This is a starting point for integrating your service with PayNearMe's callback system. Provided in this project is a framework for handling incoming callbacks from PayNearMe and constructing the appropriate response. Each callback method includes an example implementation.
This package serves as a starting point for integrating paynearme callbacks into your existing ruby application stack. It is an example implementation and leaves implementation details up to the end user (you).
Add this line to your Rails app's Gemfile
gem 'paynearme_callbacks', :git => '[email protected]:paynearme/samplecode_ruby.git'
And then execute:
$ bundle
$ rails g pnm_callbacks:install
This will install the following files:
And adds the following to routes:
mount Paynearme::Callbacks::API => '/callbacks'
You can access the callbacks on{authorize,confirm}
Modify app/api/paynearme.rb
for proper integration into your systems.
- Rails 3.2.x (we recommend >= 3.2.15)
- Rails 4.0.x (we recommend >= 4.0.2)
For Rails 6 and above you will need to add the following to config/initializers/inflections.rb:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.acronym 'API'
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'paynearme_callbacks', :git => '[email protected]:paynearme/samplecode_ruby.git'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself by cloning this repo and:
$ rake build
$ gem install ./pkg/paynearme_callbacks-1.0.0.gem