This Repository Contains a pressure transducer driver for the Honeywell ABPDLNN100MG2A3 Pressure Sensor communicating over an I2C Bus on the raspberry pi. Driver is setup to initialize the I2C Bus and read data from an installed and powered sensor. The Sensor used for the development driver is a 100 mBar range sensor
Similar I2C Pressure Sensor models could be used with this driver with minor modifications to the Member functions of this class.
Example Datasheet :
This driver was originally designed for the Raspberry pi using the wiringPi and wiringPiI2C Library.
Update 4/1/2023 - Wiring pi library is deprecated by its owner, so the API has been ported to use pigpio instead. This is maintained at
Update 4/3/2023 - Python Implementation examples have been added and tested, Full Documentation Coming Soon.
Currently this API offers support for C++, and a Limited Python Implementation for Prototyping. Now that the development of the API is stable, i plan on porting it to Go, and Perhaps Rust.
For the examples to work out of the box you will need the the following installed:
- g++
- make
- pigpio