Develop Phoenix Elixir with Docker!
- Elixir 1.6.1
- Phoenix 1.3.0
- Yarn
Install Docker for your machine here.
Clone this repo:
$ git clone [email protected]:pdarden/phoenix_elixir_docker.git
Create your project directory:
- Remove git remote
$ git remote remove origin
- Change directory name
$ cd .. && mv phoenix_elixir_docker <<new_project_name>> && cd <<new_project_name>>
Build new project:
$ docker-compose run web mix .
Build image again:
$ docker-compose build
Just add Dockerfile
, docker-compose.yml
, and
to your project and run
$ docker-compose build
In config/dev.exs
configure your database with this content (rename the database, see <<my_app_name>>
# Configure your database
config :<<my_app_name>>, <<MyAppName>>.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: System.get_env("POSTGRES_USER"),
password: System.get_env("POSTGRES_PASSWORD"),
database: "<<my_app_name>>_dev",
hostname: System.get_env("POSTGRES_HOST"),
pool_size: 10
In config/config.exs
# change this
# url: [host: "localhost"],
# to
url: [host: System.get_env("POSTGRES_HOST")],
$ mix deps.get
$ cd assets && yarn install && node node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build
- Setup the database for your project:
$ mix ecto.create
- Spinning up the rails server:
$ docker-compose up
Note: This will excute the commands in
- Visit http://localhost:4000 🚀
docker-compose run web <<commands>>
, runs commands in web service container E.g.,
$ docker-compose run web ecto.migrate
docker-compose run web bash
, runs bash to interact with the directory inside the web service containerdocker-compose build
, build image whenDockerfile
changes or when you want to update or add gems.docker-compose up
, starts up containers.docker-compose up -d
, starts up containers in the background.docker-compose down
, stops containers.docker-compose ps
, view container processes, container name, container id.docker attach <<contianer_name>>
, attach container to interact withIEx.pry
.Control + p
Control + q
, detach from container.