Welcome to the bouncy-ball
This is a web page that if you click anywhere on the page it will 'throw' a ball that will bounce on the floor, until it stops (vertically) or until it gets off the screen (horizontally).
The whole project is built around Grunt, the JavaScript Task Runner, to automate repetitive tasks, both for development and deployment. Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager. Before continuing, please download and install the latest stable Node.js version.
To install both Grunt (globally in the system), open a console and run the following command:
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
Assuming you have already cloned this repository to your machine, setup all necessary dependencies (for this project only) with the following command:
npm install
If you run:
grunt serve
a local server will be spawned. If some of the development files change, the server will be restarted.
If you run:
grunt serveDist
a local server will be spawned but it will serve the minified version of the site.
If you run:
grunt build
you'll first validate the app running eslint and then jasmine (for unit tests) and then will create the dist path, with the minified files.
If you run:
grunt eslint
you'll run eslint (duh!).
If you run:
grunt karma:singleRun
you'll run all spec files just once.
If you run:
grunt karma:unit
you'll run all spec files and will watch for change, if any occurs it will 're-run' the spec files.