Bee Stats is a project to visualize user statistics from the BeeCrowd platform. It uses Puppeteer for web scraping and Express to serve a dynamic SVG with profile information, ideal for generating visually appealing profile cards.
Bee Stats allows users to fetch and display statistics from their BeeCrowd profile in a dynamic SVG card format, similar to GitHub stats cards. The project uses Puppeteer to scrape profile data and Express to handle requests and serve the SVG.
- Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node.js API for web scraping
- Express: Web framework for handling HTTP requests
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building the server
- SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics for creating the profile card
- Node.js
- npm or yarn
Clone the repository:
git clone cd bee-stats
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the Express server:
npm start
Access the application at
To generate a profile card, you need to get your profile ID from the BeeCrowd platform. Your profile ID is the numeric value found in the URL of your profile, e.g.,
Find your BeeCrowd profile ID from the URL.
Use the following format to get your profile card:
For example, if your profile ID is
, you would access:http://localhost:3000/stats/385161
Embed the generated SVG in your README or any other platform that supports SVG rendering.
Thank you all, I wish you great studies! If you want, get in touch at [email protected].