Cli tool for redmine time managment
Main idea:
- You prepare configuration for transformation your csv for redmine time entries api format only once
- Regularly call this script for transfering your time entries and saving it in redmine
Transformation from Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc or GoogleDocs Spreadsheets:
Your configuration (config.json
) may be as:
"csv": {
"delimiter": "\t",
"columns": true,
"encoding": "utf8",
"quote": false
"rules": {
"columns": {
"issue": "Issue",
"activity": "Action",
"comment": "Description",
"time": "Time"
"time_type": "time",
"date_source": "argument",
"date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"issue_regexp": "\\d+",
"redmine": {
"url": "http://[email protected]",
"user_id": 123,
"default_issue": 456,
"activities": {
"Code": 1,
"Code Review": 2,
"Test": 3
"default_activity_code": 1
Next for GNU/Linux with Xorg, you can select table, tap CTRL+C for coping in system clipboard, and call command:
xsel -o | redmine-time-manager save --config=config.json --date=2022-02-01 --rewrite
Or for other system you can save into csv file (for example my-daily-time.csv
), and call command:
redmine-time-manager save --config=config.json --from-file=my-daily-time.csv --date=2022-02-01
Transformation from Hamster Time Tracker:
Your configuration (config.json
) may be as:
"csv": {
"delimiter": "\t",
"columns": true,
"encoding": "utf8",
"quote": false
"rules": {
"columns": {
"issue": "занятие",
"activity": "метки",
"comment": "описание",
"time": "длительность в минутах",
"date": "время начала",
"category": "категория"
"time_type": "minutes",
"date_source": "column",
"date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
"issue_regexp": "\\d+",
"query": "select * from ? where category = 'Work'",
"redmine": {
"url": "http://[email protected]",
"user_id": 123,
"default_issue": 456,
"activities": {
"Code": 1,
"Code Review": 2,
"Test": 3
"default_activity_code": 1
Hamster Time Tracker supported export reports to tsv format (csv by tab delimiters), and you can call command:
redmine-time-manager save --config=config.json --from-file=my-daily-time.tsv
- for this section see
- mapping rules for column names, must defined aliases for time, issue, activity, date, commenttime_type
- time format, may be "hours"/"minutes"/"time"date_source
- source of date, may be "column"/"argument"issue_regexp
- regexp of issue number, mostly -"\\d+"
- format of date, for exampleyyyy-MM-dd
- params for redmineurl
- your user iddefault_issue
- default issue numberactivities
- mapping rules of activity_id aliases in your Redmine instance
- filter of date like sql syntax
for example:select * from ? where category = 'Work'
$ npm install -g redmine-time-manager
$ redmine-time-manager COMMAND
running command...
$ redmine-time-manager (--version)
redmine-time-manager/0.2.3 linux-x64 node-v21.0.0
$ redmine-time-manager --help [COMMAND]
$ redmine-time-manager COMMAND
Display help for redmine-time-manager.
$ redmine-time-manager help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for redmine-time-manager.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Save time entries to redmine. Full documentation in README.
$ redmine-time-manager save -c <value> [--from-file <value>] [--date <value>] [--dry] [--rewrite]
-c, --config=<value> (required) [default: redmine-time-manager-config.json] Json config
--date=<value> Date. Must defined when config.date_source = "argument"
--dry For testing calls. Delete and write operations will be disabled.
--from-file=<value> Csv file. If undefined, will use stdin
--rewrite Redmine data at choosed date will be rewrited.
Save time entries to redmine. Full documentation in README.
$ redmine-time-manager save --config=config.json --date=2000-01-01 --rewrite --from-file=my-work-time.csv # reading from csv file
$ xsel -o | redmine-time-manager save --config=config.json --date=2000-01-01 --rewrite # reading csv from stdin from Xorg clipboard
See code: dist/commands/save.ts