released this
03 Nov 05:33
Bug Fixes
actions: Improve the logic of duplicate names for dynamic actions in the context menu (0401248 )
Add ShirePluginDisposable to eliminate warnings about memory leaks (b1564da )
runner: SSE parsing exception caused the shire process to not stop (d092cc7 )
shirelang: improve notification message handling (22cbd64 )
ShowWebviewProcessor: LlmProvider is still working after webview is closed (3fea10f )
variables: Cannot get currentClassName variable when psiElement type is PsiClass (1eee36e )
grammar: add support # with variable for #$storyId usecase (bdde1d2 )
languages: add shire-proto plugin and support #122 (78b3f39 )
plugin: add proto module to plugin.xml #122 (28f9bdb )
shire-proto: implement ProtoFileStructureProvider for protobuf support #122 (c3fa801 )
shire-proto: implement ShireProtoUtils to find callees for PbServiceDefinition #122 (e614ced )
toolchain: add ProtobufToolchainProvider and support for Kotlin #122 (e0089ff )
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