This group of scripts simply enables your RetroPie box to light up the lights correctly when you are using either Wii Controllers or Wii U Pro Controllers (I have 3 of these and they rock !)
This script expects to live in /home/pi/retropie_wiimote_lights. See below for moving it elsewhere
Login to your Retropie box as the 'pi' user and simply run:
(cd && git clone
Once your git clone is finished, simply run this command to install to retropie:
(cd ~/retropie_wiimote_lights && ./
Reboot to see it all work in action. When the first Wii controller connects, there is only one light. For the second, two lights, and so on...
This is known to work well with RetroPie v4.2 and above.
They should work well with either normal Wii Controllers or Wii U Pro Controllers.
These are the Wii U Pro controllers I wrote them for:
If you need to change the path of where these scripts live, you should only need to edit 1 file: wii-controller.service. Just change the line with ExecStart on it.
If you are annoyed by waiting 2 seconds before the lights light up correctly and you feel lucky, you can tweak the amount of time it waits for the bluetooth connection to complete before checking for the appropriate directories and lighting up the lights.
This is the "sleep" command found at the very top (line 3) of I had it on "sleep 1" for a while and it seemed to work, but occassionally wouldn't, so...