Flash/Alchemy port of the lightweight Shine MP3 Encoder
##Readme from: https://code.google.com/p/flash-kikko/
Shine (formely 8hz-MP3) is a simple lightweight C-based MP3 encoder made by LAME developer Gabriel Bouvigne.
The goal of this encoder was not quality, but simplicity. I tryed to simplify the encoding process as much as possible. So Shine is then a good starting point when a programmer needs a very simple MP3 encoder
- MP3 encoding of mono and stereo WAVs (no time limit)
- non-blocking encoding for progress status in flash
- errors automatically sent to flash for easy log/debug
Also, thanks to Bernard Hilger Visscher for his very helpful blog post http://blog.debit.nl/?p=67
import fr.kikko.lab.ShineMP3Encoder;
private function encodeToMP3(wavData:ByteArray):void {
mp3Encoder = new ShineMP3Encoder(wavData);
mp3Encoder.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, mp3EncodeComplete);
mp3Encoder.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, mp3EncodeProgress);
mp3Encoder.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, mp3EncodeError);
private function mp3EncodeProgress(event : ProgressEvent) : void {
trace(event.bytesLoaded, event.bytesTotal);
private function mp3EncodeError(event : ErrorEvent) : void {
trace("Error : ", event.text);
private function mp3EncodeComplete(event : Event) : void {
trace("Done !", mp3Encoder.mp3Data.length);