5.4 DEV build 1648
5.4 DEV build 1648
This dev build contains bugfixes.
Change log
- Fixed UserInfoOptimizationPatch resetting join_address data when applied
- Note: How this data is stored needs to be changed again in near future. This mistake bumped up priority of that change.
- Possibly improved speed of RemoveDanglingUserDataPatch
- Prevented ActiveCookieStore related DbOpException if plugin failed to enable
- Console will now log colors properly on Bukkit and Bungee based servers
- Fixed some _raw placeholders from being formatted
- Fixed Error related to GriefDefender Extension
- Fixed error related to user_id constraint violation for Ping and Session store transactions. If they execute faster than the user register transaction the player will not have up-to-date information until the proper transaction executes, but the storage of other data will no longer fail.