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Web Components for building declarative PlayCanvas applications


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PlayCanvas Web Components

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PlayCanvas Web Components are a set of custom HTML elements for building 3D interactive web apps. Using the declarative nature of HTML makes it both easy and fun to incorporate 3D into your website.

<!-- A lit sphere -->
        <pc-entity name="camera" position="0 0 3">
        <pc-entity name="light" rotation="45 45 0">
        <pc-entity name="ball">
            <pc-render type="sphere"></pc-render>



See PlayCanvas Web Components in action here:

Usage 🚧

Installing from NPM

PlayCanvas Web Components is available as a package on NPM. You can install it (and the PlayCanvas Engine) as follows:

npm install playcanvas @playcanvas/web-components --save-dev

Next, in your HTML file, you will need an import map because the web components need to be able to find the PlayCanvas Engine (which is an external dependency):

<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
            "playcanvas": "/node_modules/playcanvas/build/playcanvas.mjs"

You can then import the components as follows:

<script type="module" src="/node_modules/@playcanvas/web-components/dist/pwc.mjs"></script>

You can now incorporate any of the PlayCanvas Web Components elements into your HTML!

Using a CDN

Instead of loading the library from a local package, you can instead opt to load it from a CDN (such as jsDelivr). In this case, you would update the import map:

<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
            "playcanvas": "[email protected]/build/playcanvas.mjs"

And the components would now be imported as follows:

<script type="module" src="[email protected]/dist/pwc.mjs"></script>

Tag Reference đź“–

Table of contents:


The pc-app tag is the root element for your PlayCanvas application. It is used to initialize the PlayCanvas application and provide a container for your scene.

Attribute Description
alpha Boolean attribute. Determines whether the application allocates an alpha channel in the frame buffer. Defaults to true.
antialias Boolean attribute. Determines whether the application uses anti-aliasing. Defaults to true.
depth Boolean attribute. Determines whether the application allocates a depth buffer. Defaults to true.
high-resolution Boolean attribute. Determines whether the application renders using physical resolution or CSS resolution. Defaults to true.
stencil Boolean attribute. Determines whether the application allocates a stencil buffer. Defaults to true.


The pc-asset tag is used to define an asset. It must be a direct child of pc-app.

Attribute Description
id The ID of the asset. This is used to reference the asset in scripts.
src The path to the asset.
preload Valueless attribute. If present, the asset is loaded immediately.
type The type of asset. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension. Can be: audio, binary, css, container, gsplat, html, json, script, shader, text, texture.


The pc-camera tag is used to define a camera component. It must be a direct child of an pc-entity.

Attribute Description
clear-color The background color of the camera. Can be a space-separated list of R, G, B, and A values or a hex color code. If unspecified, 0.75,0.75,0.75,1 is used.
clear-color-buffer Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera clears the color buffer. If unspecified, the color buffer is cleared.
clear-depth-buffer Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera clears the depth buffer. If unspecified, the depth buffer is cleared.
clear-stencil-buffer Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera clears the stencil buffer. If unspecified, the stencil buffer is cleared.
cull-faces Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera culls faces. If unspecified, faces are culled.
far-clip The far clipping plane of the camera. If unspecified, 1000 is used.
flip-faces Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera flips faces. If unspecified, faces are not flipped.
fov The field of view of the camera. If unspecified, 45 is used.
frustum-culling Boolean attribute. Controls whether the camera uses frustum culling. If unspecified, frustum culling is used.
near-clip The near clipping plane of the camera. If unspecified, 0.1 is used.
orthographic Valueless attribute. If present, the camera uses an orthographic projection. If unspecified, the camera uses a perspective projection.
ortho-height The height of the orthographic projection. If unspecified, 10 is used.
priority The priority of the camera. If unspecified, 0 is used.
rect The viewport rectangle of the camera. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, Width, and Height values. If unspecified, 0 0 1 1 is used.
scissor-rect The scissor rectangle of the camera. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, Width, and Height values. If not specified, 0 0 1 1 is used.


The pc-collision tag is used to define a collision component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
axis The axis of the collision component. If not specified, 1 is used (Y-axis).
convex-hull Valueless attribute. If present, the collision component uses a convex hull.
enabled Enabled state of the collision component. If not specified, true is used.
half-extents The half-extents of the collision component. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 0.5 0.5 0.5 is used.
height The height of the collision component. If not specified, 2 is used.
radius The radius of the collision component. If not specified, 0.5 is used.
type The type of collision component. Can be box, capsule, cone, cylinder or sphere.


The pc-element tag is used to define an element component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
anchor The anchor of the element component. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, Z, and W values. If not specified, 0 0 0 1 is used.
asset A string that should match the id of a pc-asset tag that has a type of font.
auto-width Valueless attribute. If present, the element component automatically adjusts its width.
color The color of the element component. Can be a space-separated list of R, G, B, and A values or a hex color code. If not specified, 1 1 1 1 is used.
font-size The font size of the element component. If not specified, 16 is used.
line-height The line height of the element component. If not specified, 1.2 is used.
pivot The pivot of the element component. Specified as a space-separated list of X and Y values. If not specified, 0.5 0.5 is used.
text The text of the element component.
type The type of element component. Can be group, image or text. If not specified, group is used.
width The width of the element component. If not specified, 0 is used.
wrap-lines Valueless attribute. If present, the element component wraps lines.


The pc-entity tag is used to define an entity. It must be a direct child of pc-scene or another pc-entity.

Attribute Description
enabled Enabled state of the entity. If not specified, true is used.
name The name of the entity.
position The position of the entity. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 0 0 0 is used.
rotation The rotation of the entity. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z Euler angles in degrees. If not specified, 0 0 0 is used.
scale The scale of the entity. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 1 1 1 is used.
tags A space-separated list of tags for the entity.


The pc-light tag is used to define a light component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
color The color of the light. Can be a space-separated list of R, G, B values or a hex color code. If not specified, 1 1 1 is used.
cast-shadows Valueless attribute. If present, the light casts shadows.
inner-cone-angle The angle of the light's inner cone. If not specified, 40 is used.
intensity The intensity of the light. If not specified, 1 is used.
normal-offset-bias The bias of the light's normal offset. If not specified, 0.05 is used.
outer-cone-angle The angle of the light's outer cone. If not specified, 45 is used.
range The range of the light. If not specified, 10 is used.
shadow-bias The bias of the light's shadows. If not specified, 0.2 is used.
shadow-distance The distance at which the light's shadows are no longer rendered. If not specified, 16 is used.
type The type of light. Can be directional, point or omni.


The pc-listener tag is used to define a listener component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity. It has no attributes.


The pc-module tag is used to define a WASM module. It must be a direct child of pc-app.

Attribute Description
name The name of the module. This is used to reference the module in scripts.
glue The path to the glue code for the module.
wasm The path to the WASM file for the module.
fallback The path to the fallback (asm.js) code for the module.


The pc-render tag is used to define a render component that render a 3D primitive. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
type The type of render component. Can be box, capsule, cone, cylinder, plane or sphere.
cast-shadows Valueless attribute. If present, the render component casts shadows.
receive-shadows Valueless attribute. If present, the render component receives shadows.


The pc-rigidbody tag is used to define a rigidbody component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
angular-damping The angular damping of the rigidbody. If not specified, 0 is used.
angular-factor The angular factor of the rigidbody. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 1 1 1 is used.
friction The friction of the rigidbody. If not specified, 0.5 is used.
linear-damping The linear damping of the rigidbody. If not specified, 0 is used.
linear-factor The linear factor of the rigidbody. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 1 1 1 is used.
mass The mass of the rigidbody. If not specified, 1 is used.
restitution The restitution of the rigidbody. If not specified, 0 is used.
rolling-friction The rolling friction of the rigidbody. If not specified, 0 is used.
type The type of rigidbody component. Can be static, kinematic or dynamic.


The pc-scene tag is used to define the scene. It must be a direct child of pc-app.

Attribute Description
fog The type of fog to use. Can be linear, exp, or exp2.
fog-color The color of the fog. Can be a CSS color string or a hex color code.
fog-start The start distance of the fog.
fog-end The end distance of the fog.
fog-density The density of the fog.


The pc-screen tag is used to define a screen component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
blend Valueless attribute. If present, the screen component blends.
priority The priority of the screen component. Must be an integer between 0 and 255. If not specified, 0 is used.
reference-resolution The reference resolution of the screen component. Specified as a space-separated list of Width and Height values. If not specified, 640 320 is used.
resolution The resolution of the screen component. Specified as a space-separated list of Width and Height values. If not specified, 640 320 is used.
scale-blend The scale blend of the screen component. Must be a number between 0 and 1. If not specified, 0.5 is used.
screen-space Valueless attribute. If present, the screen component is in screen space.


The pc-script tag is used to define a script. It must be a direct child of a pc-scripts component.

Attribute Description
attributes A JSON string of attributes for the script.
enabled Enabled state of the script. If not specified, true is used.
name The name of the script.


The pc-scripts tag is used to define a scripts component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
enabled Enabled state of the scripts component. If not specified, true is used.


The pc-sky tag is used to define a sky component. It must be a direct child of a pc-scene.

Attribute Description
asset A string that should match the id of a pc-asset tag that has a type of texture.
center The center of the sky. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values in the range 0 to 1. If not specified, 0 0.01 0 is used.
intensity The intensity of the sky. If not specified, 1 is used.
level The mipmap level used to render the sky. If not specified, 0 is used (base mip level).
rotation The rotation of the sky. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 0 0 0 is used.
scale The scale of the sky. Specified as a space-separated list of X, Y, and Z values. If not specified, 100 100 100 is used.
type The type of sky component. Can be box, dome, infinite or none.


The pc-sound tag is used to define a sound. It must be a direct child of a pc-sounds.

Attribute Description
asset A string that should match the id of a pc-asset tag that has a type of audio.
auto-play Valueless attribute. If present, the sound slot plays automatically.
duration The duration of the sound slot.
loop Valueless attribute. If present, the sound slot loops.
name The name of the sound slot.
overlap Valueless attribute. If present, the sound slot overlaps.
pitch The pitch of the sound slot. If not specified, 1 is used.
start-time The start time of the sound slot. If not specified, 0 is used.
volume The volume of the sound slot. If not specified, 1 is used.


The pc-sounds tag is used to define a sound component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
distance-model The distance model of the sound. Can be exponential, inverse or linear. If not specified, linear is used.
pitch The pitch of the sound. If not specified, 1 is used.
max-distance The maximum distance from the listener at which audio falloff stops. If not specified, 10000 is used.
positional Valueless attribute. If present, the sound is positional.
ref-distance The distance from the listener at which the volume will be at full volume. If not specified, 1 is used.
roll-off-factor The factor used in the falloff equation. If not specified, 1 is used.
volume The volume of the sound. If not specified, 1 is used.


The pc-splat tag is used to define a splat component. It must be a direct child of a pc-entity.

Attribute Description
asset A string that should match the id of a pc-asset tag that has a type of gsplat.
enabled Enabled state of the splat component. If not specified, true is used.