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Papyrus Public
iCloud Numbers Localizable to iOS and Android Localizable With Excel Importer
SwiftRuler Public
Rule Based Validation For Complex Iteration. For Swift.
homeassistant-climate-xiaomi-remote Public
Forked from Anonym-tsk/homeassistant-climate-xiaomi-remoteXiaomi IR Climate Component
Python UpdatedJun 3, 2021 -
xiaomi_fan Public
Forked from damianpasek/xiaomi_fanXiaomi Mi Smart Fan integration for Home Assistant
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 1, 2020 -
PoringKit Public
JSON Styling Sheet Customization For UI. Inherit From Fashion
Babelish Public
Forked from netbe/BabelishChaotically confused, like Babel
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2018 -
SwiftValidator Public
Forked from SwiftValidatorCommunity/SwiftValidatorA rule-based validation library for Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
markdown2confluence Public
Forked from jedi4ever/markdown2confluenceConverting Markdown to Confluence Markup using Kramdown Gem
Ruby UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- Public
Forked from MarshallOfSound/Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL-A desktop player for Google Play Music with media controls
C# UpdatedDec 2, 2015 -
cloudtunes Public
Forked from jkbrzt/cloudtunesWeb-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶
InfiniteList_NGUI Public
Forked from yaseralhaidery/InfiniteList_NGUIA component that runs on top of NGUI framework's UIScrollView class for Unity3D (Requires NGUI & Unity3D)