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Aurora Lahtela edited this page Apr 16, 2023 · 14 revisions

Plan Header


Colors used on the page are changed in theme.yml.

If you want to change how the web pages look completely check out Html Customization

Page version: 5.2 build 1068

Default sidebar color or night mode

  • Change DefaultColor in theme.yml to the name of the color you want to use for the sidebar (The color names are listed in theme.yml).
  • Change Display_options.Theme in config.yml to "night" if you want the panel to appear in night-mode by default
  • Reload Plan
  • Clear browser cache if you have accessed the page to see default.


Here is a list of Themes currently available (Click the link to view an image.)

Default: Default

All colors can be changed, so if you do not like a single color you can set it with the other settings.
If you want a certain themed theme to be created just ask - They're one of the easiest things to implement.

Borrow colors from other Themes

In order to copy colors from another theme:

  • Change Display_options.Theme in config.yml to name of a theme you want colors from
  • Remove the settings you want to copy inside the theme.yml
  • Reload Plan

For example:

red: "#Value"
pink: "#Value"

Remove pink:

red: "#Value"


red: "#Value"
pink: "#NewValue"

Custom colors

All the settings inside theme.yml accept a Html color code. This means that any setting can be set as any color.

Example: pink: '#ff75f3'

Changing the Font

The font can also be changed.
By default Nunito is in use. (,700,800,900&display=swap&subset=latin-ext)

If you want to use another web font, set FontFamily: '''WebFontName'', sans-serif' and FontStyleSheet: 'linkToFontStyleSheet'

Pie Chart colors

Piecharts require multiple colors so they're all defined in a single row. The colors are placed on worlds in alphabetical order.

Format: '"#0099C6", "#66AA00", "#316395", "#994499", "#22AA99", "#AAAA11", "#6633CC", "#E67300", "#329262", "#5574A6"'

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