You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
; #= placeyouridhere -rs
; ########################################
; Peace and Protection
; PnP <Addon name> (standard addon)
; ########################################
#.ppa.info off
#.ppa.info end
on *:LOAD:{
; PnP check
if (!$_ispnp) {
echo 4 -ati2 *** This addon requires Peace and Protection by pai to use.
echo 4 -ati2 *** You can download Peace and Protection at http://www.kristshell.net/pnp/
.timer -mio 1 0 .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
; Invalid load method check
if (!$istok($_cfgx(addons,ids),$readini($script,n,addon,id),32)) {
.timer -mio 1 0 .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
dispa Unloading ' $+ $script $+ ' $chr(40) $+ addon is not properly loaded; use /addon to load it $+ $chr(41)
As you can see Pai wraps the meta and configuration data pertaining to the file in group #.ppa.info (/help Groups). Within this group she creates an INI file layout with [section] and key=item pairs. This allows her to easily reference the information within.
[Addon] | Explanation |
name= | Friendly name of the addon. |
group= | group=Core for addons that are included within PnP. |
popup= | Name of the popup that is displayed under menubar > PnP > Addons |
author= | The creator of the addon. |
version= | The version of the addon. |
url= | The webpage / home of the addon or author. |
email= | Send support emails here. |
id= | The internal ID of the addon. |
ppver=4.22 | Set this to 4.22. If set below 4, then upon loading the addon, file addon320.mrc is loaded as well. See Addon.mrc - L73 |
config= | Specify alias for configuration. |
help= | Specify alias for help. |
unload= | This alias is run when the addon is uninstalled. |
vars= | The unset command is run against these specified vars when the addon is uninstalled. See /help /unset |
vars2= | The `set command is run against these specified vars when the addon is uninstalled. Space delimited. |
windows= | These windows are closed when the addon is uninstalled. Space delimited. |
dialogs= | These dialogs are closed when the addon is uninstalled. Space delimited. |
timers= | These timers are turned off when the addon is uninstalled. Space delimited. |
sockets= | These sockets are closed when the addon is uninstalled. Space delimited. |
hashcid= | These cid specific hashes are deleted (wildcard ok). Space delimited. |
hashpnp= | These hash items under hash table pnp are deleted (wildcard ok). Space delimited. |
[Files] | Explanation |
1= | Start with 1= and increment as necessary. First item is always the actual .ppa file. When clicking on Delete in the addon dialog, all files under [Files] and [Other] are deleted. |
[Other] | Explanation |
1= | See above. |
[Notes] | Explanation |
1= | Start with 1= and for every new paragraph increment it. Put your information about the addon here. Gets displayed in the addon dialog. |
[Menu] | Explanation |
1= | This builds a popup menu under PnP > Addons > Addon name |
[Nicklist] | Explanation |
1= | This builds a popup menu when you right-click a nick. |
[Query] | Explanation |
1= | This builds a popup menu when you right-click in a query. |
[Channel] | Explanation |
1= | This builds a popup menu when you right-click in a channel. |
[Interfaces] | Explanation |
bot= | Bot interface. Used in opcmd.mrc. |
3. Combining the PPA file and the script
Every addon must have an associated PPA file. That file may contain the entire addon, or just the addon information. The PPA file is an ini-format file with at least an [addon] section and a [files] section. The [addon] section-
name=Name of your addon
author=Author name
[email protected]
popup=Popup name
The 'name', 'author', 'version', 'url', and 'email' items should be self-explanitory. 'version' doesn't need to be numeric, but if you release a new version, it should have a version value that is 'greater' than the previous version.
'popup' is the title used when listing your addon, in the Addons menu in the menubar popups.
'id' is a unique id that identifies your addon. Use letters only, please, and make it fairly unique- 'davemp3script', not 'mp3'.
'ppver' is the lowest version of PnP the addon will run on.
'config' is an alias to run for configuring the addon. 'help' is an alias to run for addon help. 'unload' is an alias to call when unloading the addon. This alias can /halt to cancel the unload.
When unloading the addon, any variables listed in 'vars', windows listed in 'windows', dialogs listed in 'dialogs', timers in 'timers', and sockets open, in 'sockets', will be freed automatically. This keeps you from having to write this cleanup code yourself, and keeps addons from leading bits of themselves after being unloaded. Wildcards and multiple items (space-delimited) are allowed.
'vars2' lists variables to clear from PnP's configuration. (see `set, in commands, later.) Wildcards are not allowed. 'hashcid' lists hash items to delete from all pnp.cid hashes. (see hashes, later.) Wildcards are allowed. 'hashpnp' lists hash items to delete from the 'pnp' hash. Wildcards are allowed. (again this is all done during unload)
These unload items are entirely optional- you're free to write your own cleanup in the unload alias.
The PPA file must also have a [files] section. It must list all files to load for the addon. For example-
[files] 1=addon1.mrc 2=addon2.mrc
No pathnames are needed. You can also include a list of other files that aren't actually loaded-
[other] 1=stuff.txt 2=morestuff.txt
These files are listed in addon info, and can be deleted with the 'Delete addon' button, but are not actually loaded as scripts. Do not list the PPA file under [other].
[notes] 1=blah 2=blah
You can include notes here, that will be shown in the addon information dialog.
Most addons only need a single script file, and can safely include the PPA data right inside the script. Simply name your script with a PPA extension, and add the data at the top. Stick the data in a #group that is off. For example-
; This is my addon script
; blah blah
#ppainfo off
name=Name of your addon
author=Author name
[email protected]
popup=Popup name
#ppainfo end
; (script code goes here)
Save this as myaddon.ppa, and you will have a self-contained addon file.
You do not have to stick the script in the PPA file- this is optional, merely recommended if you only need one script file.
For your addon to work with PnP, it should use the following commands when appropriate.
/dispa [text]
/disps [text]
/disp [text]
Displays text to active (dispa) or status (disps) window using PnP's echo routines. /disp will display to whichever window is selected for showing CTCP/DNS/away events in configuration.
/dispr [window] [text]
Displays text to a specific window. Window can be -a or -s for active/status windows.
/disprc [#chan] [text]
/disprn [nick] [text]
Displays text routed to a channel or query window. If the window is not open, it displays to active or status depending on settings. The channel or nickname will prefix the text in all circumstances. For example, /disprc #pnp test will show "[#pnp] test".
/disptc [window] [#chan] [text]
/disptn [window] [#chan] [text]
Displays text in the "[#chan] text" or "[nick] text" format like the previous commands, but allows you to specify a specific window to display to. This window can be -a or -s for active or status. Allows you to display "[#chan] text" but force it to go to active, status, or another window, etc.
/dispr-div [window]
Display PnP's line separator to a window. Doesn't display it if one is already there, so you can call this even if you're not sure if one was already displayed and they won't "double up".
$:c1 $:c2 $:c3 $:c4 $:cerr
Returns the colors set in /theme, under PnP colors. c1 is the normal basic color used for pnp echos. These numbers do not include the Ctrl+K code.
$:s(text) $:h(text) $:q(text) $:w(text) $:b(text) $:t(text)
Various color identifiers.
Returns the prefix set in /theme.
Returns [ network ] or [ network : nick ] (IE a network prefix) for the current $cid- But ONLY if $cid differs from $activecid. This is AUTOMATICALLY used in the above /disp aliases- only use this if you manually /echo something and want to show a prefix for another network.
/`set [name] [value]
Sets and retrieves PnP configuration items. Try to use addon-specific names, such as 'davemp3.setting'. You should use /`set, instead of /hadd, because this makes sure the setting is saved properly. Value is optional- an empty value will clear the setting.
Returns true if PnP recognizes the given nickname as a services bot- NickServ, ChanServ, X, etc. (Only on the appropriate networks)
/_whois.queue [nick] [display] [command]
This will perform a /whois on the given nickname, and call the given command when the whois is complete, with all data for that whois in the pnp.twhois.$cid hash. (where $cid is the current value of $cid.) 'display' should be 0 normmally, but you may put * or a window name here to display the whois if you don't want it hidden. The hash items are named after MTS items- nick, address, realname, wserver, serverinfo, text (away msg), chan. If user was not found, 'error' will be set in the hash.
/_q.userhost $_s2p(command1) $_s2p(command2) [nickname(s)]
This performs a /userhost on the nicknames (separate with spaces) and runs command1 for each result, or command2 for each result of 'no such user'. The commands must be run through the identifiers as listed (so the commands can contain spaces) The commands should use &n to represent the nickname, &a for the address, &h for the here/away flag, and &i for the ircop flag. For an example, type-
//_q.userhost $_s2p(Found: &n &a &h &i) $_s2p(Not found: &n) nickname
PnP makes the following hashes available at all times-
pnp- The pnp hash can be used to store small amounts of data. It is cleared
on exit.
pnp.[cid]- Data specific to a cid. For example, pnp.1 stores data for cid
1. It is cleared on exit. Any items beginning with a hyphen are also
cleared on connect/disconnect.
pnp.config- See /`set, in commands, above.
You can add popups normally using mIRC's menu prefix. However, if you have only a couple popup items, you can add them to the 'Misc' menu by using the PPA file data again. Just add a section of that menu's name. For example-
1=Close:blah blah
This will add the 'Close' popup to the Misc. menu in query popups. The other titles are [nicklist], [channel], and [status]. It's recommended you use these if you only have one or two items to add, especially if they aren't used often.
[menu] is special- it is formatted the same, however the items are added to the Addons -> submenu under menubar popups, under the addon's name.
PnP sends a number of /signals (see mIRC help on signal events) that your script can detect.
PNP.DRAGDROP [s|n] [window] [filename]
This is sent when a file is dropped on a channel/query/chat window. $1 is 's' if shift was held, 'n' otherwise. 'window' will be =nick for chats. 'filename' will NOT be surrounded in quotes. If your script processes the file, it should /halt. Otherwise, it should just do nothing, or /return. Make sure your signal event uses the & prefix, or checks $halted, to avoid processing a file that another script already did.
PNP.SELFPING [ticks] [duration]
Sent when a self ping returns, with ticks in $1 and a verbose duration in $2-.
Sent when a new status window opens. Note that this is NOT called for the first status window that is open when mIRC starts.
Sent when a status window closes.
Sent when ALL signon routines are complete and MOTD is finished, and all server settings are loaded. A services addon (nickserv, chanserv, etc.) should NOT log in until this signal.
If you're writing a file-sharing addon, you can make use of PnP's built-in DCC queueing features. These features are setup (by the user) using the command /dcc queue, and are already used by PnP's XDCC and Sound addons.
To send a file, simply use-
/_send.dcc nickname filename
Do not place the filename in quotes. The alias will return a value in $result, according to the result-
Returns -1 if user already has enough queued files
Returns -2 if the entire queue is full
Returns -3 if no queueing has been enabled
Returns -4 if file not found
Returns -5 if file already queued to be sent to user
Returns -6 if file already currently being sent to user
Returns 0 if file was immediately sent to user
Returns n if file was queued (n is a positive number representing the
position in the queue- 1 is the next file to go out, etc.)
The queue automatically follows nick changes and cleans up according to the user's preferences. Some other queue commands-
/_cancel.dcc nickname
This cancels all queued DCCs to a user, and returns the number cancelled in $result.
$_count.dcc(nickname) or $_count.dcc
Returns the total number of queued DCCs to a user, or all users if no nickname is given.
Returns the position of the next queued DCC to a given user, in the queue.
$_cfgi(dccmaxsendone), $_cfgi(dccmaxsendall)
$_cfgi(dccmaxqone), $_cfgi(dccmaxqall)
These let you retrieve the queue settings, returning the max sends to one user, max sends to all users, max queued files to one user, and max queued files to all users. If dccmaxqall is zero, queueing has been disabled.
Make sure you properly respect $halted and /halt and the & prefix in your events, where appropriate. As long as you don't do anything stupid like /unsetall, or name your aliases and variables with conflicting names, most normal mIRC code should run fine under PnP.
The following information is a quick reference of almost all hashes, variables, configuration items, timers, etc. that PnP uses at this time. It is copied directly from my development notes, so please forgive the formatting and sparse descriptions.
collects whois data during a whois/whowas
stores who queue data
$cid.$chan = cmd for a queued /who on a channel
stores whois queue data
$cid.$nick = window whois was performed from
stores dns queue data
$cid.:$nick = for queueing a nick (unset on disconnect)
$cid.$address = for queueing an address
stores userhost queue data
$cid.$1 = numbered item in a connection's queue
$cid.head = position of first item in a connection's queue (where new ones are added)
$cid.tail = position of last item in a connection's queue
stores ping data
:nick = info on a pending ping for this nick- ticks window ctcp
count.$chan = total count of pings for channel remaining
total.$chan = total ping time received (ticks)
reply.$chan = total ping replies received
avg.$chan = average ping time so far (ticks)
retains ping data
last = number of last line stored
$1 = line of data
stores state data for a connection
stuff unset on disconnect has name beginning with -hyphen
away = away status and settings- oldnick awaytime modes reason...
-titleavg.$chan = what to show in titlebar as average ping for that window
net = current network name or 'offline'
-self.lag = current self lag, display version
-self.ticks = current/last self lag in ticks
-sp.$1 = self ping tick values
-sp.index = last self ping code sent
-sp.count = countup of seconds from when we sent the last self ping
-nickretake = nickname to retake
-nickrc = nickname we are currently checking for retake
-quithalt = tracks times we've quit before a disconnect, to hide later quits and note the disconnect was voluntary
-servnick = nicknames of all services on this network
-servaddr = addresses/access cmds of all services on this network; when setting this var replace ??? with blah.net
-serv = codes of all service types supported on this network
-servopt = service options codes
-myself = my address
-modes = max modes per line
-feat = server features
-target = max targets per msg on server
-nicklen = max length of nickname
-awayword.$site = if this site has used an awayword during this away period
-awayword.! = if any nick has used an awayword in the last X seconds
-awayremind.$site = if this site has been remined that we're away
-awayremind.! = if any nick has been reminded that we're away in the last X seconds
timedclose = queries to close on a timed basis (while away)
title = current title display options
-unbanscan.$chan = masks we are scanning a channel for to unban, space-separated
-unbanfound.$chan = bans we found to unban during scan, space-separated
-csacc.$chan = set to 'fop' when founder access is assumed and logged in
oldrnick = old nick before random change
-delayrnick = keeps us from random nick changing too often (due to protection)
-last.msg = last priv msg received (extras addon)
-last.ntc = last priv notice received (extras addon)
-ezping.$nick = If we are currently ezping'ing nick
-kstat.recentkick.$chan = addresses of recent kicks for kickstats to note a future ban
-invited = channels we've been invited to that we're MODEing
-invited2 = channels we've been invited to that we MODEed and we're awaiting a possible 329 raw (just to hide it)
-invn.$chan = who invited us to a given channel
-chaninfo = channels we are doing /chaninfo on
-dwho.* = counts/data from most recent /who
-namec.* = counts/data from most recent /names
-servping.$server = server ping data
-servmask = server masks we've pinged (and haven't replied)
-ns.min = minimum hops during nearby server search
-ns.max = maximum hops during nearby server search
-ns.found = found nearby servers
-notify.nick.$nick = actual nickname of a notify nick (proper case)
-notify.waiting.$nick = 1 waiting on userhos 2 unnotify shown so don't show notify
-notify.hid.$nick = true if we hid the notify for a given nick
-notify.on.$nick = data on a notify nick, ctime address status (fail, etc?)
-massjoin = mass join halts when this reaches too high
-ircopchk.$chan = queues ircop checks for a channel until 5 or .5s
nsinuse = nick in use on connect, stored until fully connected
-queryni.$nick = true if query is not idle recently
-chanidle.$chan = ctime of last time we joined/typed in channel
-notifychk = queues notify checks until 5 or .5s
-joining.$chan = 1 if joining channel (2 if waiting on join twice, 3 thrice, etc.)
-joining2.$chan = 1 if waiting for raw 329 upon joining channel (2 if waiting on join twice, 3 thrice, etc.)
-motd.req = true if requested a MOTD
-keyattempt.$chan = current position in remembered keys we are trying
-rawthrottle.$numeric = throttles a raw for 15 or so secs
-repjoin = channels we are reattempting to join
-signon = signon status
-matched = server version that was matched during signon (cleared after signon complete)
lastsound = last sound played publically
leechcmds = current set of leech cmds
-search.$site = user currently doing a sound search
-xwacc.username = current xw username (logged in as)
-xwacc.savenewpw = cmd to run to save new xw pw (not actually saved until x sends a confirmation notice)
-xwacc.$chan = access in channel
-xwacc.skip = skip all xw logins for now
-xwacc.skip.$chan = skip xw logins to channel for now
-xwacc.skipsplit = skip xw username logins when x joins, for now (because it's already joined another channel recently)
-nsacc.skip.$nick = skip ns logins to nickname for now
-portscan = true if in the middle of a portscan
-listsilence = true if in the middle of a /silence list
-servinfo = true if in the middle of a /info request
-statsw = true if in a /stats w (ignoring most server notices)
-linesep.signon = 1 during signon to show a disps-div as soon as a servernotice/motd begins; 2 if already shown linesep but still waiting for MOTD (so we can intercept MOTDs without begin-of-MOTD raws)
-waitingback = number of /backs we're waiting on before sending another away
-waitingaway = an /away to send after we receive all queued /backs
stores state data, non-connection specific
away = if away on ANY server, away settings- beepsoff soundsoff wasautoaway
pager = pager setting
logging = awaylogging enabled (on any connection that's away)
awaylog = filename of awaylog
awaylog.* = awaylog counts (global across all connections that are away)
alog.$1 = awaylog viewing settings for a specific @awaylog window
newpages = new pager messages (global across all connections that are away)
totalpages = total pager messages (global across all connections that are away)
clear.pager = true to clear pager when it closes
lastsrec = last recently-seen item used (anywhere)
addon.ids = ids of all loaded addons
addon.i = interfaces used by all loaded addons
addon.i.$1 = all addons using a given interface ($1)
user = currently selected user profile
ext = temp file 'extension' for this mirc
opt.n$1 = option data from mirc.ini, cached
in.flash = if currently flashing
locked.title = locked titlebar contents
title.note = titlebar note
key.exp.$1 = when a given fkey expires
chat.open.$nick = how a given dcc chat was opened (auto, ask, request, auto server, ask server)
autoaway.count = time before auto away kicks in (dialog being open)
dccping = dcc ping flood counter
startupconnect = server to connect to on startup (used during startup sequence)
colordlg = color clicked on in a dlg- dname did
colorwait = color dlg mouse movement variable
qpick.$1 = checkbox status of item $1 on quick pick popup
qpick.cmd = cmd to run on quick pick popup
detailsort = sorting method for server details window (not remembered on exit)
portsort = sorting method for ports window (not remembered on exit)
ev.def = caches default mirc events settings
ev.$chan = caches mirc channel events settings
hidden = true if any windows currently hidden
picture.$1 = current filename shown in viewpic window $1
calibrate.$1 = current position in directory for viewpic window $1
sound.cont = true for continuous sound play
pqa.soundtarg = last active window to use when playing to "active" from a queue/playlist
grab.focus = true to grab application focus if lost (sec for a short time- 4 sec or so only)
install.target = upgrade directory to install to (download to)
install.dir = upgrade directory to d/l temp files to
install.size = total size of all files to d/l
install.pos = current byte position within all files to d/l
install.set = current set of files being downloaded- space-delimited- each file is size/crc/url
install.what = current file being downloaded (first token from install.set)
install.filesize = filesize remaining of current file
install.get = url of current file
install.to = filename we're downloading to (in temp dir)
install.line = current item being downloaded (a line from the data window of upgrades)
qhelp.final = number of last quickhelp box
qhelp.flip = flips between colors
qhelp.last = number of last box flashed
qhelp.n.$1 = type of quickhelp box
qhelp.$1 = coords of quickhelp box
stores configuration data
show.fkeys = true to show fkeys with notify events
nc.char = nickcompletion character(s)
nci.char = inline nickcompletion prefix
nc.cmd = whether to nick complete in cmds
strip.auto = to strip codes from all publically-sent text
title.bar = to use pnp's titlebar display
autoaway = if auto away is enabled
autoaway.time = time before auto away triggers (sec)
awaylog.perm = permanent away log
awaylog.chan = level of channel events to log
awaylog.msg = true to log priv msgs
awaylog.close = 1 to close queries 20s after logging priv msgs, 2 to do so immediately
awaywords = awaywords on or off
awaywords.hl = trigger awaywords response on any triggering of highlight settings
awaywords.words = awaywords comma separated
awaywords.limit = limit awaywords/hl triggers to certain channels
awaywords.chans = channels for these triggers to limit to
away.remind = if away reminders are enabled
popups.hideop = true to hide op cmds if not opped
popups.1 = menu popup settings
popups.2 = query popup settings
popups.3 = channel popup settings
popups.4 = nicklist popup settings
popups.5 = status popup settings
popups.6 = custom popup settings
myflood.prot = self protection settings - bit 1 = ctcp prots on; 2 = dcc prots/accepts on; 4 = switch to random nick; 8 = reply to version ctcp; 16 = reply to other ctcps
dcc.opt = autoaccept modes for dccs- $mid(usertype*2) (+0 chat +1 send) types- HERE 0 known 1 unknown AWAY 2 known 3 un 4 dccauth; value = 0 auto 1 ignore 2 ignore w/notice 3 ask
ping.bulk = target window for bulk ping reply display- @Ping, *, none, -ai2, -si2
ping.one = target window for single ping reply- *, -ai2, -si2
ping.focus = @ping window focus- min, front, norm
ping.retain = Retain channel ping replies for later
lagtime = seconds before a user is colored as "lagged"
show.pingcode = true to show numbers sent in ping ctcps
xchat.cfg = extreme chat flood options
xnotice.cfg = extreme notice flood options
dccqueueclean = when to clean the DCC queue options
kickstat = 0 off 1 on 2 quiet
kickstat.kick = min kicks to show on join
kickstat.ban = min bans to show on join
docountry = show country codes in whois
ezping.on = ezping enabled
ezping.opt = ezping options
ezping.reply = reply to send
ezping.phrase = comma-separated ezping phrases
copy.query = copy query msgs to active window
op.notice = where to show op/etc notices- 0 chan 1 window 2 events window
serv.notice = where to show services notices 0 normal 1 window 2 status
reg.notice = where to show regular notices 0 normal 1 window 2 status
event.*.$chan = where to show specific channel's events
event.* = where to show all other channels' events
flash.opt = flash options- position 1 query here 2 query away 3 msg here 4 msg away 5 chat here 6 chat away (0 = off 1 = on)
lastseen.opt = last seen options
whois.win = whois output window
whois.nick = how to show nicks in whois
whois.shared = show shared whois chans in bold
themecol = color nicks in channel
ns.autoupdate = autoupdate nickserv logins
ns.autoghost = autoghost nickserv
ns.autorecover = autorecover nickserv
notify.win = window for notify display, or 'off'
stricts[.$chan] = strictmode/topic settings
stricttopic[.$chan] = stricttopic
cflags[.$chan] = channel flags (in /protedit)
chopt[.$chan] = channel options (in /config)
wordk1.[$chan|*] = protect- wordkicks 1 list
wordk2.[$chan|*] = protect- wordkicks 2 list
pervscan.[$chan|*] = protect- perv scan list
snotice.on = snotice filtering on
snotice.f = snotice filters
snotice.win = snotice display window
wallop.on = wallop filtering on
wallop.f = wallop filters
wallop.win = wallop display window
soundtarg = current window to play sounds to, by default
soundtype = current sound type
sound.trig = sound triggers
sound.trigtype = type of sounds associated with sound cmds
sound.textfile = most recent sound text file
sound.grab = sound grab settings
sound.grabchans = comma-delimited channels we will grab from
sound.grabmatch = comma-delimited masks we will grab
sound.sendchan = channels we allow leeching from
sound.sendmatch = masks we allow leeching of
sound.maxmatch = max matches to send on a search
bracket.left = left public bracket
bracket.right = right public bracket
stores recently seen channels, nicks, etc. for a connection
$1 is a type
each recent item is stored as it's own item; data varies by type
item '*' stores list of recent items in order by name only
stores PERSONAL flood counts for a connection
any flood counters NOT in this hash need to be cleared manually (in /defld)
currently used by _genflood
recd.seen = !seens within 20 sec
recd.inv = invites within 30 sec
recd.inv.$site = invites from site within 30 sec
recd.page = pages received recently (flood prot)
recd.page.$site = pages received recently from site (flood prot)
recd.ver.$site = if received a VERSION from $site recently
recd.echo = oversized ECHOs or PINGs within last 16 seconds
recd.quick = CTCPs within last 3 seconds
recd.ctcp = CTCPs within last 16 seconds
recd.ctcp.$site = CTCPs from a $site within last 16 seconds
recd.ctcpr = CTCP replies within last 3 seconds
recd.ctcpr.$site = CTCPs from a $site within last 5 seconds
recd.dcc = DCCs within last 16 seconds
recd.dcc.$site = DCCs from a $site within last 16 seconds
ignore.ctcp = True to ignore CTCPs (set when flood prot triggered)
ignore.ctcp.$site = True to ignore CTCPs from a site
ezping = Number ezping in last 16 sec
dcc.$nick = dcc in-chat flood (not really cid specific but not really important)
notice.$site = notice flood
noticehalt.$site = ignore notices from site
noticehalt.mass = ignore notices from all
noticemass = next notice flood is considered a flood from -all- sites
newquery = new query open flood
newqueryhalt = ignore new queries
leechflood = leech attempts
leechflood.$site = leech attempts
opme.$site = OPME cmds/related cmds
spamremind.$site = reminded site for spam in past 30 sec
spamremind = reminded users for spam in past 20 sec
stores CHANNEL flood counters and related items
created/flushed when you join, killed on part/kick
kicked.$nick = 10 sec delay to prevent kicking a user many times
didstrict = 10 sec delay to prevent multiple strictmode enforcements
stricttopic = counts strict topics recently, starts deopping users after 2
strictmode = counts strict modes recently, starts deopping users after 2
strictmodewait = waiting for MODE reply (324) before handling strictmode
lastleave = addresses of 10 last user(s) to part/be kicked (most recent is first token)
lastban = last 10 ban(s) made (most recent is first token)
lastunban = last 10 unban(s) made (most recent is first token)
mass.modes = mass modes being set
mass.who = targets of mass modes
mass.ovh = type of last mass mode o v or h (for servers where you can't mix modes)
wait.$1.[$nick|$wildsite] = whether to wait on punishments temporarily ($1 = type of protection)
act.$1.[$nick|$wildsite] = punishment currently being used on this user ($1 = type of protection)
fld.$1.[$nick|$wildsite] = tracks flood counts ($1 = type of protection)
fld.ctcp = flood count, all site ctcp flood (punished by wildsite)
last.$nick = last line said by a user
prot.text = if this channel is being protected (text)
prot.ctcp = if this channel is being protected (ctcp)
prot.misc = if this channel is being protected (misc)
split.$nick = if nick was part of last split (as soon as a user from a split joins, all split users are cleared soon thereafter)
xdcc.$site = XDCC request floods
queues commands to prevent flooding
a few misc vars used while about dialog is open
item named after userid@address, slightly garbled
data contains num kicks, num bans, address, kicker address, chan, ctime, reason
startup queue
$1 = numbered item in startup queue
head = position of first item in queue (where new ones are added)
tail = position of last item in queue
ticks = ticks when started
firsttime = true if first time
errors = error count
ddeskip = timer to skip dde
stores dialog color items
$did = color of did (0-16)
stores nickname colors and color-related flags
item is nickname
custom window settings
select = to show select all item, and how many lines to skip if so
copy = to show copy item
window = to show window menu (was 'nolog' before)
log = to show log menu
help = to show help item
remember = to remember position
flags = flags window was opened with- -flags +flags otherstuff... (was main window var before)
position = recorded position
default = default position
onclose = alias to call when window closes
stores lastseen data for a network
data = fulladdress ctime channel
u$1 = userid lastseen
n$1 = nickname lastseen
xwconfig dialog data
not net/cid/chan specific because only one dialog can open at a time currently
chan = channel
bot = bot name
cid = cid of connection
auto = 1 if autoop is enabled for new users
deop = mass deop pro amt
nickfld = nick flood pro amt
flood = flood pro amt
noop = no ops allowed
alwaysop = always op bot
oponly = op cmd only
strictop = strictop on
autotopic = autotopic on
autojoin = autojoin flag on
desc = description
keywords = keywords
url = url
init = if currently in process of opening dialog
receiving = if currently receiving NOTICE data
Used in themeing for various purposes
.repjoin.$cid = repjoins for a connection
.startup.resume = restarts startup on error
.startup.ddeoops = fixes dde semaphor in case of error
.nickretake.$cid = nick retake check
.awayrep.$cid = repeating away message
.nicktoofast.$cid = reattempt nick after a nick too fast error
.dtqc.$cid = do timed query close (for queries while away)
.auth.$mask = removal of dcc auth for a user (mask replaces * with `, ? with ')
.dcc.queue = checks and updates the DCC queue
.antiidle = anti idle
.lagupdate = lagbar update
.lagbar = lagbar movement via dragging mouse
.kickstat.flush = saves kickstat data after changes
.qpickfin = used to cleanup quickpick popup vars
.ircop.uh.$cid.$chan = flushes userhost queue for ircop checks on join for a channel
.notify.uh.$cid = flushes userhost queue for notify
.cacheseen.$network = flushes lastseen data to disk
.nukedetect = detects nuke batch file is complete
.nukerepeat = repeats nuke batch file
.arpdetect = detects arp batch file is complete
.page.waiting = resets "waiting" page on theme dialog
.unban.$cid.$mask = timer to unban a ban (mask replaces * with `, ? with ')
.massmode.$cid.$chan = flushes mass mode changes for a CID/channel
.clearsplit.$cid.$chan = cleans split.* data from channel flood data (started when a user that -was- split joins)
.limitfresh.$cid.$chan = refreshes limit
.squeue = plays next song in queue
.quickflash = flashes quickhelp
.kill.progress = closes progress meter .5s after 100% reached
.movepic = picwin movement via dragging mouse
.xdccad = XDCC advertisement timer
.clear.whois.$cid = clears twhois.$cid even if there's an error
.config.msgpreview = shows msg preview in config dialog
.startsaveini = saves ini after startup (30s) when starting a second profile
.line.dance.$cid = runs queued cmds
PNP.SELFPING <ticks> <duration...>
called when a selfping returns
called when status window opens or closes (not called for first status window on startup)
called after all services/features vars are set for a connection
PNP.TRANSLATE <language>
called after a translation finishes- regenerate popups, vars, theme events, reset #groups
also called any other time pnp files are dynamically updated
PNP.DRAGDROP [s|n] [window] [filename]
%=* = recent popup lists (not connection-specific)
%.* = temp variables
%:* = theme variables
%<* = list of channel we're protecting on any cid anywhere (* if list would be too long)
[cfg] is main section. Each entry is a configuration option-
notify.match = hide/show/ext = Action on notify if address matches
notify.nocheck = hide/show/ext = Action on notify if no addr check
notify.fail = hide/show/ext = Action on notify if address check fails
notify.beepmatch = t/f = Beep if notify and match
notify.beepnocheck = t/f = Beep if notify and no addr check
notify.beepfail = t/f = Beep if notify and fails
unotify.match = hide/show/ext = Action on unnotify if matched
unotify.nocheck = hide/show/ext = Action on unnotify if no addr check
unotify.fail = hide/show/ext = Action on unnotify if failed
unotify.part = t/f = True to show unnotifies in part color
whois.q = t/f = True to show whois info in query/chat if open
whois.focus = min/front/norm = Minimize @Whois, bring to front, or normal
whois.retain = t/f = True to retain @Whois contents
whois.serv = t/f = True to show extended server info
show.names = 0/1/2 = 0 to hide names output on join, 1 for channel, 2 for status (on join)
eroute = -ai2/-si2 = Where to route standard events (CTCPs etc)
sptime = n = Time between self lag checks (auto) 0 for off
spwarn1 = n = Time before first self lag warning
spwarn2 = n = Time before second self lag warning
motd.win = -si2/@MOTD = MOTD window
motd.disp = on/off/changes = When to show MOTD (auto)
verify.inv = t/f = True to verify invites are to legit channels
away.pager = t/f/quiet = Default pager setting on away
back.pager = t/f/quiet = Default pager setting when not away
away.log = t/f = Default logging setting on away
away.msg = t/f = True to /ame to chats/queries on away
autoaway.log = t/f = Logging setting on auto away
autoaway.pager = t/f/quiet = Pager setting on auto away
autoaway.quiet = t/f = Set auto away quietly
autoaway.ask = t/f = True to warn when setting autoaway
away.allconnect = t/f = Away in all connections by default?
away.chan = t/f = True to /ame to channels on away
away.ignchan = t/f = True to ignore sending to certain channels
away.ignchanlist = Channel list (comma-delimited) to not send away msg to
away.ignidle = t/f = True to ignore sending to idle channels
away.ignidletime = Minutes to be idle before ignoring that channel for away msg
away.act = t/f = True to away as an action (false for a msg)
away.beepoff = t/f = True to disable event beeps
away.sndoff = t/f = True to disable sounds
away.chnick = t/f = True to change nicks on away
away.nick = Nickname used when away (&me& allowed)
away.rep = t/f = True for a repeating away message
away.delay = Repeating away message delay (in minutes)
awaylog.clear = t/f = True to clear away log on new away (always on startup)
awaylog.view = Default viewing options for awaylog
umode = User mode (default)
uaway = User mode while away
reserve.fkey = 0/1/2 = 0 reserve F7 queue; 1 reserve F10 queue; 2 reserve none
fill.chan = t/f = True to auto-fill channel menu (false to lock)
num.chan = n = Number of entries in channel menu (0 to 15) affects auto-fill only
b.ban = t/f = True for /b to /ban, false for /b to /back
away.closeq = t/f = True to close queries on away
away.deop = t/f = True to deop on away
pager.classic = t/f = True for 'classic' pager window
away.dq = t/f = True to enable dedicated query window when away
nickcol = t/f = True to color nicklist
texts = t/f = True to enable text scheme support (scheme is in text.dat)
scan.flag = Default scan flags
recent.auto = t/f = False to cycle through recent lists, True to auto-perform first one
format.date = format to display date in
format.time = format to display time in
title.here = options for titlebar when here
title.away = options for titlebar when away
nc.ask = ask about multiple matches for any nick completion
dc.1 = n = status doubleclick action
dc.2 = n = query doubleclick action
dc.3 = n = channel doubleclick action
dc.4 = n = nicklist doubleclick action
dc.5 = n = notify doubleclick action
xquery.cfg = extreme query flood settings- on/off, total, secs
flash.here = n = number of seconds to flash if here (0 = infinite)
flash.away = n = number of seconds to flash if away (0 = infinite)
dccmaxsendone = n = max dccs to one person (script-initiated)
dccmaxsendall = n = max dccs to all (script-initiated)
dccmaxqone = n = max dccs queued to one person
dccmaxqall = n = max dccs queued total (0 for no queue)
dccsendhide = t/f = true to hide script-initiated dcc sends
dccqueuehide = t/f = true to hide dcc queue by default
hidesplash = t/f = true to hide splash screen on startup
topic.sep = separator used in /atopic (hidden setting)
Space seperated tokens, position defines setting
All settings defined for every channel present (no ? 'fallthrough' like cflags)
Settings 5-15 are 0 off 1 on
1 Default tempban seconds
2 Tempban type
3 Banmask ident
4 Banmask host
5 Check op status before cmds
6 Display note when chan prot triggered
7 Show clones on join
8 Delay between kicks
9 IRCop check on join
10 Show banned users
11 Whois on join
12 Only whois-on-join if opped
13 Don't whois on join if away
14 Show whois on join in channel
15 Cycle for ops? (may be null for off also)
Space seperated tokens, position defines setting
Values of 0 off 1+ on ? to use global default
1 Act on X clones
2 Detect clones by ident only
3 Mode set on mass join flood (s2p)
4 Act on X nick changes...
5 ...in X seconds
6 Act on X bytes text...
7 ...in X seconds
8 Act on X lines text...
9 ...in X seconds
10 Act on X repeats...
11 ...in X seconds
12 Act on X notices...
13 ...in X seconds
14 Act on X% caps...
15 ...in X letters
16 (unused)
17 Act on X attribute codes...
18 ...in X seconds
19 Act on X attribute codes in one line
20 One topic treated as X text lines
21 One sound treated as X text lines
22 Scan for bad channels?
23 Enforce bans
24 Word kicks enabled (group 1)
25 Word kicks enabled (group 2)
26 (unused)
27 (unused)
28 Use CTCP points (if disabled, all = 1)
29 Act on X CTCP points from one site...
30 ...in X seconds
31 Act on X CTCP points from all sites...
32 ...in X seconds
33 CTCP points for PING
34 CTCP points for ECHO (or large PING)
35 CTCP points for TIME
36 CTCP points for VERSION
37 CTCP points for USERINFO
38 CTCP points for CLIENTINFO
39 CTCP points for SOUND
40 CTCP points for XDCC/?DCC
41 CTCP points for DCC
42 CTCP points for FINGER
43 CTCP points for other
44 CTCP points for replies
45 Self ban protection enabled
46 Act on X deops...
47 ...in X seconds
48 Act on X kicks...
49 ...in X seconds
50 Act if X users banned (from 2 or more bans)...
51 ...in X seconds
52 Act on X or more bans... (that ban people)
53 ...in X seconds
54 Detect +l 1
55 Detect +kl, +li, or +ki in one mode change
56 Self ban protection ignores !@ bans
57 Act on X JOINs/PARTs...
58 ...in X seconds
59 Enable mass join flood protect-
60 Act on X% joins...
61 ...at least X joins required...
62 ...no more than X joins required...
63 ...in X seconds
64 Enable limit protection-
65 Keep limit at X% extra...
66 ...at least X extra...
67 ...no more than X extra...
68 ...and refresh after X seconds
69 Ops immune
70 Voiced users immune
71 Text protections enabled
72 CTCP protections enabled (including DCC)
73 Other protections enabled
74 DCC protection on (invalid DCCs)
75 Seconds before next action
76 Seconds before resetting actions
77 Bitch mode enabled (known/unknown users)
78 Bitch mode for serverops
79 (unused)
80 Halfop users immune