Releases: peerism/peerai-api
Releases · peerism/peerai-api
Update Peerism API built for Truffle Box
- Move contents of api/ folder up into the root directory for compatibility with Truffle Unbox. Update files to remove reference to the subfolder
- Add .nvmrc for convenience switching Node.js version
- Updated Readme with initial About, Instructions, and Usage Capabilities
- Fix Readme Quick Start Guide by including steps to install dependencies, adding missing step to start the Ganache CLI, added missing workaround step to modify the Bitcore dependency if user chooses the option to deploy without Truffle using deployContract.js.
- Update Readme Quick Start Guide with additional options for user to experiment using Truffle Console or Install Geth and use the Geth JavaScript Console
- Updated dependencies including changing from TestRPC to Ganache CLI, updating Solidity Compiler to v0.4.18
- Fix Solidity contract by adding missing
- Update version control in package.json
Peerism API built with Truffle, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Solidity, Ethereum TestRPC
Peerism API built with Truffle, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Solidity, Ethereum TestRPC
- cURL is used to simulate a HTTP POST request from the Peerism React Native app to a Peerism API endpoint.
- The API routes uses an Express.js Middleware Chain to trigger compiling of the Peerism Smart Contract using the Solidity Compiler (Solc) and Ether Pudding, and then deploys it to the Ethereum TestRPC network and responds with the contract address. Efforts were made to incorporate Truffle.