Releases: phyloref/klados
Releases · phyloref/klados
Klados v0.6.0
What's Changed
- Update to v0.5.1 by @gaurav in #310
- Bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #311
- Modify taxonomic units on phylogenies by @gaurav in #307
- Upgrade phylotree.js and fix node renaming by @gaurav in #312
- Replaced Vue variables with Vite variables, including APP_VERSION by @gaurav in #323
- Support phylogenies and phyloreferences that cannot be parsed by @gaurav in #308
- Add an option to export phylogenies in Nexus by @gaurav in #313
- Improve double quote warning for Nexus export by @gaurav in #329
- Documentation and Summary page improvements by @gaurav in #321
- Fix uptime test by @gaurav in #332
- Fixed references to defaultNomenclaturalCodeURI by @gaurav in #335
- Simplify the Specifier component by @gaurav in #333
- Display multiple phylogenies by @gaurav in #315
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
Klados v0.5.1
Full Changelog: Updated version number, fixed deployment (#310)
Klados v0.5.0
What's Changed
- Replace cladeDefinition with definition by @gaurav in #268
- Release/v0.4.0 by @gaurav in #265
- User interface improvements by @gaurav in #259
- Add delete button to PhylorefView and PhylogenyView by @gaurav in #267
- Fixed text in "Actual resolved nodes" field in PhylorefView by @gaurav in #266
- Added a test for the reasoner backend by @gaurav in #274
- Replace × with trash by @gaurav in #275
- Store curation information and default nomenclatural code in cookies by @gaurav in #260
- Add additional example file: Fisher et al, 2007 by @gaurav in #278
- Add support for phylorefs with apomorphies by @gaurav in #286
- Add citation by @gaurav in #288
- Fix CITATION.cff by @gaurav in #295
- Standardize curator notes by @gaurav in #296
- Remove unnecessary placeholder text by @gaurav in #297
- Add Testudinata from phylonym as an example of an apomorphy-based phyloref by @gaurav in #291
- Replace the deprecated vue-cli-service with the vite tool currently recommended for Vue 2 by @gaurav in #303
- Delete duplicated citation code by @gaurav in #304
- Add phylotree.js as an NPM package by @gaurav in #305
- Fix borders on sidebar by @gaurav in #306
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
Klados v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Release of v0.3.1 by @gaurav in #201
- Upgraded NPM packages using
npm upgrade
by @gaurav in #205 - Phyx and JSON-LD downloads are now named usefully by @gaurav in #229
- Export as N-quads by @gaurav in #230
- Add Open Tree of Life resolution by @gaurav in #233
- Add deletion button for citations by @gaurav in #234
- Upgraded packages using
npm upgrade
by @gaurav in #248 - Export Phyx view as CSV by @gaurav in #238
- Lint code and upgrade NPM packages by @gaurav in #256
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
Klados v0.3.1
This minor version only adds two minor features to the previous release: you can now rename nodes on phylogenies, and the primary phylogeny citation is now displayed next to the phylogeny in the Phyloref view.
Released in #201
Klados v0.3.1-rc1
Release candidate for Klados v0.3.1 from pull request #201
Klados v0.3.0
Release v0.3.0 of Klados.
- Changed top navigation bar title from "Phyloref Authoring Tool" to "Klados".
- Upgraded all NPM packages.
Klados v0.3.0, release candidate 2
This is release candidate 2 of Klados v0.3.0.
Klados v0.3.0, release candidate 1
This is a release candidate for v0.3.0 to ensure that Github Actions deployment works.
Klados v0.2.2
Attempt to fix deployment that was broken in v0.2.