released this
07 Oct 07:15
[0.9.0] - 2024-10-07
Bug Fixes
actions: The shire file downloaded from the marketplace has not been dynamically updated (4a0aa6f )
build: comment out failureLevel in pluginVerification #100 (e260a10 )
fix for json module outside project issue #112 (ed12724 )
fix plugin group error issue (acbdeca )
github-actions: correct gradle task paths in release workflow #100 (4d5a39d )
javascript: fix for siganture issue (94ebee5 )
javascript: update variable resolution in JSPsiContextVariableProvider (8e2a7e9 )
lexer: make sure front-matter parse success #112 (a9c3770 )
logging: improve error messages for PatternActionFunc arguments (844dcd8 )
settings: Test connection failed without applying settings (e883e38 )
shirelang: correct typo in ShireFileModificationListener class name (8baad36 )
build.gradle.kts: import Changelog and update PatchPluginXmlTask (cd7df2c )
build: configure specific subprojects in build.gradle.kts #100 (e7db461 )
build: optimize GitHub Actions build space (0f3a6f9 )
build: try to resize verify range for reduce size of disk in GitHub Action #100 (e127f88 )
build: update Gradle setup and plugin verification tasks (b779cd0 )
build: update Gradle version and enable PatchPluginXmlTask #100 (8044084 )
compiler: enable support for custom foreign functions #116 (c4e51fc )
compiler: implement foreign function support #116 (61059cd )
compiler: refine input type rules in PatternActionProcessor #112 (db58a87 )
docs, shirelang: update function parameters and syntax highlighting #116 (b6c6e9d )
gradle: update IntelliJ IDEA version and add plugin verification #100 (c5b58a1 )
gradle: update IntelliJ platform version and add shire-json language support #100 (da4f120 )
IDEA-243: add deps plugins #100 (276f391 )
init tokenizer function for #104 (1ae89ed )
javascript: enhance JavaScriptLanguageToolchainProvider for detailed context collection (d4341e4 )
javascript: fix for import issues (c646e4c )
json-plugin: add dependency on IntelliJ JSON plugin #100 (ce0bbad )
markdown: add support for markdown headers in ShireCompileTest #112 (b1d96f6 )
parser: add process and output for parser #116 (5b9bbd9 )
parser: Support Markdown headers in ShireParser #112 (f3e2e09 )
patternaction: add tokenizer function and refactor PatternActionFuncType to PatternActionFuncDef (37ece32 )
patternaction: enhance function documentation and formatting #112 (1dfd2a9 )
plugin: update plugin name and improve markdown table formatting (05aa38a )
post-processors: Add descriptions and list view for processors #112 (4535863 )
shire-json: move JSON related functionalities from core to shire-json module #100 (3f3a77a )
ShireFileListener: ignore directories and LightVirtualFiles in onUpdated method (086ed79 )
shirelang: add example option to ShireToolchainFunctionProvider #112 (4c16e36 )
shirelang: add ShireToolchainFunctionProvider and update GitFunctionProvider #112 (90a962f )
shirelang: add support for custom functions and update lexer and parser #116 (14ef5a0 )
shirelang: enhance foreign function execution with args support (f9658ea ), closes #119
timeout (c02f7b2 )
tokenizer: add Jieba Chinese tokenizer support #112 (2f73edf )
tokenizer: add multiple tokenizer types support in TokenizerProcessor #100 (9575b14 )
tokenizer: add variable substitution in tokenizer and related test #104 (30c40c5 )
tokenizer: ensure distinct tokenization results (09746ca )
You can’t perform that action at this time.