We use a Spatial transformer network combined with a classification network to distinguish between Eczema and Psoriasis. For an eloboration of the apporach and model used read the pdf. For questions, contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Before running the code. Go to https://mega.nz/#!4TxThQKB!EstWA3XuyU05TVXLT2ZzWCRlwdD8NOdzFK2_1D6koiU and download the weights. Place the weights in the tmp folder (simply unzip to that folder), to use the homepage, again, place the weights in the tmp folder located in scripts.
To start the homepage, navigate to homepage/app and run the routes.py file with the command python routes.py (run from a terminal), It requires the flask application which can be found here http://flask.pocoo.org/