This project's goal is to become a complete open source replacement of the LiveView official application, and even extend its original capabilities at some point.
- Connecting to the LiveView device via Bluetooth
- Basic protocol stack: Vibrate, Led, StandBy, Screen Properties, Date and Time, Protocol Version, Firmware Version
- Basic stacking of commands
- Send Menu Items to LiveView
- Better connection handling
- Handle menu input
- LiveView official plugins support
- Menu theming support
- Integration with CyanogenMod ?
- ...
This projects initial inspiration was this thread here on XDA:
This project is maintained by:
- Pedro Veloso (pedronveloso, aka pedrodh on XDA)
- Florian Sundermann (boombuler)
- archivator for initiate the project and reverse reverse engineering effort
- AJ256 for firmware reserve engineering effort
- x942