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Releases: picimako/citric


24 Oct 06:13
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  • 50: Added Groovy language injection in the actions.sql.validate.script.value property in the YAML DSL.
  • 50: Added SQL language injection into
    • AbstractDatabaseConnectingTestAction.Builder.statement() calls in the Java and Groovy DSLs,
    • the sql.statements.statement and sql.statement tags in the XML and Spring XML DSLs, and
    • the actions.sql.statements.statement and actions.plsql.statements.statement properties in the YAML DSL.
  • 50: Added DataSource bean completion in the sql@datasource attribute in the XML and Spring XML DSLs.
  • 50: Added TransactionManager bean completion in the sql.transaction@manager attribute in the XML, and in the sql@transaction-manager attribute in the Spring XML DSLs.
  • 50: Added completion of SQL SELECT statement table column names in
    • ExecuteSQLQueryAction.Builder.validate() and ExecuteSQLQueryAction.Builder.extract() based on statement() and sqlResource() calls in same call chains, in the Java and Groovy DSLs.
    • the sql.validate@column and sql.extract@column attributes based on related statement and resource tags in the XML DSLs.
    • the sql.validate.column and sql.extract.column properties based on related statement and file properties in the YAML DSL.
  • Added Citrus resource line markers for the arguments of create(), fromClassPath() and fromFileSystem() of org.citrusframework.spi.Resources in the Java and Groovy DSLs.


  • Improved the Groovy expression evaluation logic to include binary expressions like "this is " + "concatenated string".


  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurred during folding XML closing tags.


22 Sep 05:53
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  • Added JSON language injection into the XML tag.


  • Supported IDE range is now 2024.1 - 2024.3.*
  • Added the supported Citrus DSL names to the titles of code folding options in the IDE settings.


  • Code completions and inspections that require looking up Citrus classes in a project, can now find those classes also when the project is Citrus Framework itself.


04 Sep 04:13
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  • 54: Added support for dash-separated YAML property names for YAML DSL specific features: resource path line markers, Spring bean code completion and HTTP method code completion.
  • 54: Added code completion of MessageType constant values in the YAML DSL.
  • 54: Added an inspection to validate MessageType constant values in a case-insensitive way, in the YAML DSL.
  • 55: Added code folding of the closing tag parts of XML tags in Citrus XML and Spring XML test files.
  • 53: Added code completion of content types in content-type XML attributes, as well as other header value attributes.
  • 46: Added several different language injections in XML tags and attributes in the XML DSLs.


  • 54: Updated the YAML DSL schema for example to lift some of the restrictions on property names and types, so that both camel-case and dash-separated names are permitted.


  • 54: Fixed the YAML schema of SOAP fault objects.


29 Aug 15:02
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  • Added a couple more XML attributes for which resource file line markers can be displayed: message/resource@file, transform/xslt@file, message/body/resource@file, ant@build-file.
  • Added code folding for the Camel remove-routes, start-routes and stop-routes XML tags in the non-Spring XML DSL.
  • 52: Added code folding for the Spring <meta-info> tag, the WebSocket server.endpoints tag, various Selenium action tags, and the Kubernetes validate.element tag.


  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that occurred during code folding of certain XML tags.
  • Fixed some of the XML tag folders to retrieve the proper local names of tags when determining the eligibility for folding.


26 Jul 10:38
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  • 39: Added code folding for iterate()....().actions() call chains in Groovy test files to collapse them into Groovy-style code.
  • 39: Added Groovy DSL support for eligible inspections, line markers and references.
  • 44: Disabled the execution of many features (inspections, line markers, etc.) in projects that don't use Citrus.
  • 32: Added an action into the editor Generate menu to generate @CitrusSpringXmlTestFactory methods in Citrus JUnit 5 test classes.
  • 32: Added an inspection to validate @CitrusSpringXmlTestFactory annotated test methods from various aspects.
  • 32: Added inspections to validate the combined usage of @CitrusSpringXmlTestFactory and non-Spring-XML test creation with CitrusTestFactorySupport, as well as to report various issues on calls on CitrusTestFactorySupport.
  • 32: Added a line marker to calls on CitrusTestFactorySupport, so that users can navigate to the test source files and directories referenced by those calls.


  • Improved Groovy expression evaluation logic, so that variable values are now also evaluated e.g. during container folding.


  • Fixed a couple of 'Slow operations are prohibited on EDT' exceptions.


30 May 06:16
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  • 39: Added HTTP request method code completion for WaitHttpConditionBuilder#method() in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion of Kafka offset reset strategies in KafkaEndpointBuilder.offsetReset() in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion of SimpleJsonSchema-type Spring beans in JsonMessageValidationContext.Builder.schema(String) and JsonSchemaRepository-type Spring beans in JsonMessageValidationContext.Builder.schemaRepository(String) in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion of XsdSchema-type Spring beans in XmlValidationContextBuilder.schema(String) and XsdSchemaRepository-type Spring beans in XmlValidationContextBuilder.schemaRepository(String) in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion for MessageType values when sending and receiving messages in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion for JMS, Kafka, etc. specific header names in Message.setHeader(), Message.getHeader() and Message.removeHeader() calls, as well as in MessageBuilderSupport.header(String, Object) when sending and receiving messages in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion for SQL transaction isolation levels in the argument of sql()/query().transactionIsolationLevel(...) in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code completion of many different Spring bean types in Groovy test files.
  • 39: Added code folding for conditional().when().actions() and sequential().actions() call chains in Groovy test files to collapse them into Groovy-style code.
  • 39: Added code folding for HamcrestConditionExpression.assertThat() calls to collapse them into the argument list of assertThat() in Groovy test files.


  • Supported IDE range is now 2023.3 - 2024.2-EAP.
  • Disabled custom test source file icons in IJ-2023.3.* due to IntelliJ Platform changes no suitable alternative to display. They are enabled in IJ-2024.1 and up.
  • Restricted the 'Wait for http method' code completion in YAML files to actual Citrus YAML test files.


  • Eliminated "Slow operations are prohibited on EDT." errors in a couple of places, so they won't spam the logs.


07 May 09:43
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  • Fixed an exception regarding an HTTP method code completion in YAML test files.
  • Fixed a syntax issue in the YAML DSL schema that may have prevented proper parsing.
  • Fixed the code completion of root-level YAML DSL schema keys.


06 May 18:46
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  • 36: Added support for file: and jar: resources when looking up resources referenced by te @CitrusTestSource, as well as during test source file execution and navigation to matching @CitrusTestSource.
  • 36: Added support for file: and jar: resources when showing line markers for methods accepting Citrus resource paths.
  • 42: Added a line marker in YAML test files to properties that accept classpath:, file:, jar: and http: resource paths, so that users can navigate to them.
  • 42: Added HTTP request method code completion for the actions.waitFor.http.method property value in YAML test files.
  • 42: Added code completion for various Spring bean names in YAML test files.
  • 42: Added inspection to report non-Throwable classes specified in the actions.assert.exception property value in YAML test files.
  • 42: Added class references of Throwable classes in the actions.assert.exception property value in YAML test files.


  • Directory paths are now filtered out from line markers and the test source file recognition when specified in the sources attribute of the @CitrusTestSource annotation.
  • Citrus 4.x YAML DSL schema is extended with several property descriptions, including examples and default values for code completion, as well as possible property values for automatic validation.
  • Added the Citrus resource path line markers to a couple more Citrus Java methods.
  • Added code completion for a couple more types of Spring beans in the Java DSL.


  • Custom test source file icons are now displayed with a lot less false positive matches.
  • Fixed the YAML DSL schema for some SOAP message related configurations.
  • All types of non-Throwable values are now reported in the argument list of Assert.Builder#exception().


16 Apr 05:44
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  • 28: Added the Run Test and Debug Test actions to the Project View context menu of Citrus Yaml test files.
  • 33: Extended the Run/Debug Citrus YAML test line marker and Project View actions, so that users can select an arbitrary @CitrusTestSource annotated method to execute, if the action would fail to recognize test methods as ones covering the particular YAML file.
  • 34: Added Run/Debug actions for Citrus Groovy test files inside a line marker and in the Project View context menu.
  • 35: Added an action that can navigate to matching JUnit/TestNG test methods from Citrus Groovy test files.
  • 37: Added the Run Test and Debug Test actions inside a line marker and the Project View context menu for Citrus XML and Citrus Spring XML test files.
  • 37: Added actions that can navigate to matching JUnit/TestNG test methods from Citrus XML and Citrus Spring XML test files.


03 Apr 10:00
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  • Supported IDE range is now 2023.2.1 - 2024.1.


  • 29: Added custom, test specific icons to XML, YAML and Groovy Citrus test source files.
  • 30: Added respective custom icons on editor tabs and other places for the, as well as to XML, YAML and Groovy Citrus test source files.
  • 26: Added a line marker in Citrus YAML test source files to be able to run and debug a @CitrusTestSource annotated JUnit or TestNG test method that covers the YAML file the action is invoked from.
  • Added titled separators for the line marker actions displayed for each @CitrusTestSource annotated method. They show which parts of the annotation configuration the actions come from.
  • 25: Added an action that can navigate to, or present a list of matching JUnit/TestNG test methods to navigate to, from Citrus YAML test files. The action may be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+T, just like navigation from production classes to their corresponding test classes works in Java projects.
  • @CitrusTestFactory and @CitrusTestSource test methods can now be generated inside @Nested JUnit 5 test classes as well.
  • 31 - Citrus 4.2.0: Added code completion for the new, sharding specific, Citrus system properties.
  • 31 - Citrus 4.2.0: Added an inspection to report issues with sharding related configuration in the file.


  • Fixed an exception during project initialization.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred during previewing the quick fix results for the deletion of the @CitrusTestSource annotation's name attribute when it matches the test method name.
  • Fixed some exceptions that occurred during retrieving data for the line marker for @CitrusTestSource annotated test methods.
  • Fixed the potential blinking or even disappearance of line markers on @CitrusTestSource annotated test methods.
  • Fixed an issue that @Nested JUnit 5 classes inside Citrus JUnit 5 parent test classes were falsely reported as not valid Citrus test classes.