A curated list of free/libre games, plugins, add-ons and scripts for Godot.
Looking for third-party programming language support in Godot? See Vivraan/godot-lang-support.
- Games
- Projects
- Templates
- Demos
- Tutorials
- Plugins and scripts
- Modules
- GDScript/C# editor support
- Godot script editor syntax themes
- Unofficial Godot builds
- Bash scripts
- Websites
- Other
Open Source Games that use Godot.
- Everplast - Unique 2D platforming experience filled with rage, rush, speed, and spray.
- Librerama - A free/libre fast-paced arcade collection of mini-games.
- Portal 2D - 2D remake of the Portal games.
- spindle of serendipity - Word guessing game with customizable entries.
- SuperStarfighter - Fast-paced local party game with starships that battle in a top-down arena.
- TuxBuilder - Work-in-progress reimplementation of SuperTux.
- Blipshift - Simple top-down moving platforms game.
- Circle Jump - Mobile arcade game, addicting and enjoyable. How-to-made tutorial is available, so you can recreate it yourself and learn Godot.
- Haldric - Official work-in-progress reimplementation of Battle for Wesnoth.
- SealedBite - 2D platformer game, winner of the GitHub Game Off 2019 jam.
- Unknown Horizons - Official work-in-progress reimplementation of Unknown Horizons.
- Breakable - A breakout-like game.
- Memory Game - Simple Memory game.
- BlockPop - A simple Breakout clone.
- Bombs - Simple mobile game. You need to touch bombs to defuse them.
- Captain Holetooth - Explorative platformer in a detailed world. Geared towards younger players.
- Dolphin Island 2 - Platformer game made for the A Game By It's Cover 2015 Game Jam.
- DynaDungeons - Bomberman clone in a fantasy universe.
- Kraken-Rampage - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
- Minehunter - A Minesweeper clone.
- Minilens - Free puzzle platform game.
- Mountain of Hope - Game made on Theater Game Jam (PGA 2015).
- Ninja-Training - Small running game done as 1 hour challenge.
- No hope - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
- Planet Rider - 2D physics parkour game in an alien environment.
- Platshoot - A 2D shooter game.
- Ringed - Top-down shooter with extensive usage of light effects.
- Tanks of Freedom - Free turn-based isometric strategy game.
- Three Hungry Mice - Breakout game with mice made for the Godot Engine Jam of March 2016.
- Broken Seals - A work-in-progress third person action RPG with multiplayer support (needs custom engine modules).
- Super Tux Party - A free/libre and open-source party game that is meant to replicate the feel of games such as Mario Party.
- Thrive - A free, open-source game about the evolution of life (Mono).
- Rapid Rescue - Rapid Rescue is a local multiplayer strategy game inspired by Labyrinth.
- Meteorite - A lowres metroidvania FPS, inspired by Metroid Prime, made for LOWREZJAM 2018.
- Cheese Hunter - A game for Godot Engine Jam of March 2016.
Non-game Open source projects made with Godot (tools/utilities).
- Arrow - A tool to design game narratives with nodes.
- Godello - A Trello-like kanban board application made with Godot. A proof of concept for complex non-game applications with Godot, as well real-time online interactions between multiple users. Includes backend code.
- Lorien - Infinite-canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Supports drawing tablets and pressure sensitivity.
- Material Maker - Create PBR materials procedurally (similar to Substance Designer).
- Pixelorama - 2D pixel art editor.
- ProtonGraph - Node-based tool for procedural content creation. Like visual scripting, but for 3D model generation (needs custom engine modules).
- vpuppr - A cross-platform VTuber application with mulitple tracking backends.
Projects to use as a base for your own games.
- bendn's Godot Template - Game template using the gpm, with itch.io pushing and builds automated. Starter CLI included.
- Crystal Bit Godot Game Template - Opinionated game template. It includes continuous integration, scene loading with graphic transitions and game pause handling.
- First Person Starter - Template with First Person Controller, easily adjustable from the Inspector.
- Godot First Person Camera - A simple FPS starter with jumping, movement, flashlight and a player character with animations.
- Godot FPS Template - A free first person game template for the Godot Engine.
- Godot Game Of Life - Conway's Game of life using shaders.
- Minimum Game - Template top-down 2D pixel art game, with multiple rooms, a HUD, menus, and autosaving.
- Multiplayer First Person Shooter - Multiplayer first person shooter example project.
- Multiplayer Third Person Shooter - Multiplayer third person shooter example project.
- Godot-GameTemplate - Template with all necessary stuff taken care of. Designed for pixel art games.
Demos to learn GDScript, its concepts, and various game features.
- Godot Demo Projects - Official Godot demo projects (everything except the TPS demo).
- TPS Demo - Official Godot third person shooter (TPS) demo with high quality graphics.
- Godot experiments - Several 2D, 3D and VR experiments.
- The Tower - A voxel-based parkour game to show the capabilities of the Voxelman module.
- Realistic Water Shader - Realistic 3D water shader with foam and caustics.
- OpenRPG - JRPG-style game demo and template.
- voxelgame - Minecraft-like voxel terrain demo, utilising the godot_voxel module.
- Open Source A-RPG Demo - RPG demo.
- FPS Test - A singleplayer FPS test. Physics work, but there are no enemies and no proper shooting.
- Pathfinding 2d - A demo project demonstrating pathfinding using a tilemap.
- UDP Snapshot interpolation - Lets you connect to a server and view networked physics.
- UDP State synchronization - A more efficient networking demo than the snapshot interpolation one.
- Voxel Game - Minecraft-like voxel terrain demo.
The list of tutorials has moved to the Godot documentation.
Scripts that let you do new stuff, or enhance Godot functionality.
- 2D Day/Night Cycle - A ☀️ Day / 🌔 Night cycle for 2D (Godot 3.x).
- 2D Destructible Objects - A script that takes a sprite, divides it into blocks and makes them explode💥 (Godot 3.x).
- AgonesSDK - Plugin to add Agones SDK functionality to Godot (Godot 3.x).
- Anima - Run sequential and parallel animations with less code compared to Tween (Godot 3.x).
- Aseprite Wizard - Plugin for importing animations from Aseprite as SpriteFrames (Godot 3.x).
- AutoColliders - Allows the automatic generation of colliders for Sprites, with planned expansion to handle 3D meshes in the future (Godot 3.x).
- BoxCam2D - Simplest way to implement grid-based 2D camera movement (Godot 3.x).
- CRT Shader - A Godot shader that simulates CRT Displays with many shader parameters (Godot 3.x).
- Dialogue Manager - A simple but powerful text based branching dialogue editor and runtime (Godot 3.x, 4.x).
- EffekseerForGodot3 - Import Effekseer particle effects (Godot 3.x).
- Escoria - Point & click adventure game framework (Godot 2.1, 3.2+).
- GdUnit3 - Godot Unit Testing Framework (Godot 3.x).
- GodotNotificationCenter - A notification center (Godot 3.x).
- GodotPhoenixChannels - A GDScript and Godot Engine implementation for the Channels API of the Phoenix Framework (Godot 3.*).
- Godot Radial Menu - A radial menu written in shader code for performance.
- Godot Recipes - A large collection of tutorials and techniques, both big and small.
- Godot Shaders - A large library of free and open-source shaders for 2D and 3D.
- Godot SQLite - GDNative wrapper for SQLite, making it possible to use SQLite databases as data storage in your project (Godot 3.2+).
- GodotTIE - Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue) (Godot 2.x, 3.x).
- gterm - GUI control that draws something similar to *nix terminal emulators (Godot >= 2.1).
- GUT - Utility for writing unit tests in GDScript (Godot 3.x).
- HTerrain - Heightmap-based terrain. Supports texture painting, colouring, holes, level of detail and grass (Godot 3.x).
- InGrid - Infinite scrolling grid (Godot 3.x).
- Input Helper - A helper for detecting input devices and remapping controls (Godot 3.x, 4.x).
- obs-websocket-gd - Script and editor plugin to control Open Broadcaster Software from Godot via obs-websocket (Godot 3.x).
- Playerloop - Makes it extra easy to collect bug reports and other feedback from your players (Godot 3.x, 4.x)
- Ridiculous Coding - Makes your coding experience in Godot 1000× more ridiculous (Godot 3.x).
- Scene Manager - Make nice and customizable scene transitions in one line of code (Godot 3.x, 4.0.alpha).
- Scrolling Background - A scrolling background node (Godot 2.1,3.x).
- SimpleGodotCRTShader - A simple Godot shader that simulates CRT Displays (Godot 2.x, 3.x).
- SMRT-Godot - A dialog system and editor fairly customizable, a nice fit for story-driven games (Godot 3.x).
- StoryTeller Engine - Dialog and interactive fiction engine (Godot 3.x).
- Tiled importer - Import maps from Tiled (Godot 3.x).
- TileSet Builder - Quickly build tilesets with style (Godot 3.x).
- AntialiasedLine2D - Higher-quality antialiased Line2D and Polygon2D drawing compared to the default Godot implementation (GLES3 + GLES2, all platforms).
- Cartographer - Heightmap-based 3D terrain editor.
- CSG Mesh Exporter (.OBJ) - Export CSG nodes to OBJ meshes to improve editing performance.
- Code Snapshot - A plugin which lets you take beautified screenshots of your code within the editor.
- Debanding Material Shader - Simple material shader with added debanding noise, for use with the GLES2 renderer as it doesn't support full-screen debanding.
- Delaunator GDScript - A GDScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
- Dialogic - Create dialogs, characters and scenes to display conversations.
- Dijkstra map for Godot - A GDNative project for Godot game engine, that introduces Dijktra Map pathfinding node.
- Discord.gd - Discord bot API wrapper. Make bots in 100% GDScript.
- Funexpected Flash Tools - Adobe Animate (Flash) plugin that allows you to export a project for a Godot Engine.
- GDGIFExporter - GIF exporter made entirely in GDScript.
- GitHub integration - Interact with GitHub without opening your browser.
- GDGotm - GDScript API for gotm.io.
- godotccd - Fast 3D collision checks in Godot using libccd.
- godotdetour - A GDNative implementation of the detour/detourcrowd library.
- GodotDiscordSDK - A GDNative wrapper for the Discord Game SDK, adding support for its functionality in GDScript without recompiling the engine (as opposed to something like godotcord which is a custom engine module).
- Godot GamePad - Allows players to use their mobile devices as controllers.
- Godot Gif Getter - An in-game utility for recording and saving GIFs (written in GDNative Rust).
- godot-ink - A C# (Mono) plugin to integrate stories writen in ink, a scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
- Godot NExt - A set of basic node extensions.
- Godot Mixing Desk - Make procedural sound and adaptive/procedural music with a few nodes and a couple lines of code.
- GodotOnReady - A C# (Mono) alternative to the GDScript-only
keyword, without reflection. - GodotRx - Reactive extensions for Godot C# (Mono).
- godot-ply - In-editor box modelling for gray boxing or prototyping 3D levels.
- Godot Polygon 2D Fracture - Two simple scripts for fracturing and cutting polygons.
- Godot-Trail-System - Advanced 2D/3D trail system.
- Godot VirtualJoystick - A simple vitual joystick for mobile devices.
- Kehom's Godot Addon Pack - A collection of addons for debugging, networking, UI, and more.
- Level of Detail (LOD) - Level of detail add-on for meshes, lights and particles. Can improve performance in large scenes.
- Line Collider 2D - A script which adds colliders that follow an array of Line2Ds (useful for prototypes).
- MDFramework - A C# multiplayer framework with additional tools (Mono).
- NI mate Motion Capture - Animate Skeletons with a Microsoft Kinect sensor.
- NativeLib - Plugin management system designed to easily operate with native libraries for iOS/Android. It also takes care about plugin dependencies and provides hassle-free native libs updating. Attribution and analytics: Adjust, Amplitude, AppsFlyer, Flurry, GameAnalytics, Tenjin. Ads networks and mediation: AdColony, AppLovin, TapDaq. GDPR and privacy: App Tracking Transparency, Ogury. Social: Facebook. Universal backend solution: Firebase.
- Qodot - Quake
file support for Godot. Lets you use TrenchBroom for level design. - Scatter - Randomly fill an area with props or other scenes.
- Shell Fur - 3D fur node for Godot.
- SmartShape2D - A 2D terrain tool.
- Tree generator - Tool for generating trees.
- UI Design Tool - Intuitive design workflow for UIs in the editor.
- Volumetrics - Voxel-based volumetric lighting and fog plugin.
- Voxel-Core - GDScript voxel plugin for creating, importing and editing voxel content in-engine and in-game.
- VPainter - 3D vertex painting plugin.
- Waterways - Tool to generate river meshes with flow and foam maps based on Bézier curves.
- Yume Visual Novel Editor - An integrated editor for creating visual novel games.
- FMOD GDNative - Plugin to use the FMOD audio engine in GDScript.
- gdstats - A library of pseudorandom number generators for common statistical distributions.
- Auto Tile Layer - Allows automatic 2D tiling using RPG Maker's Autotile format.
- Grass Plugin - A plugin to handle huge amounts of grass, foliages and other vegetations.
- SUTjoystick - Easy gamepad support for GNU/Linux and Windows.
- Camera2D Screen Shake - Screen shake effect for Camera2D.
- Easing Script - A port of the Robert Penner's equations for easing.
- GDSerCommPlugin - A plugin to read Arduino serial input (needs custom engine modules).
- gdutils - Utilities for Godot written in GDScript.
- Godot Game Tools - Blender plugin to ease importing assets into Godot.
- Polygon Merge - Merge polygons.
- Simplex 2D/3D - Simplex deterministic noise functions.
- Tileset Builder - Build tilesets.
Stuff integrated into Godot core (C++).
- Entity Spell System - An entity and spell system for complex (optionally multiplayer) RPGs (Godot 3.2, 4.0).
- godot-anl - A wrapper for Accidental Noise Library with a visual noise editing support.
- godot-python - Python support for Godot 3.
- godot-voxel - Module for creating volumetric worlds (Godot 3.1+).
- Gdnet for Godot 3 - An ENet wrapper for Godot 3.
- GodotHook - A lite custom event system for Godot Engine (Godot 3.x, 4.x).
- GodotSteam - Steam API library binding for Godot. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux (Godot 3.x).
- Texture Packer - Tools to layer, pack, and merge textures at runtime (Godot 3.2+, 4.0).
- Voxelman - A voxel engine with more focus on editor integration, gameplay-related features, and extendability (Godot 3.2+, 4.0).
- Flash Module - Use Adobe Animate (Flash) projects in Godot.
- GodotAIGym - Make your Godot project into an OpenAI Gym environment to train RL models with PyTorch.
- godotcord - A wrapper for the Discord Game SDK.
- godot-apple-id - Module for sign in with Apple in Godot.
- godot-simple-state - A minimal finite state machine using nodes, perfect for Jam games.
- Godot-Slicer - A port of Ezy-Slicer for Godot.
- Goost - A general-purpose, extensible and customizable extension.
- PortAudio - Wrapper methods and Godot-friendly types to use PortAudio.
- Speech to Text - Captures the user's microphone input and converts it to text.
- spout-gd - Share OpenGL textures across Windows applications through your GPU using Spout.
- FMOD Integration - Module to integrate the FMOD audio engine in Godot.
- godot-enet-better - A better ENet module for high-performance multiplayer games with Godot.
- Head tracking using OpenCV
- Open Adaptive Music Library
- NativeDialogs - Using native dialogs in Godot.
- RawPacker - Simple binary packing/unpacking for RawArray.
- spine - Spine animation support module.
- WaterSplash 2D node
Add-ons for text editors that implement GDScript or C# support.
- Atom - Syntax highlighting.
- Emacs - Syntax highlighting, code folding, indentation and autocompletion.
- Geany - Syntax highlighting.
- Gedit - Syntax highlighting.
- IntelliJ IDEA - Syntax highlighting and autocompletion.
- JetBrains Rider (C#) - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion and run configurations.
- Kakoune - Syntax highlighting.
- GNU Nano - Syntax highlighting.
- Sublime Text - Syntax highlighting.
- Vim - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion and linting using the LSP server provided by the Godot editor. Also supports the Godot shader language.
- Visual Studio Code
- godot-tools Visual Studio Code Extension - A complete set of tools to code games with Godot Engine in Visual Studio Code. Includes a GDScript language client.
- C# Tools for Godot Visual Studio Code Extension - Debugger and utilities for working with Godot C# projects in VSCode.
- GUT Visual Studio Code Extension - Run GUT framework unit/integration tests directly from the Visual Studio Code Editors.
- gdformat Visual Studio Code Extension - Formatter for GDScript in Visual Studio Code (Godot 3.x).
Alternative themes for the built-in script editor.
- base16-godot - All base16 themes.
- Godot syntax themes - 13 syntax themes including Ayu Mirage, Darcula, Gruvbox Dark, Monokai, One Dark, Solarized, and more.
- Syntax themes by Geequlim - Chester, Google Code Light and Monokai.
Those builds will let you use recent versions of Godot Git, but they may be less stable than official ones – use at your own risk.
- Calinou's builds - Mainly master branch, other branches can be found here.
- iFire's builds - Distributed via Itch.io (automatic updates with app), master branch only.
- Raspberry Pi 4 builds - ARM builds of Godot Engine for the Raspberry Pi 4.
- bend-n's 2D builds - Godot builds optimized for size with these modules disabled. Also includes misc non breaking patches.
Bash scripts can be placed in ~/.local/bin
- build-godot - (and build-godot-mono) Scripts that compile and run Godot, attempting to install dependencies if needed.
- godot.sh - Script that automatically downloads and launches latest version of Godot, or compiles and launches the Git
branch. - godot-wrapper - Script that helps Debian and Ubuntu users install and use Godot.
- replicate-file.sh - Script to update copies of a file with one master file.
- Godot Asset Library - Official Godot Asset Library. Includes user-created games, projects, templates, demos, tutorials, plugins, and scripts.
- Godot Shaders - A community-driven shader library for the Godot game engine.
- Godotes - Weekly micro data analysis reports about the Godot engine and its ecosystem.
- Gotm.io - A website for hosting HTML5 games that were made in Godot.
- The Godot Report - A newsletter with news, tutorials, game and demo releases and more.
Other stuff.
- codetranslator - Translates GDScript to C# (WIP).
- gd2cs.py - Python script that converts GDScript code to C# (WIP).
- gdscript-pp - Translates GDScript to GDNative C++ (WIP).
npm package - Communicate with Godot clients using Node.js.- godot-actions - Composite actions for exporting, setting up, and pushing Godot projects to itch.io through Github Actions.
- godot-ci - Docker image to export Godot games through CI. Includes GitLab CI script example.
- godot-gdscript-toolkit - Independent set of command line tools for working with GDScript - parser, linter and formatter (Godot 3.x).
- RetroPie Godot Game Engine "Emulator" - A scriptmodule to install a Godot "emulator" for RetroPie.
- strip-to-frames.pl - Perl script to split a grid spritesheet image into numbered individual frame files.
- Godot Package Manager - Package manager for Godot using npm.