole {
role: 'owner' | 'admin' | 'moderator'
// TODO: custom roles with other props
Flair {
text: string
backgroundColor?: string
textColor?: string
expiresAt?: timestamp in second, a flair assigned to an author by a mod will follow the author in future comments, unless it expires
Pages {
pages: {[key: PostsSortType | RepliesSortType]: Page} // e.g.[0].cid = '12D3KooW...'
pageCids: {[key: PostsSortType | RepliesSortType | ModSortType]: pageCid} // e.g. subplebbit.posts.pageCids.topAll = '12D3KooW...'
Page {
nextCid: string // get next page (sorted by the same sort type)
comments: Comment[] // Comments should include merged Comment and CommentUpdate
PageIpfs /* (IPFS file) */ {
nextCid: string // get next page (sorted by the same sort type)
comments: PageIpfsComment[] // PageIpfs is fetched from IPFS, then Comments and CommentUpdates are merged to create the Page instance
PageIpfsComment {
comment: Comment
commentUpdate: CommentUpdate
PostsSortType: 'hot' | 'new' | 'active' | 'topHour' | 'topDay' | 'topWeek' | 'topMonth' | 'topYear' | 'topAll' | 'controversialHour' | 'controversialDay' | 'controversialWeek' | 'controversialMonth' | 'controversialYear' | 'controversialAll'
RepliesSortType: 'topAll' | 'new' | 'old' | 'controversialAll'
ModSortType: 'reports' | 'spam' | 'modqueue' | 'unmoderated' | 'edited'
SubplebbitStats {
hourActiveUserCount: number
dayActiveUserCount: number
weekActiveUserCount: number
monthActiveUserCount: number
yearActiveUserCount: number
allActiveUserCount: number
hourPostCount: number
dayPostCount: number
weekPostCount: number
monthPostCount: number
yearPostCount: number
allPostCount: number
hourReplyCount: number
dayReplyCount: number
weekReplyCount: number
monthReplyCount: number
yearReplyCount: number
allReplyCount: number
ChallengeType {
type: 'image/png' | 'text/plain' | 'chain/<chainTicker>'
//...other properties for more complex types later, e.g. an array of whitelisted addresses, a token address, etc,
Multisub /* (IPNS record Multisub.address) */ {
title?: string
description?: string
subplebbits: MultisubSubplebbit[]
createdAt: number
updatedAt: number
signature: Signature // signature of the Multisub update by the multisub owner to protect against malicious gateway
MultisubSubplebbit { // this metadata is set by the owner of the Multisub, not the owner of the subplebbit
address: Address
title?: string
description?: string
languages?: string[] // client can detect language and hide/show subplebbit based on it
locations?: string[] // client can detect location and hide/show subplebbit based on it
features?: string[] // client can detect user's SFW setting and hide/show subplebbit based on it
tags?: string[] // arbitrary keywords used for search
PlebbitDefaults { // fetched once when app first load, a dictionary of default settings
multisubAddresses: {[multisubName: string]: Address}
// plebbit has 3 default multisubs
multisubAddresses.all: Address // the default subplebbits to show at url plebbit.eth/p/all
multisubAddresses.crypto: Address // the subplebbits to show at url plebbit.eth/p/crypto Address // list of thousands of semi-curated subplebbits to "search" for in the client (only search the Multisub metadata, don't load each subplebbit)
PubsubMessage: {
challengeRequestId: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor) // multihash of challengeRequestMessage.signature.publicKey, each challengeRequestMessage must use a new public key
timestamp: number // in seconds, needed because publication.timestamp is encrypted
signature: PubsubSignature // each challengeRequestMessage must use a new public key
protocolVersion: '1.0.0' // semantic version of the protocol
userAgent: `/plebbit-js:${require('./package.json').version}/` // client name and version using this standard
ChallengeRequestMessage extends PubsubMessage /* (sent by post author) */ {
acceptedChallengeTypes: string[] // list of challenge types the client can do, for example cli clients or old clients won't do all types
encrypted: Encrypted
/* ChallengeRequestMessage.encrypted.ciphertext decrypts to JSON {
comment?: Comment
vote?: Vote
commentEdit?: CommentEdit
commentModeration?: CommentModeration
subplebbitEdit?: SubplebbitEdit
challengeAnswers?: string[] // some challenges might be included in subplebbit.challenges and can be pre-answered
challengeCommentCids?: string[] // some challenges could require including comment cids in other subs, like friendly subplebbit karma challenges
plebbit-js should decrypt the encrypted fields when possible, and add `ChallengeRequestMessage.publication` property for convenience (not part of the broadcasted pubsub message) */
ChallengeMessage extends PubsubMessage /* (sent by subplebbit owner) */ {
encrypted: Encrypted
/* ChallengeMessage.encrypted.ciphertext decrypts to JSON {
challenges: Challenge[]
plebbit-js should decrypt the encrypted fields when possible, and add `ChallengeMessage.challenges` property for convenience (not part of the broadcasted pubsub message) */
ChallengeAnswerMessage extends PubsubMessage /* (sent by post author) */ {
encrypted: Encrypted
/* ChallengeAnswerMessage.encrypted.ciphertext decrypts to JSON {
challengeAnswers: string[] // for example ['2+2=4', '1+7=8']
plebbit-js should decrypt the encrypted fields when possible, and add `ChallengeAnswerMessage.challengeAnswers` property for convenience (not part of the broadcasted pubsub message) */
ChallengeVerificationMessage extends PubsubMessage /* (sent by subplebbit owner) */ {
challengeSuccess: bool // true if the challenge was successfully completed by the requester
challengeErrors?: (string|undefined)[] // tell the user which challenge failed and why
reason?: string // reason for failed verification, for example post content is too long. could also be used for successful verification that bypass the challenge, for example because an author has good history
encrypted: Encrypted
/* ChallengeVerificationMessage.encrypted.ciphertext decrypts to JSON {
comment?: Comment // must contain missing props from comment publication, like depth, postCid, etc
commentUpdate?: CommentUpdate // must contain commentUpdate.cid and commentUpdate.signature when publication is comment
plebbit-js should decrypt the encrypted fields when possible, and add `ChallengeVerificationMessage.publication` property for convenience (not part of the broadcasted pubsub message) */
Challenge {
type: 'image/png' | 'text/plain' | 'chain/<chainTicker>' // tells the client how to display the challenge, start with implementing image and text only first
challenge: string // base64 or utf8 required to complete the challenge, could be html, png, etc.
caseInsensitive?: boolean // challenge answer capitalization is ignored, informational only option added by the challenge file
Encrypted {
// examples available at
ciphertext: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor) encrypted byte string with AES GCM 128 //
iv: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor) iv for the AES GCM 128 encrypted content
tag: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor) authentication tag, AES GCM has authentication tag
type: 'ed25519-aes-gcm'
PubsubSignature {
signature: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor)
publicKey: Uint8Array // (byte string in cbor) 32 bytes
type: 'ed25519' | 'eip191' // multiple versions/types to allow signing with metamask/other wallet or to change the signature fields or algorithm
signedPropertyNames: string[] // the fields that were signed as part of the signature e.g. ['title', 'content', 'author', etc.] client should require that certain fields be signed or reject the publication, e.g. 'content', 'author', 'timestamp' are essential
- Plebbit API
- Plebbit Events
- Subplebbit API
- Subplebbit Events
- Comment API
(only available after challengeverification event)
(only available after first update event)
- Comment Events
- Pages API
- Client API
client.rpcCall(method, params)
- Client Events
The plebbit API for reading and writing to and from subplebbits.
Create a plebbit instance.
Name | Type | Description |
plebbitOptions | PlebbitOptions |
Options for the plebbit instance |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ipfsGatewayUrls | strings[] or undefined |
[''] |
Optional URLs of IPFS gateways |
ipfsHttpClientsOptions | (string | IpfsHttpClientOptions)[] or undefined |
undefined |
Optional URLs of IPFS APIs or IpfsHttpClientOptions, 'http://localhost:5001/api/v0' to use a local IPFS node |
pubsubHttpClientsOptions | (string | IpfsHttpClientOptions)[] or undefined |
[''] |
Optional URLs or IpfsHttpClientOptions used for pubsub publishing when ipfsHttpClientOptions isn't available, like in the browser |
plebbitRpcClientsOptions | string[] or undefined |
undefined |
Optional websocket URLs of plebbit RPC servers, required to run a sub from a browser/electron/webview |
dataPath | string or undefined |
.plebbit folder in the current working directory | (Node only) Optional folder path to create/resume the user and subplebbit databases |
chainProviders | {[chainTicker: string]: ChainProvider} or undefined |
default providers for supported chains | Optional provider RPC URLs and chain IDs |
resolveAuthorAddresses | boolean or undefined |
true |
Optionally disable resolving crypto domain author addresses, which can be done lazily later to save time |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
urls | string[] |
URLs of the provider RPCs |
chainId | number |
ID of the EVM chain if any |
Type | Description |
Promise<Plebbit> |
A Plebbit instance |
const Plebbit = require('@plebbit/plebbit-js')
const options = {
ipfsGatewayUrls: [''],
ipfsHttpClientsOptions: ['http://localhost:5001/api/v0'], // optional, must run an IPFS node to use localhost:5001/api/v0
dataPath: __dirname
const plebbit = await Plebbit(options) // should be independent instance, not singleton
plebbit.on('error', console.log)
Get a multisub by its
. A multisub is a list of subplebbits curated by the creator of the multisub. E.g.'plebbit.eth/#/m/john.eth'
would display a feed of the multisub subplebbits curated by'john.eth'
Name | Type | Description |
multisubAddress | string |
The Address of the multisub |
Type | Description |
Promise<Multisub> |
A Multisub instance. |
const multisubAddress = '12D3KooW...' // or 'john.eth'
const multisub = await plebbit.getSubplebbit(multisubAddress)
const multisubSubplebbitAddresses = => subplebbit.address)
Get a subplebbit by its
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbitAddress | string |
The Address of the subplebbit |
Type | Description |
Promise<Subplebbit> |
A Subplebbit instance. |
const subplebbitAddress = '12D3KooW...'
const subplebbit = await plebbit.getSubplebbit(subplebbitAddress)
let currentPostCid = subplebbit.lastPostCid
const scrollAllSubplebbitPosts = async () => {
while (currentPostCid) {
const post = await plebbit.getComment(currentPostCid)
currentPostCid = post.previousCid
console.log('there are no more posts')
{ ...TODO }
Get a plebbit comment by its IPFS CID. Posts are also comments.
Name | Type | Description |
commentCid | string |
The IPFS CID of the comment |
Type | Description |
Promise<Comment> |
A Comment instance |
const commentCid = 'Qm...'
const comment = await plebbit.getComment(commentCid)
console.log('comment:', comment)
comment.on('update', updatedComment => console.log('comment with latest data', updatedComment))
if (comment.parentCid) { // comment with no parent cid is a post
plebbit.getComment(comment.parentCid).then(parentPost => console.log('parent post:', parentPost))
plebbit.getSubplebbit(comment.subplebbitAddress).then(subplebbit => console.log('subplebbit:', subplebbit))
plebbit.getComment(comment.previousCid).then(previousComment => console.log('previous comment:', previousComment))
{ ...TODO }
Create a multisub instance. A multisub is a list of subplebbits curated by the creator of the multisub. E.g.
would display a feed of the multisub subplebbits curated by'john.eth'
Name | Type | Description |
createMultisubOptions | CreateMultisubOptions |
Options for the Multisub instance |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
address | string or undefined |
Address of the multisub |
signer | Signer or undefined |
(Multisub owners only) Optional Signer of the subplebbit to create a multisub with a specific private key |
title | string or undefined |
Title of the multisub |
description | string or undefined |
Description of the multisub |
subplebbits | MultisubSubplebbit[] or undefined |
List of MultisubSubplebbit of the multisub |
Type | Description |
Promise<Multisub> |
A Multisub instance |
const multisubOptions = {signer}
const multisub = await plebbit.createMultisub(multisubOptions)
// edit the multisub info in the database (only in Node and if multisub.signer is defined)
await multisub.edit({
address: 'funny-subs.eth',
title: 'Funny subplebbits',
description: 'The funniest subplebbits',
// add a list of subplebbits to the multisub in the database (only in Node and if multisub.signer is defined)
const multisubSubplebbit1 = {address: 'funny.eth', title: 'Funny things', tags: ['funny']}
const multisubSubplebbit2 = {address: 'even-more-funny.eth'}
await multisub.edit({subplebbits: [multisubSubplebbit1, multisubSubplebbit2]})
// start publishing updates to your multisub (only in Node and if multisub.signer is defined)
await multisub.start()
// stop publishing updates to your multisub
await multisub.stop()
Create a subplebbit instance. Should update itself on update events after
is called ifCreateSubplebbitOptions.address
exists. If the subplebbit database corresponding tosubplebbit.address
exists locally, can callSubplebbit.edit(subplebbitEditOptions)
to edit the subplebbit as the owner, andSubplebbit.start()
to listen for new posts on the pubsub and publish updates as the owner.
Name | Type | Description |
createSubplebbitOptions | CreateSubplebbitOptions |
Options for the Subplebbit instance |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
address | string or undefined |
undefined |
Address of the subplebbit |
signer | Signer or undefined |
undefined |
(Subplebbit owners only) Optional Signer of the subplebbit to create a subplebbit with a specific private key |
...subplebbit | any |
undefined |
CreateSubplebbitOptions can also initialize any property on the Subplebbit instance |
Type | Description |
Promise<Subplebbit> |
A Subplebbit instance |
const Plebbit = require('@plebbit/plebbit-js')
const plebbitOptions = {
ipfsGatewayUrls: [''],
ipfsHttpClientsOptions: ['http://localhost:5001/api/v0'], // optional, must run an IPFS node to use localhost:5001/api/v0
dataPath: __dirname
const plebbit = await Plebbit(plebbitOptions)
plebbit.on('error', console.log)
// create a new local subplebbit as the owner
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit()
// create a new local subplebbit as the owner, already with settings
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit({title: 'Memes', description: 'Post your memes here.'})
// create a new local subplebbit as the owner with a premade signer
const signer = await plebbit.createSigner()
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit({signer})
// signer.address === subplebbit.address
// create a new local subplebbit as the owner with a premade signer, already with settings
const signer = await plebbit.createSigner()
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit({signer, title: 'Memes', description: 'Post your memes here.'})
// instantiate an already existing subplebbit instance
const subplebbitOptions = {address: '12D3KooW...',}
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit(subplebbitOptions)
// edit the subplebbit info in the database
await subplebbit.edit({
title: 'Memes',
description: 'Post your memes here.',
pubsubTopic: '12D3KooW...'
// start publishing updates every 5 minutes
await subplebbit.start()
// instantiate an already existing subplebbit instance and initialize any property on it
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit({
address: '12D3KooW...',
title: 'Memes',
posts: {
pages: {
hot: {
nextCid: 'Qm...',
comments: [{content: 'My first post',}]
pageCids: {topAll: 'Qm...', new: 'Qm...', ...pageCids}
console.log(subplebbit.title) // prints 'Memes'
console.log([0].content) // prints 'My first post'
Create a
instance, which can be used by admins to edit a subplebbit remotely over pubsub. ASubplebbitEdit
is a regularPublication
and must still be published and go through a challenge handshake.
Name | Type | Description |
createSubplebbitEditOptions | CreateSubplebbitEditOptions |
The subplebbit edit to create, extends SubplebbitEditOptions |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
address | string |
Address of the subplebbit to edit |
timestamp | number or undefined |
Time of publishing in seconds, Math.round( / 1000) if undefined |
author | Author |
author.address of the subplebbit edit must have subplebbit.roles 'admin' |
signer | Signer |
Signer of the subplebbit edit |
...subplebbitEditOptions | any |
CreateSubplebbitEditOptions extends SubplebbitEditOptions |
Type | Description |
Promise<SubplebbitEdit> |
A SubplebbitEdit instance |
const createSubplebbitEditOptions = {address: 'news.eth', title: 'New title'}
const subplebbitEdit = await plebbit.createSubplebbitEdit(createSubplebbitEditOptions)
subplebbitEdit.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage, _subplebbitEdit) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
subplebbitEdit.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await subplebbitEdit.publish()
Create a
instance. Posts/Replies are also comments. Should update itself on update events afterComment.update()
is called ifCreateCommentOptions.cid
Name | Type | Description |
createCommentOptions | CreateCommentOptions |
The comment to create |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbitAddress | string |
Address of the subplebbit |
timestamp | number or undefined |
Time of publishing in seconds, Math.round( / 1000) if undefined |
author | Author |
Author of the comment |
signer | Signer |
Signer of the comment |
parentCid | string or undefined |
The parent comment CID, undefined if comment is a post, same as postCid if comment is top level |
content | string or undefined |
Content of the comment, link posts have no content |
title | string or undefined |
If comment is a post, it needs a title |
link | string or undefined |
If comment is a post, it might be a link post |
spoiler | boolean or undefined |
Hide the comment thumbnail behind spoiler warning |
flair | Flair or undefined |
Author or mod chosen colored label for the comment |
challengeRequest | ChallengeRequest or undefined |
Optional properties to pass to ChallengeRequestPubsubMessage |
cid | string or undefined |
(Not for publishing) Gives access to Comment.on('update') for a comment already fetched |
...comment | any |
CreateCommentOptions can also initialize any property on the Comment instance |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
challengeAnswers | string[] or undefined |
Optional pre-answers to subplebbit.challenges |
challengeCommentCids | string[] or undefined |
Optional comment cids for subplebbit.challenges related to author karma/age in other subs |
Type | Description |
Promise<Comment> |
A Comment instance |
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(createCommentOptions)
comment.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
comment.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await comment.publish()
// initialize any property on the Comment instance
const comment = await plebbit.createComment({
cid: 'Qm...',
content: 'My first post',
locked: true,
upvoteCount: 100,
replies: {
pages: {
topAll: {
nextCid: 'Qm...',
comments: [{content: 'My first reply', ...reply}]
pageCids: {new: 'Qm...', old: 'Qm...', ...pageCids}
console.log(comment.content) // prints 'My first post'
console.log(comment.locked) // prints true
console.log(comment.upvoteCount) // prints 100
console.log(comment.replies.pages.topAll.comments[0].content) // prints 'My first reply'
Create a
instance, which can be used by authors to edit their own comments. ACommentEdit
must still be published and go through a challenge handshake.
Name | Type | Description |
createCommentEditOptions | CreateCommentEditOptions |
The comment edit to create |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbitAddress | string |
Address of the subplebbit |
commentCid | string |
The comment CID to be edited (don't use 'cid' because eventually CommentEdit.cid will exist) |
timestamp | number or undefined |
Time of publishing in ms, Math.round( / 1000) if undefined |
author | Author |
Author of the CommentEdit publication, must be original author. Not used to edit the property, only to authenticate the CommentEdit publication |
signer | Signer |
Signer of the edit, must be original author |
content | string or undefined |
Edited content of the comment |
deleted | boolean or undefined |
Edited deleted status of the comment |
flair | Flair or undefined |
Edited flair of the comment |
spoiler | boolean or undefined |
Edited spoiler of the comment |
reason | string or undefined |
Reason of the edit |
challengeRequest | ChallengeRequest or undefined |
Optional properties to pass to ChallengeRequestPubsubMessage |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
challengeAnswers | string[] or undefined |
Optional pre-answers to subplebbit.challenges |
challengeCommentCids | string[] or undefined |
Optional comment cids for subplebbit.challenges related to author karma/age in other subs |
Type | Description |
Promise<CommentEdit> |
A CommentEdit instance |
const commentEdit = await plebbit.createCommentEdit(createCommentEditOptions)
commentEdit.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage, _commentEdit) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
commentEdit.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await commentEdit.publish()
Create a
instance, which can be used by moderators to remove comments. ACommentModeration
must still be published and go through a challenge handshake.
Name | Type | Description |
createCommentModerationOptions | CreateCommentModerationOptions |
The comment moderation to create |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbitAddress | string |
Address of the subplebbit |
commentCid | string |
The comment CID to be edited (don't use 'cid' because eventually CommentEdit.cid will exist) |
timestamp | number or undefined |
Time of publishing in ms, Math.round( / 1000) if undefined |
author | Author |
Author of the CommentModeration publication, must be moderator. Not used to edit the property, only to authenticate the CommentModeration publication |
signer | Signer |
Signer of the edit, must be moderator |
commentModeration | CommentModerationOptions |
The comment moderation options |
challengeRequest | ChallengeRequest or undefined |
Optional properties to pass to ChallengeRequestPubsubMessage |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
flair | Flair or undefined |
Edited flair of the comment |
spoiler | boolean or undefined |
Edited spoiler of the comment |
reason | string or undefined |
Reason of the edit |
pinned | boolean or undefined |
Edited pinned status of the comment |
locked | boolean or undefined |
Edited locked status of the comment |
removed | boolean or undefined |
Edited removed status of the comment |
author | CommentModerationAuthorOptions or undefined |
Edited author property of the comment |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
banExpiresAt | number or undefined |
Comment author was banned for this comment |
flair | Flair or undefined |
Edited flair of the comment author |
Type | Description |
Promise<CommentModeration> |
A CommentModeration instance |
const commentModeration = await plebbit.createCommentModeration(createCommentModerationOptions)
commentModeration.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage, _commentModeration) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
commentModeration.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await commentModeration.publish()
Create a
inherits fromPublication
, likeComment
, so has the same API.
Name | Type | Description |
createVoteOptions | CreateVoteOptions |
The vote to create |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbitAddress | string |
Address of the subplebbit |
commentCid | string |
The comment or post to vote on |
timestamp | number or undefined |
Time of publishing in ms, Math.round( / 1000) if undefined |
author | Author |
Author of the comment, will be needed for voting with NFTs or tokens |
vote | 1 or 0 or -1 |
0 is for resetting a vote |
signer | Signer |
Signer of the vote |
challengeRequest | ChallengeRequest or undefined |
Optional properties to pass to ChallengeRequestPubsubMessage |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
challengeAnswers | string[] or undefined |
Optional pre-answers to subplebbit.challenges |
challengeCommentCids | string[] or undefined |
Optional comment cids for subplebbit.challenges related to author karma/age in other subs |
Type | Description |
Promise<Vote> |
A Vote instance |
const vote = await plebbit.createVote(createVoteOptions)
vote.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage, _vote) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
vote.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await vote.publish()
Create a
instance to be used inCreateCommentOptions
Name | Type | Description |
createSignerOptions | CreateSignerOptions or undefined |
The options of the signer |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
privateKey | string or undefined |
If undefined, generate a random privateKey |
type | string |
Required if privateKey defined, only 'ed25519' for now |
Type | Description |
Promise<Signer> |
A Signer instance |
const newRandomSigner = await plebbit.createSigner()
const signerFromPrivateKey = await plebbit.createSigner({privateKey: 'AbCd...', type: 'ed25519'})
(Only for Node or over RPC) Get all the subplebbit addresses in the
folder. Same as doingls ${plebbit.dataPath}/subplebbits
Type | Description |
Promise<Address[]> |
An array of Address strings |
// start all the subplebbits you own and have stored locally
const subplebbitAddresses = await plebbit.listSubplebbits()
for (const address of subplebbitAddresses) {
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit({address})
await subplebbit.start()
Get the default global plebbit settings, e.g. the default multisubs like p/all, p/dao, etc.
Type | Description |
Promise<PlebbitDefaults> |
A PlebbitDefaults instance. |
const plebbitDefaults = await plebbit.getDefaults()
const allMultisub = await plebbit.getMultisub(plebbitDefaults.multisubAddresses.all)
const allSubplebbitAddresses = => subplebbit.address)
The plebbit events.
property changed.
Type | Description |
string[] |
The Subplebbit.subplebbits property |
The subplebbit API for getting subplebbit updates, or creating, editing, running a subplebbit as an owner.
Edit the content/information of a subplebbit in your local database. Only usable if the subplebbit database corresponding to
exists locally (ie. you are the subplebbit owner).
Name | Type | Description |
subplebbit | SubplebbitEditOptions |
The content/information of the subplebbit |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
address | string or undefined |
Address of the subplebbit, used to add a crypto domain |
signer | Signer or undefined |
Signer of the subplebbit, useful to change the private if the owner gets hacked, but still has his crypto domain |
title | string or undefined |
Title of the subplebbit |
description | string or undefined |
Description of the subplebbit |
roles | {[authorAddress: string]: SubplebbitRole} or undefined |
Author addresses of the moderators |
lastPostCid | string or undefined |
The most recent post in the linked list of posts |
posts | Pages or undefined |
Only preload page 1 sorted by 'hot', might preload more later, should include some child comments and vote counts for each post |
pubsubTopic | string or undefined |
The string to publish to in the pubsub, a public key of the subplebbit owner's choice |
features | SubplebbitFeatures or undefined |
The features of the subplebbit |
suggested | SubplebbitSuggested or undefined |
The suggested client settings for the subplebbit |
flairs | {[key: 'post' or 'author']: Flair[]} or undefined |
The list of flairs (colored labels for comments or authors) authors or mods can choose from |
settings | SubplebbitSettings or undefined |
The private subplebbit.settings property of the subplebbit, not shared in the subplebbit IPNS |
An object which may have the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
fetchThumbnailUrls | boolean or undefined |
Fetch the thumbnail URLs of comments property, could reveal the IP address of the subplebbit node |
fetchThumbnailUrlsProxyUrl | string or undefined |
The HTTP proxy URL used to fetch thumbnail URLs |
Start listening for new posts on the pubsub, and publishing them every 5 minutes. Only usable if the subplebbit database corresponding to
exists locally (ie. you are the subplebbit owner).
const options = {
title: 'Your subplebbit title'
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit(options)
// edit the subplebbit info in the database
await subplebbit.edit({
title: 'Memes',
description: 'Post your memes here.',
pubsubTopic: '12D3KooW...'
// start publishing updates/new posts
await subplebbit.start()
Stop polling the network for new subplebbit updates started by subplebbit.update(). Also stop listening for new posts on the pubsub started by subplebbit.start(), and stop publishing them every 5 minutes.
Start polling the network for new posts published in the subplebbit, update itself and emit the 'update' event. Only usable if subplebbit.address exists.
const options = {
address: '12D3KooW...'
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit(options)
subplebbit.on('update', (updatedSubplebbitInstance) => {
// if you want to stop polling for new updates after only the first one
The subplebbit events.
The subplebbit's IPNS record has been updated, which means new posts may have been published.
Type | Description |
Subplebbit |
The updated Subplebbit instance (the instance emits itself), i.e. this |
const options = {
address: '12D3KooW...'
const subplebbit = await plebbit.createSubplebbit(options)
subplebbit.on('update', (updatedSubplebbit) => console.log(updatedSubplebbit))
// stop updating in 10 minutes
setTimeout(() => subplebbit.stop(), 60000)
When the user publishes a comment, he makes a
to the pubsub, the subplebbit owner will send back achallenge
, eg. a captcha that the user must complete.
Type | Description |
ChallengeRequestMessage |
The comment of the user and the challenge request |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
{ // ...TODO }
After receiving a
, the user owner will send back achallengeanswer
Type | Description |
ChallengeAnswerMessage |
The challenge answer |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
When the user publishes a comment, he makes a
to the pubsub, the subplebbit owner will send back achallenge
, eg. a captcha that the user must complete.
Type | Description |
ChallengeRequestMessage |
The comment of the user and the challenge request |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
{ // ...TODO }
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'updating' | 'started' |
The Subplebbit.state property |
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'resolving-address' | 'fetching-ipns' | 'fetching-ipfs' | 'failed' | 'succeeded' |
The Subplebbit.updatingState property |
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'fetching-ipns' | 'publishing-ipns' | 'failed' | 'succeeded' |
The Subplebbit.startedState property |
The comment API for publishing a comment as an author, or getting comment updates. Comment
, Vote
and CommentEdit
inherit Publication
class and all have a similar API. A Comment
updates itselfs on update events after Comment.update()
is called if Comment.cid
Publish the comment to the pubsub. You must then wait for the
event and answer with aChallengeAnswer
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(commentObject)
comment.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
comment.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await comment.publish()
Publish your answers to the challenges e.g. the captcha answers.
Name | Type | Description |
challengeAnswers | string[] |
The challenge answers |
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(commentObject)
comment.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
comment.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await comment.publish()
Start polling the network for comment updates (replies, upvotes, edits, etc), update itself and emit the update event. Only usable if comment.cid or exists.
const commentCid = 'Qm...'
const comment = await plebbit.getComment(commentCid)
comment.on('update', (updatedCommentInstance) => {
// if you want to stop polling for new updates after only the first one
// if you already fetched the comment and only want the updates
const commentDataFetchedEarlier = {content, author, cid, ...comment}
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(commentDataFetchedEarlier)
comment.on('update', () => {
console.log('the comment instance updated itself:', comment)
Stop polling the network for new comment updates started by comment.update().
The comment events.
The comment has been updated, which means vote counts and replies may have changed. To start polling the network for updates, call
. If the previousCommentUpdate
is the same, do not emitupdate
Type | Description |
Comment |
The updated Comment , i.e. itself, this |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
const comment = await plebbit.getComment(commentCid)
comment.on('update', (updatedComment) => {
// stop looking for updates after 10 minutes
setTimeout(() => comment.stop(), 60000)
After publishing a comment, the subplebbit owner will send back a
, eg. a captcha that the user must complete.
Type | Description |
ChallengeMessage |
The challenge the user must complete |
Comment |
The Comment instance, i.e. this |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(commentObject)
comment.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage, _comment) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
comment.on('challengeverification', console.log)
await comment.publish()
After publishing a challenge answer, the subplebbit owner will send back a
to let the network know if the challenge was completed successfully.
Type | Description |
ChallengeVerificationMessage |
The challenge verification result |
Comment |
The Comment instance, i.e. this |
Object is of the form:
{ // ...TODO }
const comment = await plebbit.createComment(commentObject)
comment.on('challenge', async (challengeMessage) => {
const challengeAnswers = await askUserForChallengeAnswers(challengeMessage.challenges)
comment.on('challengeverification', (challengeVerification) => console.log('published post cid is', challengeVerification?.publication?.cid))
await comment.publish()
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'updating' | 'publishing' |
The Comment.state property |
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'resolving-author-address' | 'fetching-ipfs' | 'fetching-update-ipns' | 'fetching-update-ipfs' | 'failed' | 'succeeded' |
The Comment.updatingState property |
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'resolving-subplebbit-address' | 'fetching-subplebbit-ipns' | 'fetching-subplebbit-ipfs' | 'publishing-challenge-request' | 'waiting-challenge' | 'waiting-challenge-answers' | 'publishing-challenge-answer' | 'waiting-challenge-verification' | 'failed' | 'succeeded' |
The Comment.publishingState property |
The pages API for scrolling pages of a subplebbit or replies to a post/comment. Subplebbit.posts
and Comment.replies
are Pages
is a Page
Get a
instance using an IPFS CID fromPages.pageCids[sortType]
Name | Type | Description |
pageCid | string |
The IPFS CID of the page |
Type | Description |
Promise<Page> |
A Page instance |
// get sorted posts in a subplebbit
const subplebbit = await plebbit.getSubplebbit(subplebbitAddress)
const pageSortedByTopYear = await subplebbit.posts.getPage(subplebbit.posts.pageCids.topYear)
const postsSortedByTopYear = pageSortedByTopYear.comments
// get sorted replies to a post or comment
const post = await plebbit.getComment(commentCid)
post.on('update', async updatedPost => {
let replies
// try to get sorted replies by sort type 'new'
// sorted replies pages are not always available, for example if the post only has a few replies
if (updatedPost.replies?.pageCids?.new) {
const repliesPageSortedByNew = await updatedPost.replies.getPage(
replies = repliesPageSortedByNew.comments
else {
// the 'topAll' sort type is always preloaded by default on replies and can be used as fallback
// on subplebbits.posts only 'hot' is preloaded by default
replies = updatedPost.replies.pages.topAll.comments
The client events.
property changed.
Type | Description |
'stopped' | 'resolving-author-address' | 'fetching-ipfs' | 'fetching-update-ipns' | 'fetching-update-ipfs' | 'resolving-subplebbit-address' | 'fetching-subplebbit-ipns' | 'fetching-subplebbit-ipfs' | 'subscribing-pubsub' | 'publishing-challenge-request' | 'waiting-challenge' | 'waiting-challenge-answers' | 'publishing-challenge-answer' | 'waiting-challenge-verification' | 'connecting' | 'connected' |
The Client.state property |
const onStateChange = (state) => console.log('client state changed:', state)
for (const clientUrl in clients?.ipfsGateways) {
comment.clients?.ipfsGateways?.[clientUrl].on('statechange', onStateChange)
for (const clientUrl in clients?.ipfsClients) {
comment.clients?.ipfsClients?.[clientUrl].on('statechange', onStateChange)
for (const clientUrl in clients?.pubsubClients) {
comment.clients?.pubsubClients?.[clientUrl].on('statechange', onStateChange)
for (const chainTicker in clients?.chainProviders) {
for (const clientUrl in clients?.chainProviders?.[chainTicker]) {
comment.clients?.chainProviders?.[chainTicker]?.[clientUrl].on('statechange', onStateChange)
property changed.
Type | Description |
PlebbitRpcSettings |
The Client.settings property |